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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. Y'all realize that the ruling going 3-0, team Trump saying they won't take it to the SC, and the chaotic rollout of the EO shows this wasn't well thought out and is most likely on shaky ground?
  2. And for all the damage they are causing they can't stop the change that is happening. I disagree on the "never again" part. We can recover from this, but we need to keep working hard to let the world know we don't think this is ok.
  3. So Donald Trump Jr "liked" this tweet. Just checked it myself. https://mobile.twitter.com/johncardillo/status/826053612384219137
  4. Lots of mixer though and there's bound to be a duty free shop close by.
  5. But even if they do he has already shown a proclivity to make foreign policy decisions based on personal business interests. Add: I'm not so sure they want to piss off Saudi Arabia regardless.
  6. That's how they roll. Check different news websites one after the other. If anything negative for the right/ good for the left is happening Fox wI'll be an outlier.
  7. The people who are to blame for.this are the people who voted for Trump. Everything he is doing is what he said he would.do. But I must say his exclusion of countries he has business interests in, particularly Saudi Arabia (home of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers) makes me think he is playing you for.a fool.
  8. Pretty good opinion piece on the subject I read this morning. I agree with the author in that part of what makes America great is we don't force people to participate in patriotic ceremonies. http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/obama-dangerous-patriotism/?sr=fbCNN102316obama-dangerous-patriotism1201PMStoryLink&linkId=30215272
  9. Correction on my mistaken belief that there was not sea ice extent data pre-1979 http://nsidc.org/icelights/2011/01/31/arctic-sea-ice-before-satellites/
  10. And so it goes. It's not getting warmer, it's just a fluctuation --> It is getting warmer but the trend is just a natural shift (who, little old us cause climate change?) --> it is getting warmer, and yeah, maybe we are causing some of it, but that's a good thing / insignificant / price of doing business. Simultaneously the line that it is all a conspiracy to form a Socialist New World Order sells pretty well.
  11. There is a clear trend which reinforces the CO2 and temperature data. It would be nice if we had satellite data going back at the beginning of the industrial revolution, but we don't, and mapping sea ice extent is untenable without it. As to chance, if you are familiar with statistics you can see that the decline is not likely to be random from this graph (standard deviations). http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/charctic-interactive-sea-ice-graph/ Given the world temp data linked below you might guess that 1979 sea ice extent would be around the average for the century be, note that the average for the satellite data is well below 1979. http://www.skepticalscience.com/graphics.php?g=7
  12. CO2 didn't increase last year? http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ I trust the satellite data, particularly imagery. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/2015-arctic-sea-ice-maximum-annual-extent-is-lowest-on-record/#.VQsno-ExB6_
  13. Bad things about rapid (relatively) warming of the Earth: Loss of coastal land due to sea-level rise from ice melting and thermal expansion of the oceans. Naval bases at Newport News for instance. Expansion of tropical diseases. Loss of coral reefs from bleaching. This combined with loss of wetlands is very bad for ocean fisheries. And even if you don't buy the physics of CO2 trapping heat in the atmosphere the detrimental effects of acidification of the oceans is enough to warrant efforts to cut emissions.
  14. And yet 2014 is on track to be the warmest year on record: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/
  15. I think face value does set a baseline. Chipwhich and others who are experienced at buying on the aftermarket might not be swayed by it but the average Joe would, and the average seller typically asks that price or a percent above to start. I think preseason should be optional or 50% of regular season. Or how about every time the team loses 10 or more games the preseason is free for season ticket holders? One can dream...
  16. Slightly off topic but speaks to decreased demand for NFL tickets. 3 of 4 playoff games not sold out. I have thought that people prefer to stay in more as time goes on, or maybe it is high prices, but this is surprising to me. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/nfl-extends-ticket-sale-deadlines/story?id=21405064
  17. I get that this is probably the sensible thing to do. But it is predicated on season ticket holders buying the tickets and then having to sell them at less than face. If there were no season ticket holders perhaps the team would have to lower prices, or perhaps they would raise them to make their profit on the desirable games. There is a risk, as in buying stocks, and yes it is a choice to accept that risk. If it turns out 6 - 9 months after you pay for tickets to a game that you do not know the date of you cannot make it to and you can't sell it for what you paid for it you have taken a loss. If the team is doing great and ticket prices are through the roof the non-season ticket holder is not obligated to pay the inflated price. A large part of the problem for season ticket holders and the team eventually (due to loss of season ticket holders) is that I see a shift in our society to where many would rather enjoy the experience on a 60" LCD in the comfort of their own home. and the ease of picking up tickets through Stubhub at the last minute when the season ticket holders have to choose between taking a total loss and taking a partial loss. I am sure the person I bought the 2 club level tickets from lost at least 400$, perhaps more. Many people ate the entire cost of their tickets. While that was a choice for most, many took a financial hit due to unforeseen circumstances. I consider that "risk".
  18. I have no problem with going to a game when the weather is bad or the team is doing poorly. I have attended every game this year. My point is you may have to get rid of tickets based on family obligations, travel, etc, and if the weather is bad or the team is out of playoff contention you will likely have to take a loss. You have basically stated that you take advantage of being able to buy tickets off of season ticket holders for a loss. I did the same to upgrade to club level at the KC game. I could not give my ULs to that game away. There were probably over a million dollars worth of tickets that went unused for that game. BTW my post was meant to be read in a James Earl Jones voice, not whiny.
  19. Tough one. Just filled out the questionnaire from the team. I want the preseason games made optional or reduce to at least 50% of regular season. I am sentimental about having tickets and have relatively good seats (Sec 428 row 11) but I brought 50 yard line club level seats to the KC game for 50$ apiece and it seems like the only game that is reliably in demand for UL seats is the Cowboys. Season ticket owners bear a lot of cost and hold a lot of risk. We pay months in advance without knowing the dates of the games and if the team / weather sucks (both for KC) we are left holding the bag. The least the team can do is quit charging for the worthless PS games. I have a feeling the teams ST numbers are going to take a hit this year. I would love to know how many seats are held by brokers.
  20. You should show it to her, he wants her to see it or he would not have put it on Youtube. Love bites.
  21. So did the ice climber survive that? Is there a video? That is nuts.
  22. At one point there was talk of doing a season ticket holder stadium map. Did that ever happen? (Section 428 Row 11 and hoping to move down a few rows )
  23. Yeah, I get the feeling that LL GAs are the easiest to sell. I can't bring myself to give up the perspective from midfield and (from what I have heard) put up with standing the whole game. I have kids and I don't think they would hold up too well (and I like sitting too). But the energy is definitely better down there.
  24. Where are your seats? I am in 428 (UL ~45 yd line row 11) and when I sell most are no problem, can make a profit on division games, but games against teams like the Cardinals won't sell. I use the cash lot, I think it is an easier walk than the grey and there is tons of room for throwing around a ball, etc. And the advantage of not eating parking you don't use, or having to try to sell it, is nice.
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