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Everything posted by wit33

  1. Randall Cobb says hello. Why wouldn’t a QB demand the resigning of passing targets they have good chemistry with? Where I can understand the QB having less pull is with highly paid passing targets that can impact roster construction, can’t get in way of that, but guys taking up 1-2% of the cap the QB should have some say there.
  2. Throwing the ball around 65% of the time, especially with a second-year QB, is a pretty daring move. Do you differ in your view of the strategic style resembling that of Andy Reid's offense? I'm not suggesting that Eric Bieniemy (EB) operates at Andy's level, but Andy once encountered similar criticism during his Eagles days, reaching a point where Eagles fans were okay with him moving on. I get it, but I’m a sucker for an all in approach to most anything lol
  3. Not saying there's no truth to coaches overwhelming QBs, but I'd rather see that issue come up early so we can move on from a QB who might struggle. That's just my take—I'm not into a QB who can't handle the heat in the NFL. I believe mediocre coaches (80%) often times hold players back, aiming for average to keep their high-paying gigs. I'm all about taking risks, being bold, and going for elite status instead of playing it safe for a fat paycheck. Which recent Washington coordinator do you think has performed up to your standards?
  4. How much has he been sacked the last month? Veteran players need to start engaging with their franchises with a shift in mindset, transitioning from a sense of entitlement to embracing a partnership and demonstrating gratitude. Must stop looking up at the elite salaries and look down to the bargain rookie contracts. Outrageous. Or a guy like Flacco making $1mil or whatever providing every bit the same value of a Carr or Wilson making 30-40x what he makes. 5 years at a cheap salary is wildly valuable in the current QB landscape. I especially like the supremely athletic QB in this scenario, treat him like a RB early on and hope he develops as a passer late in his rookie deal. Obviously, if you have an all world guy who can operate within and outside the pocket I’ll take that over anything. I wonder what portion of NFL fans, collectively, believe that their team's Offensive Coordinator lacks football knowledge and is just clueless. My guess it exceeds 70%.
  5. If that possibility arises, I hope Washington makes a move and secures him for a third-round pick that has the potential to shift into a second or something similar. If they decide Daniels isn’t their guy. I can get behind Harrison Jr or Joe Alt plus Murray. Then… You guessed it, bring in Greg Roman and ride Murray for his remaining 3 years on his deal and treat him like a RB and move on.
  6. Any early info on the mental makeup of the top 3 QBs? One of them stand above the rest relating to commitment to the game?
  7. In the realm of sports, merit continues to hold some weight. Jacoby’s brief appearances have notably energized the offense. Howell couldn’t firmly solidify himself as a foundational player for the franchise. Although there’s a chance for Howell to rebound if circumstances align, the upcoming offseason will predominantly focus on seeking the next potential franchise quarterback. The Howell experiment is over. I had some hope and as I’ve said again and again, his legs should’ve been part of the offense (criminal it wasn’t) … he’s pretty special in that area.
  8. Joe Hortiz + Mike Macdonald + Greg Roman +Jayden Daniels or Fields/Murray (Marvin Harrison Jr or Joe Alt included with this package) + trade for Malik Willis as the backup = A decade of winning football
  9. What’s “turning it around” for you? Half of the playoff teams are kinda average each year, so it’s doable to catch up and snag a playoff spot within a year. But breaking past that barrier usually requires top-notch QBs or coaches and sometimes elite cultures and identity. Whoever takes the reins has to aim for playoffs from day one—no excuses there. If the front office and coaches are preaching “let’s wait and see,” that’s not a good sign. Sure, patience to build a powerhouse Super Bowl team, yeah, but playoffs? Nah, that’s just making excuses. I wasn’t thrilled when Ron first joined; I thought he’d be tough and demand greatness from the start, but he turned out to be muuuuuch more laid-back than I expected.
  10. If your QB can’t operate comfortably within the pocket and he provides no dual threat ability, you will lose against the other 25 QBs that can each NFL season. Criminal Howell's running prowess wasn't a focal point of the offense. If your quarterback possesses the ability to run, it stands as one of the prime methods to enhance offensive proficiency while nurturing the quarterback's growth. Jayden Daniels/Fields/Murray + Bill B + Greg Roman = 11 wins
  11. When the playoff opportunity fades, shift support to the team’s draft pick prospects. To genuinely support players when playoffs are out of reach, research their contract incentives and rally behind those goals as they become their new focus.
  12. Jacoby Brisset might secure himself an opportunity at a starting spot next year for another team within the same environment. Sam Howell will forever be grateful to this staff. True story.
