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Everything posted by GhostofSparta

  1. I want to mock this, but if this can finally get these Republican mouth breathers around here to actually use mouthwash, maybe I won't be able to smell their rotting teeth from 50 feet away for once.
  2. Wherever you were looking may not have updated after then 4PM games. Before our game, they Eagles had the spot because they had 6 wins and we only had 5. After the game we knocked them back down (6-6 vs 6-7), and in fact are at #6 thanks to the SF loss.
  3. I think this point is forgotten too often by the Dems/Liberals/Left. The "center" or "swing" voters are usually only willing to vote for what they believe are good things, but only as long as they're not really affected. They became (mostly) OK with "Gay Marriage" when people starting being more willing to come out and they realized just how many people that they knew/were related to were actually affected by this. But now that the Trans* community is wanting rights, but they aren't quite as visible yet so these voters decide to be worried about who uses what bathroom. They've become (mostly) OK with civil rights and minorities having better lives and more opportunities. After all, just ask how many of them "have a (insert group here) friend" or "once dated a (insert group here)," so they obviously personally know some of these people and don't want THEM discriminated against. But now that the culture at large is getting better as recognizing and being vocal about some of the hurdles these groups have had to overcome, these voters have decide to worry about how maybe THEIR KIDS shouldn't learn about all the bad things they're ancestors may have done (and, in fact, what some of their still living ancestors did to try to keep these groups oppressed) because it might make them ask uncomfortable questions about topics that they just don't want to have to deal with. They were (mostly) OK with the idea that cops shouldn't just go around killing black people on a whim. But some of them know cops, or have family members who are cops, or have only had (or, choose to only remember having) positive experiences with cops, so these voters decide that trying to decrease police budgets or remove Qualified Immunity or increasing civilian oversight or really taking any measure at all to make the police more accountable and less dangerous is just not really necessary. Removing a few "bad apples," some extra training, and a few staged photo ops are enough to make them forget about actual reform because to them it's just not a concern (except on the rare occasion they get pulled over for speeding or running a stop sign or getting busted by a red light cam). And don't forget about how they might be OK with increasing taxes on billionaires, until somebody points out that if 1,000,000,000,000 things broke their way perfectly, they might too become billionaires one day and boy would they hate to have to pay a cent more. So yeah, swing voters are fickle assholes, but if you want to win, you need to cater to them or they will run the other way in a heartbeat and leave you out in the cold.
  4. I did the mix and match for the booster. Got the Pfizer for the vax, and Moderna for the booster. Now I've got the best of both worlds, **** that J&J garbage.
  5. I bet this gif has gotten more use in response to Covid deniers in the last year than any other reason.
  6. Well that sucks, they might have a shot at winning with a different coach.
  7. Oh yeah, dude's definitely sad about maybe missing the playoffs.
  8. What a bailout by the ref. Time to burn the last TO and chew the **** out of your recovery team so taht doesn't happen again.
  10. Dammit. That's the 2nd time this year Gibson has gone OOB in less than 3 minutes when trying to milk the clock.
  11. Wait, Heinicke didn't just throw it away on 4th down? Weird. Maybe that's a $25m+/yr kinda call.
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