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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. I'm self employed living in NC as well. I'm a liberal, but Obamacare has been an absolute disaster in our state. I'm grateful that people with pre-existing conditions can get the coverage they need, but I see and hear of many stories like yours from my family and friends. Under no circumstances should any family have to bear these kinds of financial burdens for healthcare. It's criminal.
  2. I posted the poster because it's so badass. I've been trying to dig a bit deeper this year on the week before Halloween. Browsing the 'best you haven't seen' lists, trying to find some gems to check out. I grabbed 4 dvds yesterday and Timecrimes was my first viewing. It did not disappoint. Kind of a mix between sci-fi/thriller with some horror tropes/elements, it was a lot of fun. It stays contained in its scope, which I think is a big bonus here. The story stays small without a lot of wasted movement. It also doesn't waste a lot of time trying to explain how things work, or rules, or why things have to be a certain way. It's hard to discuss the plot here without giving too much away, but it's about a guy who sees a naked woman in the woods and goes to investigate. Then shenanigans ensue! I was disappointed that I got the dubbed version, just because I prefer subtitles, but I still loved the film. If you wanna watch something a little dark, a little weird, and certainly clever, do yourself a favor and check out Timecrimes. If you can burn one before viewing....even better.
  3. Love to play. I live in Asheville, and would be down for a Charlotte round if anyone wanted to play.
  4. The Death of Superman Lives: What happened? This a documentary about the rise of the Tim Burton Superman reboot, and how it all fell apart. The film explores the ideas, scripts, suits, sketches, etc. It is an absolutely fascinating look at what goes on behind the scenes of all of these tent pole type films and makes one wonder how anything ever gets made. So many moving parts. The interviews with writers/producers/production designers/FX gurus are all awesome. There's a freaking laser suit that is totally badass. I highly recommend this for any comic nerd out there. Way more interesting, in my opinion, than any of the actual superhero films of recent memory. I can only wish they had been able to make it. The idea of a Nic Cage Superman film is amazing and terrifying all at the same time. I happened to catch this on Showtime, so DVR it and enjoy yourself.
  5. I'm not shocked that Nacho and Ross are inactive. Nacho had to play the final preseason game and Everett plays ST. Ross has made too many mistakes. Not surprised that Doctson is active either. Gruden is gonna line him up and chuck it out there. He is a frisbee catching dog.
  6. They just hated it. Didn't see the point in it. They were expecting a gory studio flick and got a cheap indie.
  7. Yep. Blair Witch sequel is gonna suck. I really enjoyed the original. I remember watching it with a packed theater that absolutely hated it.
  8. Some would consider this standard horror movie fare, but I think it's better than most. I worship at the house of horror, and I found this to be a very worthy addition. I'm not much of a witchcraft/spooky house/ghost asshole kinda guy. Give me a boogeyman anyday of the week. That's why this one worked for me. The villain is fantastic. Haven't really seen the blind man horror thing before, and no, I don't count Rutger Hauer's Blind Fury as a horror flick. From the moment he sat up in bed, he hooked me. That glazed stare. Good stuff. For a closed space, I thought the script kept firing bullets. I saw Green Room earlier this year, and while I would recommend that film, this is kinda what I was hoping for when I saw that flick. I thought the sequences stacked well. Not a lot of fat. There were a couple of elements added for shock, but they didn't bother me. I know the director also did the Evil Dead remake, which I refused to see out of respect for the original. I noticed Sam Raimi's name attached to the credits as a producer here. I hope they make more films together...just no more remakes.
  9. Hell or High Water. A lot of hype for this film. I really liked it, didn't love it. The movie is worth seeing just for Jeff Bridges. What an absolute talent he is. A true legend of the silver screen. He owns this film, and it really isn't close. The more I see Chris Pine, the less I like him. He just feels like a stock character to me in everything he's in. Middle of the road. A little bit flat. Maybe it's just me. Felt like all the pieces were here for something incredible, it just never seemed to soar for me. One of those films that you think 'that was really good', and then you don't remember anything about it a week later. Except for Jeff Bridges, of course.
  10. Lo and Behold. It's a documentary by Werner Herzog, who has done other great documentary films such as Grizzly Man. It's about the origins of the internet and some thoughts about where it will lead us. It's gotten great reviews, but I felt there was something lacking here. It's a Herzog flick, so I knew it would explore the human element, which it did. I just didn't see anything really groundbreaking about it. There weren't a whole lot of things brought up that I hadn't thought about at one time or another. Of course, I read a lot of stuff about A.I. and other science/philosophy type stuff. I've seen Through the Wormhole episodes that I found to be more engaging. I am excited to see Hell or High Water on Friday. I hear it is one of the best films of the year, and I would highly recommend checking it out in your area before they pull it. I don't usually recommend films I haven't seen yet, but I'm not sure how long it'll be in theaters. I will give a firmer recommendation on Saturday.
  11. Not giving up on MJones yet, but not sure he has the goods. Don't know if CT is good enough between the tackles. Not expecting much from Kelley or Marshall this year, but maybe solid depth. Alf was the best back to wear the B&G in a while, and part of what made him good was his ability to get something out of nothing. Or he could turn a TFL into a minimal gain. Don't see that out of our RBs. If they get hit behind the line, they're not getting back to LOS. I'd still like to see us spread the defense out. Go with 3/4 WR sets, with MJones or CT in the backfield. Run and screen out of that formation. Our heavier packages going back to last year look like crap. I'm not frustrated with it, as many here seem to be. We got the same guys on the OL as last season, Lauvao having a ton of surgeries certainly makes it difficult to get back to where he was. Another year in the system is helpful, but not a miracle worker. Hoping Reiter can step up and take Kory's spot. Not counting on it, but it would be nice. But who are we kidding anyway...we're gonna be chucking it on Sundays.
  12. The Arrival is the most anticipated movie of the year for me. Villeneuve has the goods. So we get The Arrival teaser, Dunkirk, Rogue One, and now...Allied. The new flick from Zemeckis. Excited for the fall.
  13. The tone of Rogue One is what I was hoping for from The Force Awakens. Really excited to check it out.
  14. Man, how DC continues to drop the ball on these flicks is frustrating. Almost as frustrating as Transformers and TMNT. Simply inexcusable. And I thought BvsS was better than most, but still several notches below what should have been a slam dunk. What is that Ben-Hur flick? Wow. Just wow. What an awful summer at the multiplex. I can't even post the Matt Damon/The Wall trailer because it's looks so laughable. Excited for the fall/Oscar blitz. For the record, I will check out Suicide Squad. Maybe after I see a special screening of John Carpenter's They Live tonight.
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