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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. Fascinating to think that while the Trump lackeys were too stupid to realize that Kislyak would be under surveillance undoubtedly Kislyak was aware he was.
  2. One would hope that if collusion occurred and is proven Hannity will go down with Trump.
  3. Intent. They have the idiotic actions by Trump part nailed down, now they just need to prove his motive was to prevent bad things happening to him or his buddies (hard to do, but not impossible).
  4. To make US look like idiots. Plus Putin hates H, like a whole lot of other people. Add: or if they were really prescient, to have a guy in the Oval Office that would give them intelligence.
  5. Imagine it was leaked Bill Clinton said to Lynch on the plane "I hope you can let this go". Imagine Obama firing Comey for being a "showboat" before the H investigation was finished. Etc etc.
  6. So he confessed to firing the head of the FBI for the purpose of taking the pressure of an investigation off of him to the Russians. And he was no doubt in on the whole Rosenstein memo ruse but just doesn't have it in him to not brag, first to Holt, then to Lavrov. Managed to get back to the memo a bit yesterday but went on a long rambling condensed campaign speech. If they are smart they will remove him via the 25th and save a whole lot of heartache. I don't think Flynn would talk but Kushner absolutely can't go to jail, he wouldn't last a week.
  7. Wow, no " Russian probe investigating person in WH"? My bet is Sessions but I hope it's Kushner.
  8. This seems notable if true: http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-vnesheconombank-trump-toronto-hotel-2017-5?utm_content=buffer9f36b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-bi
  9. Given the inclusion of Rohrabacher I think it refers to Trump's well documented and very odd affinity for Russia. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/putin-congress-rohrabacher-trump-231775
  10. Jokes often allude to the realities of the moment. It was a joke, but I bet Trump was not amused when he heard about it.
  11. Well he certainly pissed off the FBI. He may be a good bull****ter but deep down he is a stupid man controlled by his impulses.
  12. I kid you not some guy just called in to Limbaugh and said he believes the Washington Post story is ginned up to distract from the news of the murder of the DNC intern who was Wikileaks source. Two Americas indeed.
  13. I think McMaster realized the "Trump was not aware" statement opens up another can of worms and ended the presser.
  14. BBC news had a guy on who said this puts intelligence agents in an impossible situation where they can't simultaneously inform the President and protect the country's security interests, both of which they are sworn to do. This spells it out. Clock is ticking. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/05/16/trump-is-a-serious-threat-to-national-security-commentary.html
  15. I mean, wow, the left is freaking out about a mentally ill guy being President. What's wrong with our countrt?
  16. Lead story on fox news website: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/16/slain-dnc-staffer-had-contact-with-wikileaks-investigator-says.html
  17. You suggested we were freaking out over nothing. Maybe you believe Trump did this as part of some brilliant diabolical plan that will further the prospects of the USA. MY guess due to the chaos among his administration is he is a man child who lacks self awareness. We will see which is which shortly.
  18. How about being completely unfit for the job he is doing? Seems like a valid concern given the responsibilities.
  19. The real question is, did he deliberately disclose Intel, or inadvertently due to a pathological need for agrandizement?
  20. I think his tweet threatening Comey will do him in. He has guarunteed a full investigation and likely a special prosecuter. Pee tape would just be icing on the cake. Would be entertaining to hear evangelicals try to normalize it ala "locker room talk".
  21. I feel like Flynn has already been gotten. And taking down a NSA is no small feat. Page will be the one who squeals. Add: Plus at this point they may not even have to prove Trump had any direct ties to Russia. It's always the cover up...
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