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Everything posted by max21

  1. It’s Alexander Ovechkin, it’s not even remotely a debate. Anyone who thinks it’s Darrel Green is delusional. The real question is will they make a statue of the Great 8.
  2. I haven’t read and fan theories or spoilers so far, I did that for season 7 and ruined it. I read about the ice dragon and everything before the first episode on a “fan” theory, never again.
  3. I think we can all agree that movie sucked, regardless of runtime. It was a long boring movie. I don’t see how Endgame can be less than 3 hours imo, it’s gunna be insane.
  4. Started peaky blinders over the weekend, pretty sick so far. I know I’m late Cillian Murphy is an underrated actor
  5. The reviews were right folks, the new Jurassic park sucked major butthole
  6. I didn’t think Captain Marvel was all that good, they coulda kept the entire Cap Marvel stuff out of the Avengers IMO. I want to see the Day 1s kill Thanos. Just my opinion. It would be lame if she’s the one who takes him down.
  7. My GF watches the bachelor, and I’m here to tell you it’s the WORST **** I’ve ever seen on television. I’m not ashamed to say I watched an episode but my god how people take that show serious is dumbfounding. Seriously all you see is a grown man cry and French kiss 7 women a night. I’m ****in pissed
  8. Just finished the Finale of season 3, it’s hard to compare really to season 1 but they were both great. The finale had a good twist were I thought in season 1 you kinda knew what was gunna happen. The acting was AWESOME in season 3, Mahershala Ali might be one of my favorite actors now.
  9. Do you watch Game of thrones? I don’t think it would be possible to wait for an entire season to be able to binge it at the end. But I agree it’s awesome if you’re able to watch it all in a marathon.
  10. Anyone else watching the new True detective? Finally just watched last nights episode and it was AWESOME. The best episode so far Sounds pretty good, might have to check it out
  11. I just got into a discussion about the wall with some peers and one asked me why do I lock my doors or put a fence around my house then? I was dumbfounded. It doesn’t take an illegal immigrant to come into my house and steal my stuff. What kind of an argument is that?
  12. You weren’t able to clear? Afrin and Sudafed my friend. I’ve had some terrible squeezes and just load up on Sudafed.
  13. Absolutely no way The Predator is worse than Venom, to each their own but that’s laughable. I usually critic movies harshly but I thought Venom was not a bad movie, I’m surprised it’s gets such negative reviews. Not Hardy’s best movie but I thought it was a decent flick. I did watch the movie Snatch last night, probably one of my favorite movies I’ve seen lately. Funny as hell and a bunch of good actors, could barely understand Brad Pitt at times but he was awesome in it.
  14. The new True Detective seems pretty awesome so far, Mahershala Ali is a great actor.
  15. Daenerys is by far the hottest for me, maybe she gets so much screen time we take her for granted. Melisandre is also a very attractive woman, with and without her necklace on.
  16. Had to turn the Caps game off before I threw the remote through the TV so I watched the movie Searching. I definitely enjoyed it, different kind of movie where everything is seen through a computer screen. Had some good twists. The guy from Harold and Kumar is in it.
  17. The Witch - No idea what I just watched, don’t waste your time. It’s hard to find good scary movies these days, I’d rather squirt lemon juice in my eyes than watch that again.
  18. A Simple Favor- No clue if I was trying to watch a Romantic Comedy or an episode of Law and Order. Not a good movie, was forced to watch because my girlfriend says “We always watch the movies you want to watch” Blood Diamond - Don’t know how I’ve never seen this , solid performance by Leonardo. Overall a good movie, was busy reading about Africa and it’s conflicts for a good while afterwards. Not that it matters but I was pretty intrigued.
  19. Just saw Bumblebee, I liked it. It turned into too much of a feel good kid story for my taste at the end, but then again I’m not a kid. The Retro transformers and the fights were awesome, you get a look at cyberton also which was cool. Much better than the the previous few transformer movies.
  20. I enjoyed the hell out of Venom. Not sure how they were going to pull off the PG-13 rating since Venom is literally the most gruesome, violent villain that marvel made but they did somehow. Hardy is just a great actor, I’ll see any movie that guy is in.
  21. Sua Cravens was really good last night, definitely miss him on the team.
  22. The burgundy on white is a very clean, sharp look imo. Not sure why it gets all the hate. Are we doing burgundy on burgundy again this year?
  23. Just walked out of Venom, I loved it. I didn’t think the CGI was bad at all but didn’t like how the final scene was in the trailer.
  24. Seriously, Kupp a 3rd round pick is lightyears ahead of Doctson. All those guys are elusive, I feel like Doctson just wants to fall down.
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