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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. Yup, man how sad it must be for them to know their son could have been a star in the NFL.
  2. As someone who grew up in Woodbridge… there’s nothing to do there except drive on 95 to anywhere else, but my gosh it IS exponentially better than Dumfries.
  3. Yeah and traffic along the stretch of I-95 through Prince William County is worse on weekends than it is on weekdays, especially in the afternoon. It’s the main north/south interstate corridor on the east coast, so everyone on a weekend trip from Canada to Florida and everywhere in between has to travel through there.
  4. A ceasefire won’t be accepted by Ukraine. They’ve already stated they’re going for a long war and they know Russia’s offer for a cease fire only favors Russia in the the long run.
  5. People are getting worked up about a black guy dating a white girl in 2022. The internet is literally just a drunk old guy ranting into the void from his front porch. On the plus side I have noticed there have been WAY less trolls on message boards in recent years. It’s like Twitter consolidated all the most annoying people together all in one place.
  6. Depends on how many rivers they have to cross.
  7. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if QAnon is the Russian government to begin with. Also funny to see CH2M accused of producing WMDs, my company has partnered with them on a few infrastructure projects. Who knew they were part of a global conspiracy?
  8. Say what you will about Musk, but he pretty much single handedly solved US reliance on Russian rockets for space flight using SpaceX and kept the Ukrainians connected to the rest of the world during Russian genocide through Starlink. If he’s able to solve the Russian bot problem on Twitter then I’m all for it.
  9. They should put that picture up at every venue as a PSA for what happens when you charge the stage. Guy looks an action figure that was left out in the yard and got run over by a lawn mower.
  10. I guess this answers the “will Ukraine accept a cease fire” question. BBC: Zelensky Against a ‘Frozen Conflict’
  11. I don’t see why Ukraine would agree to a cease fire. They routed the Russians in the north, their morale is high despite two months of war, and they’re grinding the Russians to a stale mate in the east and south to the point where it doesn’t look like the Russians will ever be able to push to Odesa. Any time a defender forces an attacker into a long, drawn out stale mate it’s a sign the defender is winning. I think the Ukrainians don’t trust the Russians and they would view a call for a cease fire as a sign of Russian weakness and a Russian desire to regroup. The Ukrainians know they’ve bloodied the Russians, and if a cease fire is called, I think it would embolden the Ukrainians to fight harder.
  12. What happens if Ukraine refuses a ceasefire?
  13. Reminds me of Hitler’s health decline during his last few years.
  14. Yeah, people wonder why true crime shows/podcasts are so popular, especially with women. You hit the nail on the head with the reason why, people are grappling with their own mortality (and wondering if they can do something to prevent it). Usually true crime podcasts are about murderers and serial killers, and women feel much more vulnerable to that kind of crime than men do, so 75% of the audience are women. People are curious about another’s death because deep down their brain is trying to get information to prevent their own death, and there’s some kind of dopamine mechanism that rewards us for figuring it out. It’s how our species figured out how to not get eaten by saber toothed tigers back in the prehistoric times.
  15. Fun fact: the measurements of a tank on a flat bed is the design constraint used for bridge clearances over US interstates for this exact reason.
  16. Yes! Wait. *looks over at West Virginia* I don’t like where this is going.
  17. Yeah, and I guess the US east coast should go back to the UK too.
  18. It appears Ukraine won’t stop until they get a win either. So now, like two cage fighters, they will both fight until their war machines can no longer function. Russia has genocide and destruction on their side, but my money is on the Ukrainians who are fighting for their very existence using the resources of the entire west.
  19. It worked against the Chechens because Chechnya is a tiny country with a population of less than 2 million. Ukraine is a totally different situation. And historically, when they fought the Germans with human waves in WWII, Ukraine and the American lend-lease was on their side. Now they’re the invading army against the Ukrainians and against American lend-lease. I just don’t see how the Russians win in the long run. But yes, you’re right that this was is going to be long, bloody, and destructive.
  20. Human waves worked back in the USSR days when Russia’s population was booming compared to the rest of the world and reinforced by other members of the USSR like Ukraine. These days, they don’t have the rest of the USSR to fill the ranks and their population is declining. They have committed close to their entire active duty army to Ukraine, and the losses they have sustained so far are close to crippling their current military (hence why they pulled out of the Kyiv region). Their fighting force is not the giant mass of troops that it once was, and losing 1 to 2M men would completely destroy the entire reserve they haven’t called up yet, and would be devastating to their country in the long term.
  21. Especially when a good chunk of those comments are from bots designed to magnify both extreme left and right views.
  22. That’s kind of what the graphic is showing. The far left and center is moving leftward. It should probably show the right moving farther right as well, but I remember fringe right types back in the 90s and early 2000s who believed the south will rise again, the Middle East should be bombed to the Stone Age, etc., so who knows.
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