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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. Watching Sean Spicer presser now. Wish I hadn't just eaten lunch.
  2. I think the best way forward is for all citizens to claim responsibility for this mess. A simple 'I didn't vote for the guy' is just an excuse to continue to sit on the sidelines.
  3. I've heard the term 'illegal alien' on TV more this week than I care to remember. It reminded me of hearing it on the news as a kid, and I would perk up and pay attention because I thought I was gonna see some E.T. lookin' mofos get arrested.
  4. Trying to get caught up today. So Bannon was added to the National Security Council? That guy wants to start a war. I'm sure he'll succeed. What a terrible time in our history. God help us all.
  5. It has been discussed here, but I think the big story is that Bannon and Miller are running the White House. Our policies are being made by Breitbart, and it's incredibly dangerous. This ban has nothing to do with terror. It is a divisive tactic employed by white supremacists. The fact that those two nazis gained access to our policy making decisions is a total failure by our leadership and electorate.
  6. Get pissed at a man for taking a knee during the national because it's unpatriotic, but support closing our borders to immigrants. That's rich.
  7. I saw Split tonight. I got sucked into the idea that M. Knight was making a comeback, and I hate to say it, but I thought the movie was a major disappointment. There's nothing learned in the film that isn't shown in the trailer. No thrills. No scares. A really nice performance by James Mcavoy is wasted by M. Knight's tedious direction and over the top storytelling. The monster in the film is one of the most ridiculous creations I've seen in a long time. I almost spit out my drink from laughing. Is he a guy that has multiple personalities or is he ****ing Spiderman? It's not overly boring, so it's not a totally miserable time at the movies. I guess that counts for something. Also, the final shot of this film is absolute trash, and it shows how much M. Knight thinks of himself. A total joke that had nothing to do with the film, and added nothing at all.
  8. Why do you hurt me? I can see where you're coming from. I just find Bridges to be so effortless that he impresses me. Also, I can relate to a guy who wraps a sheet around him and disappears on a drunken bender into the plains. I truly thought Hell or Highwater could've been a classic. But I thought the combo of Foster/Pine and the directing sucked the life out of it to a degree. You drop Clint in there directing, with a Hardy/Leo/Pitt/Bale match up leading the way...yeah.
  9. Tread lightly, friend. It's warped on a lot of levels. I haven't seen several of the Best Picture noms. Gonna try to squeeze in a few more before they get pulled. The only musical I ever liked was Singin' in the Rain, so I doubt I'll be seeing La La Land. Of course it'll win everything, Hollywood loves musicals, especially a musical about Hollywood. I'm gonna checkout Silence this week, hopefully. I'm not sure how many more pics Scorsese has in him, but I will make sure to see them all on the big screen. Even though this one doesn't appear to be overly appealing. ETA: Michael Shannon up for Nocturnal Animals. My personal favorite out of that group. But it's gonna be hard to beat Jeff Bridges and the kid from Manchester.
  10. Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of Finn either. Thought his character was kinda racist. Only black storm trooper in the galaxy, and the first time we see him he quits his job and then steals a piece of company property on his way out. The Sith D-League is genius. I would watch that movie for sure.
  11. This is the kinda stuff that lets me know I'm in a deep, nerd convo. To each his own. I'm hoping the new film is darker and takes itself more seriously. TWA felt like fanboy porn to me.
  12. Haha! Et Tu Alvin? But seriously, Luke had Obi Wan in his ear. And he had the lightsaber training scene on the Millenium Falcon. There was at least some order to the process. What about your boy Finn? He have amnesia too? He get some lightsaber training at Storm Trooper camp? I'm not saying your theories are wrong. They sound very plausible. But that doesn't mean they're not weak as hell.
  13. I'm sure there's something more to Rey as well. A Jedi with amnesia is about the stupidest plot line I've ever heard. Just say it out loud one time. This is Star Wars, not General ****ing Hospital.
  14. The more I think about it, this title blows. In Abrams new Star Wars world, everyone is a ****ing jedi. You don't have to train or know ****. If you find a lightsaber in a pile of burning leaves, you can take on The Empire! You can be a confused woman and hold your own against the guy who gutted an entire unit of badasses by himself! It's movie magic! **** you JJ Abrams.
  15. I remember checking that one out in the theater as a kid. Good times. Whatever happens in The Last Jedi, I hope the director sacks up and makes it gritty and awesome.
  16. I haven't seen this yet, but am glad it finally got made. It had been bounced around for years. I actually had the pleasure of hanging out with the author at a party several years ago. If I remember correctly, he had been doing some substitute teaching to supplement his income while he was working on his next piece. He had been let go from his teaching job. I asked him why, and he produced a stack of loose leaf papers. He said he gave the kids (I think it was 7th grade) a homework assignment over the weekend. It was to go to the movies and see Pineapple Express and write a report on it. The hand written reviews of the pothead movie from these kids were absolutely hysterical. Anyway, I thought it was funny. I saw Elle the other night. Whew. That was one fierce flick. Paul Verhoven (Basic Instinct) brings the thunder in this sexual assault/revenge piece. It follows the head of a video game company as she tries to hunt down the man who assaulted her. I had some problems with the third act. Even though it went in a different direction, I'm not sure I ever truly bought into it. It certainly sticks with you long after viewing. Not sure how woman friendly the film is, it can feel pretty invasive. My lady was not a big fan, just because of the nature of the violence. But not enough can be said about the performance of the lead, Isabelle Huppert. A powerhouse performance. SImply awesome. She scooped up the Golden Globe for Best Actress, and I expect her to do the same on Oscar night.
  17. Saw this today as well. Totally agree with your review, but I felt it ran a bit long. My dvd store owner recommended it. It felt kinda like a film that celebrated the American Dream and loathed it at the same time. Great indie piece. Checking out this joint tomorrow. I know you like Korean flicks. This has a 99% on RT. Hear it's amazing.
  18. 500 per month, 7200 deductible. No subsidy. In North Carolina. I want healthcare access for all, but there's gotta be a better way.
  19. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. That car/highway sequence was fierce. Happy New Year.
  20. I just don't see Seattle or Atlanta going down today. If we win, we'll be taking a trip to visit the Hags and their stupid fanbase. I think people need to realize that our paloffs will most likely be short and painful. Well, Zoony beat me to it.
  21. Nocturnal Animals. Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal divorce, Jake writes a ****ed up novel and sends it to Amy. He dedicates the book to her and it freaks her out. This one jumps around a bit structurally (between reality and the book), but at no point did it feel forced or hard to follow. I was expecting a less exciting version that would be considered boring by some, but I was wrong. The intense scenes were in your face. The acting was top notch. A really well done noir flick. I knew Michael Shannon was listed here, but he got a lot more screen time than I thought he would. And he kills it. Certainly one of the best working today. Chew, certainly worth the price of admission. I feel confident that you would like it.
  22. One of my friends recommended it to me a long time ago, and my local dvd shop never had it. Glad I finally got to check it out. Mos Def was pretty amazing as well. Strong stuff. Glad the movie year has ended on a high note. Going to check out Nocturnal Animals and Manchester by the Sea this week. I expect to like both, but not sure if they can top Moonlight. That one left a mark.
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