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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. Yeah. It'll probably be like when the killer is revealed at the end of Scream 2.
  2. I have mentioned it before, and I will say it again. People do not understand what we are fighting against. This has nothing to do with whether Trump did or didn't collude. It has nothing to do with how many are indicted, jailed, or ultimately impeached. Trump supporters are engaged in an all out war against liberalism and what it represents. To that end, they would rather have Russia run our elections than to have true equality for minorities, gays, women, etc. It's a push back against science. It's an all out assault on the legacy of a black president. People continue to think there will be an "Aha!" moment for Trump voters and they will understand that they made a mistake. That moment is not coming. It is never gonna come. Because this has nothing to do with Trump or Russia in the first place.
  3. Just think if Hillary was indicted Monday and nobody else. I'm expecting Manafort to be the first guy.
  4. Man, why you gotta subject the rest of us to seeing him respond to this? Line ‘em up Mueller. Let’s kick start this party.
  5. Lonzo can play. Devin Booker's jump shot is pure.
  6. I really don't understand the point of a Sessions hearing. He's just saying the same lying garbage he said the first time. The religious liberty stuff was particularly nauseating, it's like a modern day version of witch burning. I did enjoy watching Stuart Smalley give him the business, although I think I'd rather have my tax dollars go to a taco truck that gives out free tacos.
  7. Andrew Wiggins is starting to put it all together. Watch out. I like Fultz, but I thought Lonzo and Tatum were better prospects. I'm probably in the minority, but I'm excited to see Lonzo play. I'm not a Lakers fan by any stretch, but the league is better when they have a competitive team and not the church league squad they've trotted out the last few years.
  8. I think Kylo is talking about killing Leia.
  9. I'm excited to see it. I think this one will have the most potential of the 3.
  10. Kylo Ren really screwed up the reboot. He's a lame, hipster Vader. Chad Vader was a better character.
  11. It's not a theory. It's a fact. I bring up Big Pharma and their role in this garbage in every one of these sad, yet horribly predictable threads/incidents. The stuff they cram past the FDA is absolutely criminal. The side effects of these drugs, and their efforts to cover up/doctor studies is disgusting.
  12. Villeneuve is taking, in my opinion, his claim to the throne with this one. He's been earning it for a while but this will put him right beside Nolan as the most gifted director working in Hollywood. I'll also go see everything Aronofsky churns out, no matter what it is. He takes bigger story risks than anyone. I had forgotten about The Wailing. That was an awesome flick. Craziness.
  13. I do. Mueller is using the "pucker" factor right now on our boy Manafort. I'm betting he's got enough stuff on him already to put him and his hair piece away for the rest of his days. Mueller threatened to indict. Just giving Manafort time to come clean. And I think he will.
  14. JJ Abrams can eat a ****. What a laughable, horrible choice. **** you, Disney. What, The Force Awakens wasn't original enough for you? What, The Force Awakens wasn't original enough for you?
  15. I agree with your point. But I still want the tape. Or at least, confirmation of the tape. He deserves it.
  16. Mueller reminds me of the assassin from Scarface. Dude patiently climbs up the fire escape, walks slowly across the office while all hell is breaking loose, and handles his business.
  17. I agree. But I hear that it's going to happen. I hope it doesn't and that my friends are wrong about it.
  18. Saw a post from my friend in Durham. Says the KKK/Nazis have been increasing their presence throughout the day and their plan is to march at 4pm.
  19. Praying for peace in Durham. One of my friends has a live feed up on his FB page. Looks like a lot of anti-protestors have showed up. It's pretty surreal. To be clear, nothing has happened yet. It's just that this whole situation makes me nervous.
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