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Everything posted by Elessar78

  1. She would receive said goods in a forceful manner with much frequency and vigor. Perhaps two times on the Lord's day?
  2. When you deploy CDC teams that means things are safe to begin with, right?
  3. Haha. Yeah. And when I try to get out of seeing them: "Why do you hate my family? Wah!"
  4. It's tough. My in laws DGAF. My one sister in law thinks Fauci made this in a lab in Wuhan. Seriously. My other sister in law DGAF either. Seeing my wife's family is like a death trap right now.
  5. Covid porn. The virus is dead on surfaces in like two days. Power 5 physicians saying that they a dozen elite athletes with post covid myocarditis. Elite athletes, a year two older than a HS senior.
  6. Saint George patron saint of people with syphilis. Saint George patron saint of England. Ergo ...
  7. Pennsylvania's awesome (not-sarcastic) Gov is "strongly recommending" shutting down sports (high school and youth) until Jan 1. The debate now is whether the kids' well being is better served with sports or without it (and society's overall well being). I haven't read any professional medical opinion on the issue. My wife works in the mental health field with children and adolescents and she says that it was definitely an issue with her patients in the late spring/early summer. They were burned out from isolation. My take is that not all sports are created equal when it comes to covid. Tennis and golf are safe. Team sports like soccer there is intermittent contact so it's like 50/50. I'm trying to convince my kid to play with a mask on. Football, where linemen are in the face of other linemen, probably not the best.
  8. PleaseBlitz' bedroom is gonna be pretty crowded for a while: PleaseBlitz, Mrs. PleaseBlitz, and Springfield (livin' rent free in his head . . . "#3")
  9. Here's an odd question, the ceiling fabric on my Pilot is starting to sag. Can that be replaced? Where do I even go for that—I feel like a regular garage wouldn't do that type of interior work.
  10. Good choice. Last year, my teacher friends were saying that it was so stressful on families that several just opted not to teach at home—and that was the right thing to do in that case. No reason to damage your relationship with your kid for a short term solution. Other countries whose students rank very high in international comparisons their formal school starts much later than ours, like age 7. With how young your kid is, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Read to him regularly and play—that's how kids learn. Biggest thing is to NOT create negative associations with learning.
  11. If he was that flexible he wouldn't have to make his own guac
  12. If the engineers I work with are a gauge, I think nowadays the tolerances in parts are tailored specifically to how a machine is designed. Decades ago, cars may have been more forgiving in terms of accepting after market parts. cars today are way more intimidating to work on because of the electronics involved.
  13. Our interscholastic athletics are proceeding. On some level, outdoor sports (not football, not wrestling) seem safe: tennis, baseball. Maybe lacrosse, soccer, track, etc. I quoted the above, is that to say that they will upgrade filtration or ventilation? or that there will be no field trips, no upgraded filtration and ventilation?
  14. Let me knwo if you hear anything else. We are opting for the cyber option, because I think there will be a disruption at some point. It gives us a better chance at continuity.
  15. You have to be strict and act when it looks like nothing is happening. Our Gov (Wolf)(Dem) has been doing that and he is fought every step of the way. As James Carville put it, PA is Pittsburgh and Philly with Alabama in between.
  16. Just for comparison, the last rolling 7 day average I saw a few days ago for positive tests: NY 1.2%, PA 5.9%.CDC/WHO wants it at 5% to reopen safely. PA flirts with that number, I think we were under that number not too long ago. Soccer is back in. I don't know how I feel about it yet. I would just be content just to play in our area/in our bubble. But I think we are slated to do county to county travel. Even less comfortable with that. I don't know what the rush is? Indoor sports are a no-no. Although swimming, by a couple of things I've seen should be safe. Chlorine kills, dilutes it. Distancing, as always, is the key. My pool this summer has been sandbagging—I feel the chlorine mix is stronger than usual.
  17. On a related note, are your kids going back to sports and other activities? Here in Western PA, our sports leagues are scheduled to reopen for both school and club. The guidance from our hospital system is that it's okay as long as protocols are followed. I'm not completely set at ease by this. PA has been managing the virus well, despite the numbers, but I live in Trump country and people here are pretty lax about masks and distancing (not true for all of PA). When I see lax behavior, I just think of how people must've been in FL, AZ, TX before their surge.
  18. The garage we use changed ownership and they don't have a record if my Honda Pilot got a transmission fluid changed. It's at 175k miles now. Planned to run it into the ground. is the rule that don't change transmission fluid if you've never changed it, still in effect? Can't find anything definitive on the webs. Transmission fluid was changed when the car was <100k miles.
  19. They should've asked Ali to shoot the arrow into the cauldron
  20. Bela Karoly stood there thinking, "THIS! This is what I starved and verbally abused this girl for for years. For this moment. It makes shutting down her menstrual cycle and sending her to Larry Nassar so worth it."
  21. When europeans first settled into the Americas flying pigs were an infrequent site. The winged variety of pig took a long time to mature and therefore took a long time to take flight (hence the expression: when pigs fly). But as with many native fauna, the settlers hunted them into extinction. In the late 90s, there were reports of a small colony in southern Canada.
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