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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. I have no idea if this is what the electronics device thing is about but recently saw this as a method of fire starting (apparently works even if battery discharged). Good part at 1:20. I imagine larger batteries can pack more of a punch/ output more noxious gas.
  2. Some reporters were casting a Trump administration movie on twitter yesterday. Funny one for me was Denis Leary as Kellyanne Conway. Add: http://www.usmagazine.com/news/denis-leary-i-look-like-kellyanne-conway-w464858
  3. I listened to a bit of Schiff's opening statement on NPR, thought he did a great job of laying out the case of why things look fishy.
  4. NY AG hires lawyer who served under Preet. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/324737-ny-attorney-general-hires-prosecutor-likely-to-target-trump
  5. So Trump and Spicer are citing Napalitano's bit from 3 days ago as justification for his tweets 13 days ago. I'm confused. http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/03/14/judge-napolitano-why-there-may-never-be-proof-even-if-obama-spied-trump
  6. I would like to see a statement from McMaster. How long can they drag this thing out? Fox just said they can't confirm Napalitano's story. Love the procession from "fact" to "it's just something I heard on the news, ask the reporters". How much political capital can this guy have left?
  7. Haley: "He'll answer for that". I doubt it. This crap is getting embarrassing: http://www.businessinsider.com/white-house-apologizes-to-britain-gchq-2017-3 Add: While they are apologizing it would seem that one to Obama is warranted. All of this over our infantile president's angry response to a Breitbart article.
  8. Re Keystone I seem to remember when Trump first claimed the pipeline would.be made.with American steel someone pointed out that the WTO forbids such stipulations.
  9. To add to my previous response, IF Trump did collude with the Russians he is simply an idiot, because they were on to him before the election even occurred, because Flynn made calls to people he should have known were under surveilance, etc. Not sure where the genius part comes in. Now the Clintons getting away with all those murders...
  10. He could be an idiot who thinks he can profit by cozying up to the Russians. He could be an idiot who admires Putin's style of governing. These things would make him susceptible to making mistakes, like changing the Republican platform with regards to the Ukraine, or having a bunch of Russophiles surrounding him.
  11. Anyhow we have moved into "it's the coverup" territory. Tha plus the president is losing his damn mind.
  12. Not so far fetched a proposition. He surrounded himself with Russophiles, three of which have lost their jobs over Russian ties. There has been a lot of lying about those ties. Now maybe he is just really sympathetic to Putin and Putin seeing this took it upon himself to work for Trump. But there is a whole lot of smoke and odd behavior for someone who is completely innocent.
  13. Democratic resistance is different in that they will largely be resisting "the dismantling of the administrative state". Republicans resisted implementation of policies. I guess tearing things down could be considered a policy, but it is certainly a different flavor. Besides on a lot of things (like healthcare) they can just refuse to go along and let the Rs tear themselves apart.
  14. Nice tweet thread putting together a timeline wrt Sessions Russian ambassador meeting for the conspiracy theorists. https://mobile.twitter.com/RVAwonk/status/837405299833176066
  15. I think Trump is the triumph of the right wing media, ala Limbaugh and Fox. He didn't invent birtherism, he just saw an opportunity and ran with it. What policy of his wasn't espoused by the fringe right before him?
  16. Russia seems less like a commie country and more like an organized crime syndicate that controls oil reserves to me lately.
  17. The afterglow is fading. https://mobile.twitter.com/BenjySarlin/status/837131326599876612
  18. And the more he complains about leaks being a security risk instead of denying their content.
  19. How much did Trump win TX by? A vote is a vote, KS votes aren'the worth more than MD votes because they are from the heartland.
  20. Nice kissey emoticon. Trump administration is stuck in amateur mode. They won't risk taking it to SC without Gorsuch which undercuts their urgency argument. Why not have Congress pass legislation (rhetorical question)? They will re-write, gonna need more lawyers.
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