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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. Yeah, I think it is more that the Rs kmow that their fate is tied to Trump so they are going to try to BS their way out of this. If it gets much worse though I expect the will recalculate and turn on him.
  2. It seems to me that Trump wasn't concerned about Flynn being compromised. One explanation would be Trump was aware of what Flynn was up to all along, so Flynn wasn't really subject to blackmail as his boss already knew.
  3. So today I learned from Price and Ryan that 880 billion in cuts to medicaid will be offset by letting the States manage healthcare. Nice.
  4. Susan Collins just said the Senate is not using the House bill as a starting point, they are starting from scratch. Whatever the Senate comes up with has to be voted on by the House, correct?
  5. Not sure if this story has been posted, definitely not the first anecdotal evidence of Trump having financial ties to Russia:
  6. And yet they say they have the votes to kick it to the Senate.
  7. Makes me wonder when Trump will put up a portrait of Nixon. Probably when the impeachment process begins...
  8. Name another President who has made baseless accusations of criminal behavior by his predecessor. Our society is starting to not even give a crap about truth and reality. We take on the characteristics of our leaders. Let that sink in.
  9. Couple of observations regarding Trump's tweets. The man has no eyelashes. Fox News apparently has better Intel than he does.
  10. Putting a swimming pool in a plane seems like a bridge too far.
  11. I wouldn't think immunity would be granted without a good idea of what the person could be prosecuted for and the value of the information they are willing to give. I don't work in the legal field so that's just what seems logical to me.
  12. Yeah, but Wikileaks releasing banal emails daily for weeks kept the story in the news. When was the last time Wikileaks released emails in that manner? The Bernie story is ridiculous, of course the DNC preferred a member of their party over an independent Socialist, much like the RNC preferred Republicans over Trump.
  13. I disagree that he would have won without the wiki leaks narrative. He lost the popular vote by 2 % and won most of the states that gave him the electoral college win by less than 1%. The notion that the "Hillary is crooked/OMG emails"!" narrative bolstered by Wikileaks and Comey couldn't have swayed 1 in 100 is ludicrous. Nonetheless we are in a bad place as a country when we are so susceptible to BS and BS artists.
  14. If the ACA fails it is on the Republicans for not providing a better alternative or fixing it. They have all the power. To me the most damning thing is how quickly they 1) tried to ram something through and then 2) gave up cause this is hard.
  15. Trump's full of crap, if AHCA fails to pass tomorrow he is every bit as beholden to his voters as house Republicans to try again. But his bluff may work.
  16. Interesting bit in the new version has individual states determining their own essential health benefits. Seems like that would preclude the magic "sell across state lines" solution. https://mobile.twitter.com/Phil_Mattingly/status/845076526437687297
  17. Koch brothers said they would bankroll members who vote no. Trump's ultimatum looks to me like someone unwilling to do the hard work necessary to come up with a viable solution to a complicated problem. Pretty naive to not anticipate the hfc sobs throwing a wrench in the works.
  18. Colluding with a foreign government to swing the election of our president to an outcome they desired is not treasonous because it suited the American colluders interests too? I'm not a lawyer or knowledgeable about treason law but it seems arguable. I feel like there has been substantial damage done to confidence in our electoral process if these allegations prove true.
  19. Collusion with a foreign government (adversarial) to leak hacked (stolen) information to influence an election towards an outcome desired by that adversarial government. Pretty sure there is a crime in there, potentially treason.
  20. If Trump goes down both will be damaged goods. But yeah, still better than Mr T.
  21. Seems like he would be in "ignorance is not a valid defense" territory. Part of me thinks that is possible but that is the part of me that considers him a dolt rather than an amoral self serving con man. Evidence suggests the latter.
  22. Manafort was paid 10 million dollars to lobby for Putin. People have gone nuts about the Saudis giving 1 million to the Clintons charity which has good record keeping indicating most of the money goes to charitable work.
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