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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. See, that's how it's done. Ignore tons of facts because it is far easier to make your point with one quote that lacks context. This is why we are where we are.
  2. Article is 6 months old. Is he still trying to get immunity in exchange for testifying?
  3. The special elections were to replace Republicans moved into the administration. They were "safe" districts in SC, GA, MT and KS. BTW two of those 5 victories being touted are for the GA seat, which had a runoff. Not impressive that the Rs won, but a win is a win.
  4. Considering that the Rs have relied on the electoral college for 2 of their last 3 presidential victories, that more votes were cast for D representatives than R, that demographics are changing in favor of the Ds, and that the pendulum tends to swing back and forth I wouldn't be real smug about the Rs situation. add: Oh yeah, and they have an idiot at the head of the party.
  5. Sudden fame is really not that unusual, particularly in this day and age.
  6. I can imagine a scenario where Donald was somewhat ignorant of the machinations behind the scenes. His affinity for Vlad suggests that surrounding himself with Russophiles was no accident, however.
  7. I suspect there is a point of diminishing returns on campaign spending which is way below what is spent.
  8. Yeah, the D's are doing what little they can to stop something that goes against what they stand for, or, imo, a terrible bill designed largely as a vehicle to allow the Rs to pass a tax cut. But Trump and the Rs have not asked for help in an honest way, like holding hearings, so blaming the D's for the Rs reluctance to force through legislation that is likely to bite them in the ass in 2018 is silly.
  9. It's Democratic obstructionism I tell you... Shameless.
  10. I was having a debate about the relative honesty of Trump v Comey on fb with a couple of Trump supporters and their take was "anyone who is in the establishment is a liar" so only Trump can be trusted. They also believe the Ds are running this whole thing, so...
  11. Ten to eleven hours of questioning should suffice. Unless it fails to produce a conviction.
  12. Arguably cutting 24 million off healthcare might be worse. Regardless I am all for removing him from office, my original musing was with regards to twa's observation that these things move slowly. Christ, it took about a month to have Comey confirm the memos were real. To me that's absurdly slow when we have a mentally ill guy running the country. Instead we get to pretend everything is ok with Paul Ryan until the next shoe of the millipede drops.
  13. While it may take a while at this point I think Trump is ****ed. Comey basically said he is a shifty MF, the intelligence community and FBI are likely hot to take him down, and the nature of the investigation opens up the opportunity to look at all his financial dealings. I'll be amazed if they don't find something. Yeah, but Rs hold the House. THEY have to do the right thing. Don't worry, D's will go along.
  14. Honestly it is probably better for progressive if it takes well into 2020 to remove him. He is trashing the party's reputation, Pence would be far more effective. *except if he gets us all killed.
  15. But does Trump have the right to keep the reasons for Money's dismissal confidential after publicly commenting on it multiple times?
  16. So we have Carter Page, Manafort, Flynn, Kushner and Cohen under investigation. Pretty substantial list. Page, Flynn, and Cohen all stonewalling, correct? add: And Sessions lied (omitted) on his clearance paperwork.
  17. This is a pretty nice summary of the administrations position: The leaks are fake, but it's of vital national security interest that we find the leakers.
  18. I was a little surprised last night when I checked the Fox News website and Kushner was front and center. Not so on the cable channel.
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