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Everything posted by wit33

  1. They’ll both be available this off season lol As well as our beloved Kurt. All at discounted costs! Yuck!
  2. In the NFL, making the playoffs without an elite quarterback often makes repeating the feat in the following season unrealistic. This holds true for every team, including those led by your favorite up-and-coming head coach or GM. Appreciate the playoffs, strive to build upon them, and keep the momentum going.
  3. Laughable some choose to scoff at playoffs. No value in a first year starter spearheading a charge into the playoffs? New England would die for a playoff birth this season.
  4. This isn’t a consensus thought among people who participate in competitive sports or coaches among the NFL. I’d actually say most leave in starters when games are decided. Many of the players have incentives attempting to reach and understand stats are important when at the negotiating table. The motivation for players is often much more nuanced than it is for the fan.
  5. We definitely view things from a different lens and point of view, no doubt! As long as he’s aligned with EB, which it seems they are then all is good. The whole idea of pulling QBs out to not get them hurt is self serving and without much basis. The same people will pay little attention to the starting rookie LB or whoever pounding themselves into the A-gap during a meaningless possession in the 4th quarter. Why not protect that guy or all of them?
  6. The context and circumstances surrounding each sack can vary significantly. It's important to consider these factors when evaluating a quarterback's performance and their ability to handle hits. When a quarterback takes off and runs, they are more exposed to hits because they become a ball carrier. It's a calculated risk that some quarterbacks are willing to take in order to extend plays or gain yards on the ground. I want this in my QB. Howell reminds me a bit of Brett Favre, tough and fearless playing style. Willing to take hits and continue playing through them, much like a linebacker mentality. While this approach can be exciting and sometimes effective, it does come with a higher risk of injury. If this is how Howell can escape mediocrity or a QB ceiling of 12-25, then bring on the injury risk. Unreal. Talent, continuity and high character football guys…. Inexcusable! Solid point here! I support EB and extremely happy overall with his approach, but must be able to establish some success and even grab momentum early in games. Protection from what? Does Jacoby Brisset not deserve the same protection if he were to fill in? Howell is an adult as well and can manage playing a few extra snaps in a game. What are we talking about, play the game and keep it moving.
  7. Get them, EB! To the top or nowhere. Whwre do you fall these days with EB overall and specifically his mentorship and guidance he’s providing Howell?
  8. Howell seems well-prepared to handle the challenges of an NFL season, both physically and mentally, even without an elite offensive line. All this talk about coddling or whatever is unnecessary. It's reminiscent of the discussions I heard from Eagles fans during the Andy Reid years. Hoping EB continues to push it to the max and Howell continues to experience blips of elite play (Pressure creates diamonds—RG3)
  9. Corners worry me much like RBs when nearing 30. No real data I’m basing this off of. Thoughts?
  10. If a quarterback is constantly under pressure without much personal success, it can certainly impact their confidence. Sam Howell, for instance, has faced a fair amount of pressure but still seems confident in his abilities as a QB, with 131 completed passes, a 68% pass completion rate, three games with over 290 yards, and six touchdown throws. For comparison, David Carr is often cited as a potential example of a QB who struggled significantly. He had a completion percentage of only 52%, 2,500 passing yards, nine passing touchdowns, and 233 completions in 16 games. We’ll see how he holds up physically and it seems he’s wanting to work on taking less hits. Exactly, rather have the potential franchise QB with 400 completions under his belt in a season even if it’s playing .500 type ball
  11. 100%. I have confidence EB will stay the course and not let outside or even internal pressure get him away from his philosophy and vision. He’s an older dude with many years in the game and financially set for life, harder to move those dudes off their path. Elite ceiling potential! Love that Howell is getting thrown into the fire and being given opportunity to sink or swim. Looooove this! Drop him back more and more! Continue to attack defenses in whatever way is best for that drive, quarter, half or game.
  12. Jay easily one of the best for a fan to listen on all levels you hit. Must separate from him as a coach here I suppose, but that’s a choice. He’s easily my favorite, along with Cooley (when locked in) and to a lesser degree Paulsen (needs to stop worrying so much about what everyone thinks, but he’s young in the game).
  13. It’s scheme and a player thing for me. I get what you’re saying though. In EBs scheme, I project cool individual stats will take place.
  14. Devon Achane gets lumped in with Trent after a few weeks of highlights? I get your point and agree talent has been a struggle at Mrs with Washington. Imagine Devon Achane in Tennessee lol. Good fit in Miami! This is why uniquely talented OCs who are sometimes trailblazers are paramount, in my view. EB leans me in direction he will have Washington fans excited about a player, two or three by the close of the season.