  13. Whoever Bill Belichick wants to draft is good with me. If he wants to employ Greg Roman and develop a young dynamic athlete at the QB spot, I wouldn’t be mad at him. It can be in form of Jayden Daniels or a trade for Fields/Murray and draft Harrison Jr or a premiere LT. How to escape mediocrity
  14. GMs and head coaches ought to be evaluated on distinct scales based on whether they had the advantage of an elite quarterback compared to those who didn’t. If you won consistently over a five year period or so (playoffs) without an elite QB, that’s big time IMO.
  15. Trading away valuable players to acquire more draft picks, given the unpredictable nature of the draft, seems counterintuitive. Acquire and keep great to elite talent. Instead of shedding top talent, focus on parting ways with older or overpaid average performers, while leveraging free agency and the draft to bolster the team. The ultimate aim is to secure an elite or promising quarterback on a rookie contract. On a separate note, witnessing the Rams celebrate an 8-7 win, boosting their playoff prospects, brings back nostalgia. I hope for a return to those hopeful days, especially considering Washington’s likely position with a top 5 draft pick.
  16. That’s a valid point. Often times there’s a delicate balance when coaching a player where pushing too hard might steer away from their natural abilities, resulting in a diluted, average version of themselves. It’s baffling to me that EB and the staff chose not to leverage Howell’s dual-threat capabilities during games, especially considering his evident passion for running the football. Allowing a young, athletic QB like him opportunities to utilize his dual-threat potential within an offense is one of the most effective ways to enhance the team’s competence and foster the development of the young quarterback. He’s akin to a budget version of Josh Allen. Take a cue from Buffalo’s approach in developing him—let Howell run the ball! It would be fantastic if Roman could somehow work with Howell someday, but 90% likely another QB will be handed the franchise via the draft or free agency.
  17. MVP of the NFL and winning 74% of games is all good with me. Im sure Greg Roman has a different view on why a young raw Lamar Jackson didn’t excel in the pass game. I get what you’re saying, but escaping mediocrity over a number of seasons in the NFL during a rookie QB contract is appealing. Not campaigning, but like the idea of having an elite run game while attempting to develop a young passer. The idea that there’s a ceiling with this type of offense is false. For instance, Russell Wilson led his team to back-to-back Super Bowls, winning one. Colin Kaepernick also guided his team to a Super Bowl appearance and a Conference Championship game. Similarly, Cam Newton took his team to a Super Bowl. All of these were run-dominated offenses with relatively lower pass attempts (in the 400s) and around 3,500 passing yards. During this time Aaron Rodgers the greatest passer of his generation had zero SB appearances. It’s rarely linear as to why things do or don’t work.
  18. It’s interesting to note that Howell is receiving the same excuses that fans and media typically give to first-round QBs who often don’t live up to expectations and waste years starting. Wonder if new FO will feel similarly. Thankfully for Howell, he has amassed a significant amount of production to back up his case.
  19. Man, there are so many easy shots to fire at Ron, but to me is how the defense is performing. It’s bottom of the league, and that’s a tough stain on his record. I gotta admit, I had such high hopes for the defense this season—maybe top 5, at least top 10. It’s frustrating to see them fall short like this. Unreal disappointment relating to the defense. Will make for an entertaining off season for the fan. Let’s see where it goes.
  20. Howell’s versatility as a dual-threat QB has been overlooked. Similar to Josh Allen’s early career usage, he could thrive in that role if given the chance. You can tell it’s in his DNA to seek contact and run the ball —wakes him up. Some OCs are limited by their approaches. Even Andy Reid utilized Alex Smith as a runner in crucial situations. If Jayden Daniels is available and checks all the boxes, drafting him could instantly bolster your offensive line, potentially pushing it into the top 15, and elevate your run game to a top 10 level. Yup, sucker for the mobile QB with great intangibles.
  21. There’s a select few who can do that, but 80-90% can’t afford to put on mediocre tape. The defense has been consistently ineffective and BAD. Meanwhile, the offense has shown inconsistency, performing at an average or mediocre level. The current structure allows for a fair evaluation of the players. Howell isn’t leaving; he’s cost-effective and has proven himself as an elite backup at the very least. On another note, Howell’s running abilities should be consistently utilized during games. I’m disappointed with EB and his system for not focusing on this skill set. Howell visibly thrives when he’s running, showing a different level of energy.
  22. Poor Sam Howell lol. No excuses, he must perform. I’m with you on hoping he balls out and Washington secures a top 5-10 pick. Checking out NFL locker rooms is often times a myth. Bad teams will continue to be bad though. Every player is focused on competing for their next paycheck and yearly incentives.
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