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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. I’m definitely not a nuclear weapons expert, but I doubt they’re going to nuke Ukraine simply because the radioactive fallout could blow back over the Russian and Belarusian borders.
  2. Russia doesn’t respect agreements. This is what the people calling for a ceasefire don’t understand.
  3. Ukraine has pushed the Russian fleet back with anti ship missiles and denied access to Snake Island, so Russia may not to be able to enforce a full blockade.
  4. The Russians did collapse, they lost the entire northern front and any chance of a swift victory right after those videos of trains carrying buses and trucks came out. That was a major turning point in the war.
  5. It was inevitable. Russia can win tactical victories here and there, but in the long run they just don’t have the resources to fight against the economy and tech of the west + the manpower and motivation of Ukraine.
  6. Translation: Putin’s army is running out of Russians and needs Belarusian replacements.
  7. Yeah it is a fossil fuel. I should have said oil.
  8. Looks like Russian state owned Natural Gas couldn’t pay out their dividend, which resulted in a 30% drop in their stock today. Even if Russian fossil fuels aren’t hurting right now, their natural gas certainly is.
  9. There’s no way he’s only 280 lbs. Also, it looks like he’s wearing those cheap foam Wal-Mart slippers instead of military boots.
  10. The heck?? Isn’t this exactly what they accused NATO of planning to do with Ukraine? So much for the whole “buffer states” concept. It’s like Russia just projects everything they are doing onto everyone else.
  11. Yeah it’s basically just a fancy way to say kamikaze drone.
  12. It could be subsonic bullets, but the shooter hitting the outside of the building with the first couple shots could be another explanation. You can hear bullets hit concrete before you see the impact puffs.
  13. To be fair, SpaceX’s president described the reason the employees were fired is because “blanketing thousands of people across the company with repeated unsolicited emails and asking them to sign letters and fill out unsponsored surveys during the work day is not acceptable.” If I was using company time to make surveys and write letters, then send them out for thousands of other employees to use company time responding to them, I’d probably be fired too.
  14. Geez. The guy running down the stairway at the end with bullets hitting behind him looks like something out of a movie.
  15. Kind of? You can buy a lot more food and medical supplies with a dollar than you can buy artillery pieces and APCs. So aid being 1/4 of the cost of weapons makes sense to me.
  16. Exactly, if you start buying in now (or soon) your average cost is going to be somewhere between the current price and the lowest price. I like to start out in small volume chunks to see how it goes, then increase volume as the stock price goes in the direction I want it to (or get out if it doesn’t). And yes, individual stocks are just a hobby funded with extra spending money. Don’t put your real life savings into it!
  17. This is definitely not the bottom, so don’t go all in, but there are a few good high flying companies that have fallen into a reasonable range that I have started to dollar cost average into.
  18. The hunt is on! It’s time to start picking up some good companies at a discount
  19. I wonder at what point the internet will devolve into an endless cycle of bots generating descriptions for bot generated images based on bot generated images from bot generated descriptions based on…
  20. Exactly. So instead of forcing people to come to the office and put on their headphones, just have them stay home. Reduce the total square footage of the office and optimize it for collaboration. People can focus on their work at home, companies have lower overhead, traffic is reduced, collaboration and meetings can happen at the office only when needed. It’s win, win, win.
  21. Yup, we’re on the same page. - Companies should use office space to encourage collaboration. - Encourage people who need to focus on their work to stay home. Don’t mix them with the collaborators in the office and don’t make them sit in traffic. - Provide quiet unassigned hotel space for people who need to get away from home every once in a while, but still need to do focused work.
  22. I think it would be a win-win for both employees and for companies to completely do away with assigned cubicle farm desks at offices for those who don’t need to be there every day. Instead, downsize the office. Replace cubicles with more of a college library/study hall layout. Have a few unassigned hotel desk spaces for focused work (some people need to get away from the home and the kids), use most of the space with couches and coffee tables for collaboration (we use the office more for collaboration than we do for focused work anyway) and invest in quality conference rooms with high end webcams for formal meetings. Cubicle farms just aren’t appealing anymore when you can skip the commute and do focused work at home.
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