  15. Absolutley criminal for the defense to be in the position it is at this point in time. Don’t want to be prisoner of the moment, the defense took over the Cardinal game and righted the ship against Denver, but overall what an abomination. Im thrilled with the production of the offense and it’s potential moving forward and have no clue what to expect from the defense. Side tangent: I don’t watch film, so hate going this direction with analysis of relating to players off-the-ball, but maybe it’s time for a shakeup in the secondary and get Hudson some snaps. Want a ball dominant dude to get the ball and attack, the one thing I loved about Landon Collins, so awesome in the run game. Issues on levels, but inexcusable that teams are running against Washington, must dominate in the run game.
  16. I often use the Titans as well for this argument. This is why I’m able to get behind an Alex Smith type offense as well, I believe it provides a high floor and an ability to consistently beat the other 70-80% of mediocre teams. EB style offense allows Washington opportunity to hang 31 points against an elite team like Eagles on a day when the defense couldn’t provide enough resistance for four quad. Not tied down to any model, but will always prefer the aggressive all-in approach that provides a higher ceiling in most situations. No down or distance seems is out of the question.
  17. Totally agree. Hated the culture during those years, it’s actually a HUGE a reason why I was so high on Alex Smith and AP to a lesser degree. They provided an identity, culture, and brand of football to get behind that rose above the mess behind the scenes for bits and pieces of seasons. Professionals! I am not at a much different position than you are in regards to Ron, early on I was tougher on Ron than most, but I’m a sucker for continuity and do like the talent on the roster. EB is the first dude since the Shannahans in that he seems to have a vison in how to get things done aggressively and gives Washington a shot at escaping mediocrity. He’s old and head strong enough (I believe) to not let simpletons residue of average talk (Ron and fans) get in his way to become dynamic. He’s my only hope outside of continuity or an elite QB to escape mediocrity. And who knows what his future holds 😕 People calling for his head have lost their minds IMO. The most dynamic the offense has been since Kirk in-between-the 20s and the RG3 season. Not sure many rosters can expect to be much better than .500 without an elite signal caller. It happens all the time, but to expect it is another story.
  18. Bruce’s tenure was bad. I often would argue it as being mediocre, especially during the Kirk seasons. I’ll take the L and admit he was bad not mediocre. No clue how many times smarter each are than the other. Gets into the weeds a bit for me. I believe most of us would do just as well as Dan Snyder unless one of us would’ve hit on an elite QB. I get it, there are guys I hit on relating to NBA potential in most seasons. Don’t feed the ego of @Koolblue13 Zero anger until this second sentence, but I will manage lol No crow at this point, I’m on side of requiring playoffs without an elite QB. My foundation of belief is cracked after that monstrosity of a game. Absolutely cannot happen, but it does happen from time to time to most teams during the season. Hopefully they can bounce back. You are one that has engaged over the years, so I feel I can come at you more than others. I own having attachment to points of view and philosophical stuff relating to how things are done in the NFL, but very little towards posters (especially you). All in fun and in spirit to discuss and debate man…. Always!
  19. It’s Monday and I’m ready to move the conversation another direction Changed it to the bunch lol
  20. All things equal, your support of the Giants off season approach is in shambles and appears worse off than Washington. Washington has assets and cap flexibility immediately, no matter what takes place this season. Remain agile when not having an elite QB. It’s damn hard in the NFL without an elite QB. I know you know this, but reminder is needed from time to time on this board. Atrocious game and my foundation of support for this season is teetering, but I’ve watched NFL long enough to know it can change quickly or remain mediocre like most of the NFL lol. Your idea of aiming higher and thinking bigger in terms of front office and coach I own having complete negative bias and have grown to be a skeptic unless an elite QB is attached to it. I dislike what the Sixers have done, so that gives me some pause, but hey if Harris can help find an Embiid at QB, I’m game for playoffs in most seasons. There we go, own the position that you and the bunch could do better than Ron and company. Lets eliminate evvvvverything else that goes on behind the scenes. Even at the high school level of coaching basketball (15 player team) it can be difficult managing players and goes beyond just talent to make it all work. Not absolving blame, it’s a win or go home season for Ron.
  21. and….. Slooooooooooow! Deplorable effort by the defense. The scheme and exactly who’s responsible gets into the weeds a bit for me; look forward to hearing from some people in the know. My expectations coming into the season were to overwhelm opponent run games and consistently attack the QB, not happening at the rate required. We’ve seen some of this in previous couple seasons. Brutal.
  22. Continuity is supposed to have value. Wow! Absolute travesty what we are witnessing on defense.
  23. My foundation of belief suffered a crack this evening. Devastating loss.
  24. Yup, reasonable prediction to start the year. NFL wins are damn hard to come by though.
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