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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. Not putting anything past the Russians, but I don’t think they are going to risk an amphibious landing after losing two ships, one of them being their flagship.
  2. Seems like an efficient use of the subsidies then. If SpaceX was trying to provide the service already they will use a larger percentage of the funds on faster/better implementation. A company that wasn’t previously planning to provide the service would have to invest a large portion of the funds in R&D, hiring new staff, conceptual design and testing, etc. It’s more efficient to buy a pizza from Dominos than it is to have McDonalds develop a McPizza.
  3. They’re so stupidly unsophisticated it’s childish. It’s like an entire nation never made it past 3rd grade.
  4. Off topic: Pretty sure the US believed Putin would invade Ukraine and fairly accurately forecasted it before it happened. You’re right that many of the other NATO countries didn’t believe though.
  5. Oh wow. Is it safe to say these aren’t accidents now?
  6. Coincidentally, Ukraine says they have 7,000 dead Russian soldiers in their morgues waiting to be claimed.
  7. I’m guessing they didn’t approve of him marrying her and that’s why they never met. I’m sure everyone close to Haskins is experiencing heavy emotions right now that are made worse if there were already existing heavy emotions and breaks in relationships that hadn’t healed.
  8. I was wondering how they would get aircraft into Ukraine without risk of getting shot down by Russia. It never occurred to me that they could send them in pieces.
  9. We don’t know what Ukraine’s real losses are, but time favors Ukraine when it comes to replacements and buildup. The more time goes on, the more fresh troops Ukraine is able to train and mobilize, and the more US and European equipment can be delivered. Russia’s losses are much harder to replace and their morale will suffer the longer the war lasts.
  10. It seems crazy now, but I’m wondering if this narrative was scheduled to be released about this time based on the assumption that Ukraine would easily fall to Russian control. If Russia had installed a puppet government in Ukraine with the goal of continuing their conquest of Eastern Europe, setting the stage for a split Europe like this makes a lot more sense. Obviously they failed to install a puppet government, but perhaps (in typical Russian fashion) they haven’t adapted to that change in their plans yet.
  11. Drive too fast? Threaten nuclear escalation. Drive too slow? Threaten nuclear escalation. Undercook fish? Nuclear escalation. Overcook chicken? Nuclear escalation. Undercook and overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don’t show up? Believe it or not, threaten nuclear escalation. Right away.
  12. Wish we could ship both extremes off to their own island so the rest of us can carry on living our lives and focus on solving actual problems. BUT I guess learning to live with and manage the extreme views is part of being in a democracy, you can’t just throw people you don’t like into the gulags.
  13. If it sank or it’s damaged it’s a win for Ukraine. It’s out of action with way.
  14. Have you driven in Florida? Just visited Miami/Hollywood a month ago, they *most definitely* drive crazier down there.
  15. Yeah they really shot down their whole “NATO aggressors” argument with this war. Russia revealed itself as the fat alcoholic abusive ex-husband of Eastern Europe who can’t stand that she finally got away from him and she’s happy now. Of course he hates restraining orders, he wants to get back in her life, live in her house, and beat her down again without any interference from the police.
  16. Yup, VDOT has a similar Safety Service Patrol on Virginia’s interstates. They drive around in white trucks with big arrow boards on the back and help people with car trouble.
  17. Yeah I don’t believe it either until there is proof. I did see reports of long convoys spotted using surveillance satellites, so it looks like they were ripe for a strike, but 2,000 losses is ridiculous.
  18. 2,000 bodies? What? That’s a huge loss even by Russian standards.
  19. Did you post the wrong link? It doesn’t say that anywhere.
  20. Yup, that’s exactly what I’m thinking. I remember when I was around 20 I drove like 12 hours one way over a weekend in a crappy car just to see a girl I had a crush on. She wasn’t even really that into me and nothing came of it. We do stupid stuff when we’re young, and the stupidity goes up exponentially if there MIGHT be a chance to get with a girl on the other end.
  21. That would be the wise option, but maybe he thought he could take care of it himself. He was 24 and could have had a lapse in judgement at 7 AM. I know *I* made some foolish choices when I was in my early/mid 20s that didn’t make sense and could have ended badly in retrospect.
  22. Yeah I saw speculation online that he ran out of gas because that was the most likely reason to be walking on a freeway, and it seems like a logical theory. I haven’t seen anything to back it up.
  23. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would he cross an interstate on foot? It says he was a pedestrian and it doesn’t say his car was on the scene. It looks like there’s a CCTV camera there too, so the incident must have been recorded. All around strange and tragic.
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