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Everything posted by mudhog

  1. Absolutely the best rum I have ever tasted. Smells and tastes just like black strap molasses. Mixes best with Coke Zero and ice. Can also use Cherry Coke Zero if you like the cherry rum flavor.
  2. Is this the post you were referring to with the link? I just downloaded it after reading BBNG's post and will let ya'll know how it works tomorrow. Going to post-up at a local sports bar in So. Pines, NC so I don't miss anything, but be trying all my apps on phone and laptop to see which works the best.
  3. As soon as I read the stat, I figured it was us too. Didn't we lose to the eagles on opening day a few years ago with their new head coach? I am too lazy to look up stats.
  4. It's 'theeeeeeeeeeeen' not 'thaaaaaaaaaaaan'. Carry on.
  5. I really should preface my statement by stating my mindset on this comment. OK, I totally understand that I may have gushed a bit in that last statement, and like terpfan said, should pump the brakes a little. Maybe so. But Gibbs Is a totally different time for me. It was 40 years ago. It was a whole different time and a whole different life. I was just a teen. Don't get me wrong, it was the greatest time of my life as a Redskin fan. My family and I watched every game together. And if we weren't around a TV, we listened to it on the radio. I was working with my pops, building a barn in the snow, the day Mark Mosley kicked the field goal against the Giants with 4 seconds left on the clock to win the game and send us to the playoffs. I didn't actually see the kick, or watch Joe Theisman hug Mosley and jump around, but I heard it on the radio of dad's work van, and I heard the crowd at RFK go wild, and we jumped around and hugged each other. It was a different time and a different feeling to me. I expected to win after that with Gibbs and he delivered. Add to this, with every Superbowl win Gibbs accumulated as coach of the Redskins, Jack Kent Cooke and his classy-ass-mug were always standing next to him hoisting the Lombardi. It couldn't be more perfect. Now, decades later, we are in the wilderness. It's been cold, bleak and dark for years and years. RFK is no more. JKC is no more. The Redskins name is no more. And our reputation and greatness are a thing of the distant past. But now we have hope in a new coach by the name if Ron Rivera. Riverboat Ron. A guy with morals, values and class. We have a slew of great coaches along with him. We have a great front office, and a new field. We have, in 1 year, weeded through a roster of average, ordinary players to piece together a core of exceptionally skilled leaders. Guys that have the heart and class of their head coach, and the esprit de corps to bring it all in for the BIG WIN. I don't know how this season will pan out, but I believe in Rivera-the-man. And I believe that he's one of the very few, if not the only coach in the NFL to do what needs to be done to this team to get us back to greatness. But just think of the superlative achievement it would be to win a Superbowl under Rivera. Gibbs never had to face what Rivera walked into. Not in any of his years with the team. Where we were when Rivera started, to a Superbowl win(depending on time frame) would probably have to propel Ron to the Pantheon of greats like Gibbs. Maybe not GOAT, lol. I am not by any means taking anything away from Joe Gibbs. And I don't think there is a Redskins fan alive that doesn't thank God or their higher power that he was our coach when Sean Taylor was killed. But Rivera is that same caliber of man. And him leading this team back to greatness, even if only once, would be nothing less than Gibbs-great.
  6. I already have Rivera on a pedestal almost as high as Gibbs, but if he pulls off a trade with Allen for a fourth or conditional third, it would firmly ensconce him at the Gibbs level. Win us a SB and he goes for GOAT!
  7. I still think a surprise cut will be Barber. I think Everett makes it over Reaves.
  8. I really feel like you nailed it here mhd24! Really the only one I might question is Barber. I just don't see the position flex with him, but as others have said, he is a good blocker and he plays teams. If Barber is cut, then I see either Reaves, Bada or Bradley-King making the roster. On another note, that's quite a few draft picks making the roster as starters and quality depth. And our UDFA's Reyes and Peterson. What a fabulous off-season! Edit: Forgot Saahdiq Charles. And on that note, I would keep Ismael over Barber.
