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Everything posted by profusion

  1. The problem isn't how many QBs the Redskins drafted, but in who they've drafted and then how they've supported/developed those guys once on the team. There's no magic formula for this. Different franchises have had differing successful strategies, but it all boils down to having an excellent FO that can identify the college QBs who are the best fit for the team's culture and strategy and that can also put together an offense and coaching staff to complement that QB. There are no "plug-and-play" strategies in football. It all has to work together. What I'm sure we can all agree on is that the WFT's strategy/method sucks: Draft a first-round QB that the head coach doesn't want but that the owner (or his kid) likes. Said QB then gets to be golden boy for a couple years and doesn't necessarily have to follow coach's orders. When Golden Boy QB washes out, play the JAGs sitting behind him for a while and then scramble around to trade for a nearly washed-up vet. When the vet breaks down or washes out, go back to Step 1 and repeat. That recipe describes the Redskins/WFT basically since Patrick Ramsey was drafted. Maybe not 100% accurate, but close to it. It obviously doesn't work, but the alternative is for the owner to butt out after hiring a professional FO that gets multiple years to put things right. That's what we were promised with Ron's hiring...we'll see.
  2. I'm sure you're right. However, if the league can't force Dan to sell and won't allow him to move, are they (and by "they" I mean the powerbrokers like Jerry and Mara) willing to allow the status quo for decades to come? We are absolutely talking about the bottom line, here. The DMV is one of the top 5 wealthiest metro areas in the country, and the league can ill afford for the TV ratings and other metrics of engagement from this region remain in the toilet for decades. I can, however, see Dan thinking he needs to stay here to maximize his own revenue. I wonder, though, if his mindset changes once he gets shot down by every jurisdiction here.
  3. Mahomes was only drafted in 2017. I was wrong, though, in that he was the 10th pick that year. Still not in the very top. Despite all that overdrafting, the guys getting the rings keep not being the guys being overhyped into the Top 5 picks. i'm being somewhat of a devil's advocate here. The WFT clearly needs to draft a franchise QB in order to succeed. The history just shows that drafting a QB doesn't magically turn things around. If the team isn't well-stocked and well-run, those Top 5 picks get destroyed on the field before they ever get a chance to shine.
  4. Kilmer was only a few years younger. They were both on the downhill slide by 1971. I was in kindergarten at the time, but from what I understand Sonny was too much of a gunslinger for George Allen's liking. Kilmer was the 1960s version of Alex Smith, basically--a total Checkdown Charlie who wouldn't do anything great but also wouldn't do anything bad.
  5. Yep, I can't imagine more than a few people being willing to pay that so long as Snyder owns the team. I suppose this raises the question of whether Snyder is willing to move the team someplace dumb enough to pay for his stadium. Since the team doesn't even have a name right now and basically zero local support, it's almost a blank slate akin to an expansion team.
  6. The trend is away from public funding, anyway. Stan Kroenke built SoFi Stadium without public financing. The smarter owners understand that if you can build a larger entertainment complex around the stadium, you can make a killing on the thing all year long and not just 8-11 Sundays per year. With that, you can get your own private financing if you need it--and many of the "new wave" owners are vastly wealthier than Snyder and don't need the help. Only the team-less cities like St. Louis and San Diego would even consider public funding now in order to lure a team there. Snyder could probably get all the bureaucracies to lineup if he was willing to pay for the next stadium himself. But we all know he can't and wouldn't even if he could. It'll end up being a debacle where the team is at FedEx for many years to come.
  7. 21st Century SB-winning QBs picked 15th or below: Tom Brady Patrick Mahomes Aaron Rodgers Russell Wilson Ben Roethlisberger Joe Flacco* Nick Foles* That represents most of the QBs who won SBs in this century. I put an asterisk behind the last two because they're sort of accidental winners. There's no single formula, but typically these organizations put a rookie into a good situation by fielding a good team around him. A couple of these guys spent their rookie seasons on the bench because their teams didn't need them to start right away. That rarely happens with teams bad enough to pick in the top 10. It's mostly the perennial losers.
  8. I watched on TV, but the crowd noise that came through was noticeably louder in favor of the Saints. Just horrible. People made fun of the Chargers for that a couple years ago, but at least they had the excuse of moving to a new city that didn't really want them.
  9. I remember how the entire metro area was either way up or way down on Monday morning depending on how the game went. And it wasn't even that long ago--RG3's one great year just about lifted the roof off of DC, as I recall. People were genuinely excited. It went downhill very very rapidly after that. I'm not even sure a legitimate playoff run (not a 7-9 fluke) would get this town interested now. On the other hand, I also remember when Caps tickets were easy to get and nobody was "rocking the red"--also not really that long ago. Things can change if people feel an invitation to it.
  10. In fact, I feel bad for most QBs picked that high because they mostly go to teams like the Jets, Bengals, Browns, Jaguars...or Redskins/WFT. The Browns seem to be showing signs of turning it around, but we'll see if it lasts. Those organizations kill those QBs by not putting a team around them. As for the OP, I have a similar attitude even though I remember the glory days. I didn't live in the DC area then and moved out here in '93 just in time for the Ritchie Pettibon era--maybe it's all my fault!! I saw a game at RFK, but it was a miserable experience watching the team lose to the (then bad) Seahawks in front of a very dead crowd in '95 or so. I've been to a few games at FedEx, but it was an awful experience even before it became an opposition crowd. I have no intention of going back to FedEx, and I'm definitely tempted by the notion of treating the New Name/New Logo as a new franchise that I care nothing about. The Redskins were something I shared with my parents. Now that they've both passed, that emotional connection is disappearing for me. Games like today certainly do nothing to bring it back.
  11. The only two SB winning QBs picked that high in this century were the Manning brothers. The other winners, not coincidentally, went to quality organizations that never pick that high and were mostly doing pretty well on the field. What the WFT don't have is the quality organization part.
  12. Said this in the gameday thread and I'll say it again. Ron's demeanor on the sideline looks like he's checked out. Not at all like last year. The on-field bears that out. Last year's team was horrible but made the playoffs on grit and heart. None of that is evident so far this year.
  13. His body/facial language on the sideline looks like that of a guy who's Done With It.
  14. It wasn't reasonable to expect this mess to be cleaned up in one season, but the Ron era looks to be going in the wrong direction.
  15. I'm starting to envision vast new possibilities for my Sunday afternoons this fall... Oh, who am I kidding? I'll be right here watching this clownshow next week, too. 😄
  16. So many bad plays by WFT. A better team would be up on us by 20.
  17. No way the WFT should still be in this. Saints are also bad.
  18. Refs can't let the Saints beat the spread, I guess. 😄
  19. "And we have a good one here on CBS." Not this one, however.
  20. Wow, that was a WFT-quality penalty on the Saints, there.
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