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Everything posted by Elessar78

  1. Dude, I’m all fairness, before thanksgiving I thought we had this virus in check. Esp with the pill coming on line. At the same time, we needed to be testing like other modern economies.
  2. Except the word out of SA was that Omi is more likely to re-infect those with prior infection. In the summer 2021 surge, they were flying people across the country in search of beds. If all areas light up, then there’s nowhere to ship them. Oxygen and other related drugs are finite. Collapse is prob a strong word but it could but it could likely end up as it can’t function on a very basic level.
  3. Rapid at home tests let’s you know if you’re contagious or not. That’s the value of them. You can get back to more of normal life.
  4. Now it’s part of layered strategy. Wear a good mask, distance, don’t go into crowded indoor spaces with poor air flow. Like you said, don’t let the virus in. The vaccine is like the free safety.
  5. I’m in my 40s and I was in line for my booster as soon as it was available in October. This was before Omicron, mainly because I live in a county full of covidiots and I’m forced to work in office with them and no one masks.
  6. Two doses for adults early in 2021 have been impacted by waning immunity (reduced effectiveness). I don't know if the kids' two doses will be sufficient, because they are fresh. So there are 3 levels of protection: antibodies, T-Cells, B-cells. antibody protection is down after 6 months, so you can get sick with symptoms. T-Cells, B-cells take a few days to ramp up but clear out the infection faster. I wouldn't go to the theater, but if that's a MUST then go when the theater is going to be least populated.
  7. What’s always missing is the behavior profile. In Provincetown outbreak, cases were from being indoors, close contsct for hours. nearby Ithaca college, two miles from Cornell, doesn’t seem to be having a similar problem so far.
  8. Oops… grandma is back in the hospital after being two weeks out. Bunch of other systemic problems have crept up. REALLY not looking good this time.
  9. California and Hawaii are much richer recruiting grounds. Very small % of his roster comes from Oklahoma. More $$, better weather, better in-state recruiting. What's not to love.
  10. Strangely enough, I was ahead of most people on Covid because of ES. I was preparing for a lockdown because of stuff mentioned here. My extended family how did you know it was coming: WFT TAILGATE.
  11. Well wife’s 91YO grandma survived! She got released but she’s getting home care for 7 weeks before she can go back to her nursing home. She’s still too weak to do things like she used to. So “survived”. My nephew’s school is now shut down until after Thanksgiving. 20% of students have Covid or are quarantining.
  12. I’m double vaxxed and boosted. Had a head cold for a week, been worst last two days. Was mild before that. Waiting on Covid test results.
  13. Pretty much this for decades now. Be afraid of something. When demographics is shifting away from you, when your policies don’t work.
  14. Bingo. Yeah, questionable in game/4th down calls. It’s a totally different season if Levis stays. Yet, The injuries shouldn’t be as big a factor if JF is actually recruiting balls to the wall? If all things go right in a season, PSU will be in a playoff. I have no idea why we can’t run the ball.
  15. My kids get vaxxed this Friday. Almost there. Wondering if we allow them to not mask up anymore. Western PA has pretty much given up on masking. I still mask at work, I’m one of three that still do. I mostly do it because my kids aren’t vaxxed. I know likelihood is small, but still. I’m not hassled by masking. Especially in meetings when I know only half of my coworkers are vaxxed.
  16. Me. In 2006 my indoor soccer team over at Fairfax Sportsplex went undefeated two sessions in a row. The guy who runs the place said he’s never seen that before. I was points leader.
  17. Things look bad right now for Dems, the positive is that the election is a year away. Think about even six months ago, sky high approval ratings. If swing voters feel good about the “little things” then it could be a blue wave. Joe doesn’t have control over OPEC and only to a small degree about supply chain logistics.
  18. Wild Animals are smart. They know there’s no such thing as a hospital for them.
  19. It’s playing out that way. Grandma might pull through. Her oxygen was great today at 98, it had dipped to the low 90s yesterday. Chest x-ray was clear, but her sodium level was low. Now the Covid deniers are saying **** like, it’s not Covid—she just has low sodium. Quick Google search shows that low sodium is not a good thing. 1/3 end up getting intubated. Prob higher if you’re 90. The delusion is strong
  20. Grew up in Fairfax in the 90s. Always running into MS-13 but we were chill. It was funny in 2016 when the REST of America started spouting MS-13 as they daily bogeyman. I tell people yeah. They’re messed up. One Christmas a car full of them stole a parking spot Ive been waiting ten minutes for in Chantilly. They must be stopped.
  21. It's a soap opera. Sorry to be unloading here but I'm dumbfounded by how this is unfolding. Grandma has it worst among all the infected (obviously) and her care has been bungled. Probably mostly through denial of the situation and potential severity of this virus. Today is Day 11 for her and she is JUST being moved to a hospital. This is a 91 year old woman who wheels around an oxygen tank with her 24/7 to begin with. Mother-in-law is still down with COVID on day 14 now. Now she acknowledges that "this COVID thing is nothing to mess around with." But also her psychological state is not good because she knows she gave her mom COVID. The aunt, who cleans houses for a living, is most likely an asymptomatic carrier she's still doing her job and going into houses of unsuspecting people.
  22. Our Mr. coffee maker is the best. The numbers are fading that’s the only prob. We’ve tried to a few newer ones but not really happy.
  23. That’s what Im worried about. Getting treatment early is better than late. sorry about your relatives. We’ve been on the outs with them since 2018(?). They went hard for all the Q conspiracy theories.
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