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Everything posted by thebluefood

  1. I do believe in the God of the Abrahamic Tradition (YHWH, Jehovah, Alpha/Omega, The Big Cheese, etc.), though I don't think They are the Entity we've come to know in our culture. I believe this God, if They exist, is so totally transcendent and beyond our comprehension that any attempt to access Them through any human effort (meditation, religious practice, building a giant tower in the sky, etc.) is at best a signpost toward them but usually futile. So, yes, I believe in this God and their Sole Eminence. Do I know They exist? Absolutely not I do believe They revealed Their essence in the form of Jesus of Nazareth - though That Jesus also shared in our humanity (they are intertwined even if they are polar opposites) and it's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that God has also been revealed in other beings throughout time. Once again, this I believe. This I know (though The Bible tells me so)? Not so much.
  2. Sometimes, that's the only way that makes people actually work together and come up with their own solution. This thread does make me wonder what separates a classic, timeless design from the rest. Yankees have been rocking the pinstripes and the interlocked NY for nigh on a century. Despite moving across the country, the Dodgers have basically had the same uniforms since the Great Depression. Packers have had the green, yellow, and "G" on the helmet since the Lombardi years. Halas was still owner/coach when the Bears first broke out the blue and orange with the skinny, sans-serif numerals. Lakers uniforms have gone mostly unchanged since The Squire owned the team (I think the color change to the current gold, white, and purple was his idea). The "Original 6" in the NHL have basically had the same uniforms since it was just them playing for the Stanley Cup. Is it just association with winning teams? Is it simplicity? Is it something else? Is it a combination of it all?
  3. That's just begging to be laughed at 20-30 years down the line, though. Chasing design trends is seldom a good idea in the long run. I mean, how many cringy logos and uniforms have we seen from teams over the years? I'm still not convinced people actually came around on the Buccaneers Creamsicle unis. That's gotta be an example of the 40-year-rule. I don't think the uniforms or even the base color scheme is beyond repair. The numbers & names are easily readable and the colors burgundy & gold aren't a bad combination - as long as they're actually burgundy and gold, not "slightly darker red and bright yellow."
  4. The novelty of the mustard yellow pants with the dark jerseys has worn off for me, too. I was one of the biggest supporters of it at first but as with other recent attempts by management to win me other with nostalgia of the "glory years," all its done is remind me that I was born after they were over (which has deepened my resentment toward the organization and its leadership) I mean, hey, good on Bruce for paying tribute to his old man but if we keep with them, they ought to go with a darker/muted shade. You know - actual burgundy and gold. You can still cynically use fan nostalgia to squeeze more money out of them but at least the players will look better.
  5. Throwback to that time the 'Skins held Barry Sanders to 44 yards on 11 rush attempts in the NFC Championships Game. As much as I hate the team's reliance on living in past glories, that '91 team just has layers upon layers of brilliance. They truly are one of the most underrated teams of the Super Bowl era.
  6. I just have to laugh. The memories of mayflies are longer than Congress'
  7. Confused react but if ES had it available, it would be the angriest of reacts
  8. Well, my landlord won't let me get a live pet. A live pet. Haven't named either one of them yet but I already can't imagine the place without them. (Was hoping to get those stuffed toucans but Target didn't have any)
  9. Huh...well...that's why the 'Skins didn't stay in D.C. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1990/10/10/dixon-vows-to-block-major-spending-for-stadium/f292ac9b-c4c5-42c2-8721-379b08b46c56/?utm_term=.4b0159ffd2d5 Date: Oct. 10, 1990 Not sure the particulars here but I do know Washington was going through some...hard times in the 1990s so good on (eventual) Mayor Dixon for not buckling but wow...the old man was still going to pay for the new stadium's construction. That's basically a deal breaker for team owners these days.
  10. Excellent! Good on WAMU for doubling down on local news coverage. Glad it's a public radio station instead of some kind of face corp or something.
  11. Wonder what's going to happen to the Patriots after their "glory years" officially come to an end - especially when Belichick splits. If they go back into being the mediocre franchise they've been for the vast majority of their existence, are they going back to fighting for "not last place" in the Boston sports market or what?
  12. That time an elephant bonded with a dog and then went into mourning after the dog died and all the other elephants tried to comfort her. Oh my gawd, animals are so good
  13. Something I used to do a lot when I lived in North Carolina and got homesick was learn about the various neighborhoods in the city. This one always fascinated me especially: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swampoodle,_Washington,_D.C. "Swampoodle" - such a strange name. D.C. first National League team played there (like most D.C. baseball teams, they were awful) but what fascinated me most was that it was a largely Irish neighborhood during and immediately after the potato famine. You always hear about the Irish neighborhoods in NYC, Boston, Chicago and Philly but never in D.C. Washington's been an enclave for immigrants but you don't hear that as much as you do about other cities on the East Coast or the Midwest.
  14. This was posted a little more than a year ago but I'm just now discovering it. Matt Ufford breaking down the common links between North American Sports' most successful franchises over the past few years. There's a lot of talk on the forum about what it's going to take to get the 'Skins back on track so I figured this might be relevant.
  15. Fair enough! I kind of forget Virginia has, traditionally, been firmly a 'Skins state. North Carolina was the same way before the Panthers came along.
  16. Big ups to @visionary (and our other news hounds) for keeping this thread going. It's been really hard for me to read the news lately so I'm glad someone's keeping their fingers on the pulse.
  17. Nationals Pitchers and Catchers report today.
  18. In other news - apparently, there was a Washington team in the NFL before the 'Skins came to town in 1937. Like a lot of other pro football teams of the day, they were named after the local baseball team. http://sportsecyclopedia.com/nfl/was21/senators.html
  19. Yeah when we're talking about tenures of folks like Mugabe and even domestic leaders like Marion Barry, we're talking about some complex and interconnected socio-economic factors that would require a whole different thread altogether. Barry is not at the top of my "most admired political leaders" list but there were a lot of people in high places that wanted to see him and the "Home Rule Experiment" as a whole fail.
  20. 1.) Prefer D.C. proper but I wouldn't mind suggestions for Maryland especially since my family in the area primarily lives there. 2.) Either/or. I feel more at home at a greasy spoon or a pub but sometimes it's nice to be a nice sit-down kinda place.
  21. Now for the important question for you foodies: where are the best places to eat in Washington on a budget (and for reference: my base salary is about $25,000 before taxes and company health insurance, though I get a bi-monthly commission and have a little more to throw around)
  22. So, uh...someone uploaded this. I don't know who they are but God bless them.
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