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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. I remember playing with Jarts (lawn darts) when I was a kid. They were fun. Some kid somewhere got hit in the head with one and died. They banned them after that. Cool story.
  2. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Mitch knew about this stuff. He's had ties to Russia dating back to the days when he served in Andrew Jackson's cabinet.
  3. Found this from an early draft of The Last Jedi. It's always interesting to get a behind the scenes look at the creative process.
  4. https://www.theonion.com/nra-calls-for-teachers-to-keep-loaded-gun-pointed-at-cl-1819575763
  5. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of a bunch of high school students. A sad and shameful time to be an American.
  6. I also think TWBB is a master work. Just awesome. Lewis is brutal here just in a more subtle way. And the score is amazing. I don’t even need to see the list to know it will win on Oscar night.
  7. The Phantom Thread. Paul Thomas Anderson takes a stab at a love story drama based on a famous dress maker. Daniel Day Lewis is up to his old acting tricks as the fiercely driven and cagey Reynolds Wood****. Vicky Krieps challenges him for the spotlight as his lover and creative inspiration. Both are incredible here. There's little doubt in my mind that Paul Thomas Anderson is the most gifted filmmaker working today. I say this with great respect for Villeneuve, Nolan, Aronofsky, Spielberg, etc. I just believe that a good Paul Thomas Anderson film is tough to beat. They just feel different. Like nobody else in the world could've created them. His work is always a must see for me. With all that praise out of the way, I did find the movie to be a bit tedious at times. It didn't bother me at all, but it is surely not a film for everybody. There are a couple of sordid elements that I wish would've been explored more. That's largely because I'm a bit twisted. Full disclosure, my favorite PTA film is The Master. Hoffman and Phoenix simply burned up the screen. I found that subject matter to be a bit more compelling than The Phantom Thread, but this movie is great in its own right. If easily bored, please stay away. If you like fine wine, then enjoy this piece of terrific, classic cinema. 3.5/4.
  8. I think people are looking past the reason for the memo. It was never meant to be anything other than a talking point. The memo exists as an excuse for Trump to fire Rosenstein and ultimately replace him with somebody who can fire Mueller. I do think that Trump is pissing in the wrong pool. Not sure he wants to go to full out war with the intelligence community. This is gonna get worse before it gets better. Sad times ahead.
  9. I have no idea why anyone is discussing the possibility of Trump meeting with Mueller. That ain’t ever gonna happen.
  10. Logging on to ES and seeing that twa was the last to post in the Russia thread feels the same as eating twelve microwave burritos. What kind of joint is rawstory? Are they legit?
  11. I have no idea why I opened this thread, I got caught wandering around the Tailgate. Anyway, I have some diet restrictions myself right now and food can get incredibly boring. I wanted to throw you this smoothie recipe, because I feel like it has really made a difference in my energy and exercise stamina. I don't use measuring cups so most of this is done with the good ole Alvin eyeball. 1 - Two handfuls romaine lettuce 2 - One big carrot 3 - Half cucumber 4 - Two celery stalks 5 - One avocado 6 - Two tangerines (outer peel removed) 7 - Two cups frozen mixed berries 8 - One and half scoops Burt's Bees Plant Protein Vanilla (It's gluten/dairy/soy free) 9 - 1/4 cup fresh parsley Add water to make the consistency you like it. The berries are key here to make it taste good. If it's bland, add more berries. Too tart, add more protein powder. Those are really the only two things I played around with before finding a flavor profile that I liked.
  12. The Post. A timely Spielberg flick about the Pentagon Papers and the efforts of the Nixon administration to muzzle the free press. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep lead the way, both with strong performances as the leaders of the struggling Washington Post. This is an important film. Unfortunately, it will most likely slide through the cracks. Thoroughly watchable, but not sure it ever reaches an engrossing level. I know this may sound nit picky, but Spielberg could use a new cinematographer. The "put a big ass light in every window" aesthetic is tired and distracting. The Supreme Court looks more like a space ship than a room of law. This is drama, not sci-fi. I think a more natural look would be preferable. Maybe something like...Spotlight. 3/4.
  13. Because these Intel hearings are just a dog and pony show. It's a pointless circus. Bannon could posture all he wants there to make himself look tough. Bannon struck a deal with Mueller. That leads me to believe that there's cooperation on some front. If not, I imagine Bannon would've been indicted. And he knows his moldy ass and booze beak woouldn't last one week in Attica.
  14. That's the kind of stuff that really pisses me off and I wish the left would stop doing it. All it does is feed the "fake news" narrative that they keep cramming down our throats. MSNBC needs to run a tighter ship.
  15. I can see that, but I don't think Manafort is being put up to anything. I think Manafort's lawyers are throwing the proverbial hail mary, and I think it gains zero traction. Manafort is going to prison. That Op-Ed from the Fusion GPS guy is pretty harsh. Even though we all think it's bad, I think there's a solid chance that this all turns out to be worse than we thought. Of course, I expect it to take another year or so for Mueller to get there. And I expect him to be fired once the sharks really start to circle.
  16. Shameful. What the hell have we done. It's not enough to say "I didn't vote for them", etc. This is our country. We are all to blame for this mess. We have to own it, fix it, and make sure it never happens again. Anything less is just excuses. What a disgusting end to a terrible year.
  17. Brother, I swear I think we might live in the same neighborhood. We should hang out some time. Discuss politics over a Sun Drop and a bag of pork rinds.
  18. Because it was the right thing to do? My dad used to punish me for things that weren’t always against the law.
  19. He's going to fire Mueller. If he doesn't fire him, the Russian investigation is gonna bring him down. So why not obstruct to the very end? What difference does it make?
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