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Everything posted by Elessar78

  1. In stride. We’ve taken this virus seriously from day 1. We’ve always feared this as an outcome. Grandma went back to the hospital against her wishes today, not looking good. Found out my FIL “powered through it” and went back to work last weekend, prob gave it to other people. MIL is miserable on day 11 of her illness. We’re hoping not to get “a phone call” anytime now. My worry is that, out of pride/ideology, they will try to ride it out at home. That’s the worst thing you can do. There are some therapeutics that work best if given early. We’re in an informational black hole, because they don’t want us to know they are laid out by this virus. We were supposed to go pumpkin carving at my wife’s sister’s house. She cancelled it the day of saying “everybody was sick”. My wife finally pulled it out of her that they all had Covid. Worse is grandma is 91 and her mom and aunt didn’t tell any of the siblings until 7 days into it. The old woman is on oxygen when she doesn’t have Covid. They didn’t think to tell her children just in case they needed to say goodbye. Part of it is my mother-in-law and FIL def are the ones that got grandma sick.
  2. For the first time in my life, I have to buy a microwave oven. Never have had to. Every place I’ve lived has had a perfectly acceptable microwave present. apart from buttons, I’ve never noticed a difference how well a microwave heats food. In fact, at work, one kitchen has a microwave from the 90s that still works just fine. is there a point to spending over $500 on a microwave??
  3. My father in law, mother in law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law (pregnant), nephew, and wife’s 91 yr old grandma all tested positive for Covid. All unvaxxed. Not even telling us they tested positive. Grandma hasn’t eaten in 5 days and initially turned away for monoclonal antibody treatment (they didn’t have any). An unvaxxed aunt has been taking care of grandma, so she prob has it and taking it home to her husband who’s on a transplant list for a new liver. Grandma doesn’t want to be admitted, so she’s taking it back to her nursing home. oh these people are “Pro Life”
  4. I got 3rd dose of Pfizer. It came out a week later that we could mix and match.
  5. Being alive these days is dehumanizing. It’s been headed this way for decades but it seems more fierce. We’ve gotten really good at capitalism and, by extension, exploitation in all its forms. people, especially Americans, are treated as some cog in some GDP machine instead of, wéll, humans. My own career is filled with ambivalence–in advertising, an art director, for the most part I exist to create feelings of inadequacy or that some need is unmet in the audience so they buy stuff. I had a short stint working for a non-profit magazine but everything is about creating this lust for stuff or experience. We’re The wealthiest country yet rank low on key metrics for happiness and well-being. The pandemic highlighted our mis-prioritizations. Capitalism tends to mock the creatives (not like myself), but without the writers, artists, filmmakers, actors, etc—people would’ve been committing suicides in droves. Yeah, it takes quants and geeks to run a Netflix but it wouldn’t really be worth it without good content. people are angry and can’t put a finger on it. It’s because we’re pulled apart from the top level things people need to be human.
  6. What they find with commercial plans crashes, it’s never one thing. It’s the negligence. It’s ignoring several little things that add up to a catastrophe.
  7. Would love to point out that keeping the details the same, this is the stuff we would shake our heads at if it came out of some African nation. I know people here who have told me that the right to own a gun is divinely granted right. Not sure where that is in the Bible.
  8. The story is different with depth. our backup QB was Will Levis. He’s playing well at Kentucky. Also look at another backup, Tommy Stevens—barely played but drafted by Saints. Didnt do much in the NFL but still. WR transfers at Oregon (Johnson) and Florida(Shorter) doing great. But Dotson, KLS and Washington are studs.
  9. I had some uppity city girls in my car back in my twenties and Ind happen to have my Steve Miller band CD in and they were clowning it. I listen to everything Wu Tang to classical to alt-country, obscure indie bands… EVERYTHING. Annoying with their judgy music nonsense.
  10. Nah, that’s why we have institutions. Politicians can be people too and raise kids. we have to get out of this awful mindset that because many of us got by DESPITE bad culture that it was okay. It wasn’t.
  11. Anyone got ideas on how to prove or show people who don’t believe that hospitals are filling up in parts of the country? Even in Pittsburgh, a family friend is a man and he was being treated at the city’s WOMEN’s hospital for C19 because all the other hospitals are full.
  12. I take it back. .08 according to some website takes about 5 drinks per hour that's a lot for me. I'm on a mission to get wasted at that rate.
  13. The bar for a DUI is pretty low. Not advocating it, but if I had two drinks and the cop pulls me over right after I leave the restaurant, I'll prob hit .08.
  14. Pfizer CEO on Slavitt's podcast claims that vax for ages 5-11 should be done by "end of summer". That's good news, if it holds. Also, gov't has purchased enough supply for every one in America to get a booster, if needed/approved.
  15. I’m vaxxed. Wife is vaxxed. I don’t really have doubts for the vax. My girls are under 12. Do we know how the vaccines may affect reproductive systems decades down the line?
  16. France made a tactical mistake NOT going into a shell for the last 10? minutes of regulation. We've seen in this tournament when you keep it tight in the back, even the best teams struggle to pry it open. Once you open up, teams can score 2 goals in a hurry.
  17. Pogba was stellar. He's not Man Utd pogba. I think the combination of Pogba-Kante is a dream. Zidane-Makalele 2.0?
  18. Batard! That match needed Olivier Giroud.
  19. guarantee you this guy votes for small government, free markets. "Hey Gov. Abbott, Sen. Cruz use your power to fix this, you government entities. I've been aggrieved." Reminds me of a saying I coined: Gov't should stay the hell out of people's lives. Unless it's something that's important to me.
  20. Both are great players with vastly different skill sets. I'm a big Kante fan, personally. I think you can build a team around Kante, while Pogba would be the icing on the cake, someone you add to a good team to make it special. Kante has that Mascherano quality.
  21. EUROoooooS.... I got a France/Wales final with France winning.
  22. I dimed her out to her hospital, didn't name her by name, when she was spouting stuff off about COVID myths. They wanted a name, but I wouldn't give her up. I just wanted them to kinda prod their nursing staff.
  23. My sister-in-law is an antivax nurse. SMFDH.
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