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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. Generally agree with this take. If UVA moved on from Bennett they would almost certainly be worse for it. They don’t have a tremendous level of talent* and his style does help them be a very good regular season team. Oddly enough they generally do pretty well in the ACCT too. *I will say though that Bennett has utterly failed to capitalize on his title. UVA has pretty high academic standards and he doesn’t like recruiting guys that are going to be one and done anyway, but man, they should be better by now. The only time his teams have ever done a thing in the tournament, he had like four future NBA players starting for him. That’s what it takes for his style to be successful. A bunch of a long athletes as 2-3-4 that can shoot it well. A great defensive presence at 5. And a 1 that is a top tier floor general AND can shoot. Their offense has to be hyper-efficient to effective at all. And for whatever reason their recruiting hasn’t been great over the last handful of years. They haven’t been able to land that caliber of player.
  2. Well that’s one way to get people to read your obscure research paper.
  3. Not really. They’re set with Hurts and I’m sure Minshew is looking for a chance to play. Not sure how much I’d factor in what he did last year (which admittedly I did not watch any of). That entire offense was designed around Hurts. Tough to just plug Minshew in and expect them to not miss a beat.
  4. Minshew is a rich man’s Heinicke and imo would be favored in a legit QB competition. I’m for it.
  5. Well this is relatively disastrous at this stage of his development.
  6. Good for Taylor. I’m guessing that $20m is heavy on playing time incentives but is still an incredible contract for a guy that was out of the league and living with his sister two years ago. What an incredible story.
  7. Duke is a very different team than they were two months ago. ACC is weak this year, yes, but they can make some noise.
  8. That could end up being a very good deal for Ruiz. I got the sense he was on the verge of breaking out and being very expensive.
  9. NFL is a small enough club of owners that they absolutely engage in labor market manipulation ie collusion. You definitely saw it with the cap penalties on Washington and Dallas awhile back. I wonder how pissed they are at the Browns for the Watson fully guaranteed contract resetting the QB market in a huge way. I can see the owners putting their foot down and saying never again when it comes to Jackson’s demands.
  10. So do we feel good about them effectively wrapping up the first game in the single remaining 43min episode?
  11. Fertitta’s company owns Morton’s, so that makes a lot of sense. It’s where deals happen with Dan Snyder. Maybe Eddie Royal is part of the ownership group.
  12. Subscriber can “gift” a certain number of articles per month. Enjoy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/03/02/goodell-bowser-commanders-rfk-stadium/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWJpZCI6IjIwMTM4NDcxIiwicmVhc29uIjoiZ2lmdCIsIm5iZiI6MTY3NzczMzIwMCwiaXNzIjoic3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ucyIsImV4cCI6MTY3OTAyNTU5OSwiaWF0IjoxNjc3NzMzMjAwLCJqdGkiOiIyMjFhOGUyZS1mZjk4LTQxMGYtODQxYy0yMTExZjYzYzk5YWYiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy53YXNoaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vc3BvcnRzLzIwMjMvMDMvMDIvZ29vZGVsbC1ib3dzZXItY29tbWFuZGVycy1yZmstc3RhZGl1bS8ifQ.y-y1xTT6pULDJuWzrnORAxdVi4GayuMkrYxvAB9c2Ew
  13. His co-owners, who he bought out two years ago, felt at the time that their 40% share was worth $875m. That would value the team at like $2.2b. It’s supposed to worth 2-3x that now?
  14. Folks. Dan went from “never” changing the name to ripping it up and writing “football team” in sharpie in like a day because he literally could not afford to lose another sponsor. He went from taking the franchise to his deathbed to putting it up for sale because his finances were not going to withstand federal scrutiny. Now he wants $6-7b for a franchise whose own partial owners, like a year and a half ago, felt was worth less than $3b. **** is getting real here.
  15. I’ve been watching some of the behind the scenes stuff. Marlene from the games is Marlene in the show. Tommy from the games was the bearded commando guy in Kansas City.
  16. I read something for either Druckmann or Mazin that speculated they would break the second game into two seasons. There’s a spot in the game where it would happen fairly naturally.
  17. See I thought it was one of the better episodes and wish they had a few more like this. I just don’t know how they wrap up in the next two episodes… unless we’ve been lied to and season 1 does not equal the entire first game. Goes back to my complaint last week about how HBO is short changing the show.
  18. Americans really will use anything other than the metric system.
  19. My way too early take on LOU season 1 is that it’s failing to live up to its potential based exclusively on the pace of the show dictated by HBO. 9 episodes is way too short to do a thorough job on character development. The flip side of this is you have shows like Walking Dead that had plot lines just drag out forever in some cases, so I’m definitely not arguing for that. But I think season one could easily have been 15+ episodes, possibly even breaking the first game into two separate 10 episode seasons. Everything about the show is damn near perfect. They’re just leaving me wanting *more* of it, and it’s going to end so quickly at its current pace.
  20. Not really related to anything but I deleted my twitter two weeks ago after like 10yr and I do not miss it. It’s weird because I used it as my primary news source, so I do feel very much out of the loop on current events. But at the same time it’s also nice not being quite so connected.
  21. TLOU premiere exceeded my expectations. And my expectations were ridiculously high. This show is going to be incredible.
  22. I’ll throw out a new one: elementary school age kids birthday parties You’re telling me parents actually routinely invite entire ****ing classes full of kids to their kid’s birthday party at the Bounce house or Chuck E. Cheese or whatever? And there other 18 kids in this class so we’re averaging about one party per month (and I have three children wtf am I going to do in a couple years when they’re all in school). oh and of course my kid now wants to have his own party this year after having so much fun at his friends parties, and his friends are too young to just be dropped off at our house so we have to accommodate 8 friends (his closest) plus their parents oh and still separately host a damn party for family members. Kids turning 7 and we’re gonna be out close to a grand for all the **** we’re doing.
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