  9. I would love to see him fill the Big Mike Sellers role to a certain extent this year. A pulling Reyes hits the gap a split second before AG takes it to the house!
  10. I really didn't focus too much on TH during the game, but do you recall seeing him stare-down receivers in the Thursday game? Also, I have heard more than once from SIP that TH does this in practice, but in game situations, maybe not so much. After having watched his other live games, do you notice other instances where he does this? Honestly just curious. Thanks
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does PR/KR duties make one a special-teamer? or do you need to be on coverage packages as well?
  12. I am thinking the same about Heineke. This wasn't an all-out winner-takes-all game like the wildcard game. This was an evaluation game for him and though he was a bit shaky at first, he did relax and show he's got what it takes to be a back-up to Fitzmagic.
  13. I agree BG. The only thing here that I would add is that Rivera is also considering that unlike the past, he trusts his position coaches, and thinks he has enough time to fine-tune Reyes. I didn't see if Reyes played on teams at all, but if we cut Apke, he would also have value there. Seems kinda funny that RR waited till now to suggest that Patterson return punts. I have been thinking that all along. Also, I wonder why Toney hasn't been used more as a blitzing LB instead of DE where there is a logjam and he could end up cut. Like I have said since the last day of the draft, Patterson makes this team.
  14. Ok, I took what slinky just posted a few hours ago and went to YouTube and found a 13:26 minute vid of how to install Fake GPS app and Locast app, and by the end of the video, was watching free local tv on my android as if I were in Arlington VA. Later on, I will purchase a Firestick to do the instructions that Riggo's Rangers sent me. Looks like either way, you will be able to access local DC tv either on your phone or tv. That should solve the problem of being out of the area I think. I hope.
  15. I agree about Watson being out because Ron would never consider him even if he crapped solid gold bars. But I have never heard that Wilson snubbed the WFT, or coach Rivera or this dynamite roster or the DC area. Heard it about Rogers and Stafford though. Why wouldn't Wilson want to come to a stacked team, on the brink of greatness? He is a smart guy.
  16. Just curious if Russel Wilson is still an option next year, and if so, if we would be contenders with him. Thanks
  17. In hindsight, it isn't as bad as all that. Yeah, he costs 18mil for the year, but it's not like he's an unknown free agent. His 18mil is probably right at what he's asking per year on a LTD, so it's not like we would have saved money had we done the extension. He was a known commodity at the time we tagged him, and RR more than likely did it knowing it would be his last year, but needed to concentrate on FA, which I applaud him for doing. It may seem like a crap situation to some, but it was handled way better than the Trent Williams situation(on both sides). And I just read yesterday that even with the 18mil this year, we will have had Scherff for 7yrs-66mil, which is pretty good. With this being a contract year for BS, he's gonna have to play his ass off and stay healthy, which is good for us.
  18. It's funny, but this year is the first time I ever tried doing mock drafts and I consistently found myself trading my first rounder for multiple 2nd and 3rd round picks. Now, granted I didn't have the luxury of film and interviews like the scouts had, but I could see the value in a lot of good players vs 1 supreme player.
  19. Absolutely right. I suggest anyone down on Turner for last year go to YouTube and watch Street Scores with your boy Rico for a breakdown of what Rivera and Turner faced in evaluating and teaching/coaching young rooks and a new team in general with no preseason to speak of. To be criticizing Turner at this point is damn shortsighted, and not what I would expect from this crowd. Now that being said, I feel that we will see quite an upgrade in play-calling this year, though with some early growing pains. Not calling Turner a savant at this point, but as KB stated, Turner has quite a complex offense he runs from similar formations.
  20. Away team has an increasingly hard time changing directions. As if the WFT had mastered that old nasty field and were using it to their advantage. If anything, having to play on it for HALF our games caused us way more harm than any visiting team. I will be present the day they set the charges to demolish FedEx. I pray to the powers that be, that we end up with a beautiful modern stadium that feels like RFK. Until then, I will be happy with the new field and watching the 2021 season exceed my wildest expectations! Hail
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