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Everything posted by GhostofSparta

  1. You say that, but have you seen the Washington kicking game this year?
  2. I am shocked they recovered that ball. I thought for sure the 1 Seattle guy had that.
  3. Not Heiney's fault, but OF COURSE we give Jamal Adams like, his only career INT.
  4. Sorry, but you're wrong. The fact that Biden is pro-vaccine, combined with the fact that 40% of the population was always going to do the exact opposite of what he says, is why this is happening. It's just science, even Republicans are saying that quiet part out loud: https://www.salon.com/2021/09/22/breitbart-writer-says-democrats-use-reverse-psychology-to_partner/ So, obviously, the fact that Biden wants people to get vaxxed and live is why people aren't getting vaxxed and are dying. Which makes it 1000% his fault, because shut up.
  5. When you don't look before posting, you'd best be ready for some fall out. Boy, you think you'd know that by now.
  6. I mean, Joe and Kamala were very easily able to kill and dethrone Him, so that makes sense.
  7. Just so I'm clear, this dude thinks that a man-made vaccine is able to fool an all-knowing God; who, in theory, would have known about this vaccine since before time and therefore would have had to factor it into His ultimate plan? And that said all-powerful God would not be able to prevent some pitiful vaccine from completely ****ing up His eternal plans? I dunno, as someone raised very, very much in a church, the idea that man is smarter and more powerful than God sounds like kind of a blasphemous thing to believe and say, but I'm sure they'll figure out how it's Satan's fault, and that it makes Satan smarter and more powerful than God, but that somehow that's not blasphemy.
  8. This is exactly it. It might not be as unlikely as it sounds, because money, but it is exactly as crazy as it sounds to expand a league that already doesn't have the talent to support 32 legitimately competitive teams by another 8.
  9. I'm trying to figure out a way to make Christmas taking over Thanksgiving as being an attack on Christians, somehow. It's the only way to slow it down. Something about commercialism vs. family and faith, I'm sure, but I doubt it would get traction with the people whose true religion is Capitalism and not Christianity.
  10. So you were the guy that kept buying out all the TP around here before it was cool.
  11. "See? Voter fraud is real, just we claimed. Like those half a dozen people that tried to vote for Trump on behalf of dead relatives. Now will you let us pass laws to stop black people from voting?" -Republicans
  12. I dunno, man. I think our Washington Football Team football team would be leaving a lot fewer points all over the field if they had decided to forgo having a kicker on the roster this year. Dustin Hoffman was scary enough to watch in all his performances under 50 yarders that they just let the punter handle anything beyond that.
  13. Ah dammit, we traded for Kurt Cousins and I missed it? He's the only QB magical enough to post that statline. Even the great Scott Brunell wouldn't be able to pull off those numbers.
  14. There are rules in the pit. Good fans and artists know that, and can prevent this kind of thing from happening. This was a disaster led by a performer who could not be bothered to give a single ****, and apparently has a history of encouraging similar things in the past.
  15. Donald Trump oversaw a horrific pandemic response which led to several hundred thousand deaths and a terrible economy. In an election year. And despite Biden winning by ~10 million votes nationally, only actually won the presidency by less than a quarter of a million votes where the EC was concerned. Trump was historically bad. Like, he was almost Hoover in 1932 bad. And Biden barely won. I think most people knew it was kind of a fluke that couldn't be counted on moving forward, but here we are. Trump's still out there, but he's not actually in office, so the whole "I'm not Trump, and my opponent is like Trump" strategy is failing a year later. Democrats need to stop running on what they aren't and start running on what they are and will do. But, and here's the kicker, they have to actually do ****. That means Sinema needs to be brought into line. That means Manchin needs somebody to tell him to knock it off and be a team player when it matters. Independents are fickle assholes, which is why they're independents. At least the true independents are, not the "I'm an independent but I vote a straight Republican ticket every time and refuse to admit to being or register as one because I'm twa" independents. They need to be won over constantly.
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