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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Supposedly a leaked listing page was on Amazon Mexico. There hasn't been anything official as far as upgrades go because it's not official yet. But yeah, it's been "coming next month" since like 2018.
  2. You just had to know when the preorders were happening. It was tough for sure but I managed to get multiples or each console. If you didn't to put in the work then you pretty much had no shot. That said, Switch Pro isn't going to be anywhere close to as hot as the PS5 or XSX was. It's not a new generation. It's kind of like a PS4 Pro and X1X and those weren't nearly as hard to find as PS5 and XSX. I have had a Switch since launch and have 0 interest in buying a Switch Pro because there is hardly any benefit.
  3. Speaking of 3s - why does Westbrook even shoot 3s? I don't think I have ever seen him make a 3 pointer as a Wizard. Like ever.
  4. Beal and Wilson draw double teams all the time when driving to the hoop. There was a reason Rui was wide open to nail that 3 to put em up by 6 late, because his man was in the paint trying to help defend Beal. That happens all the time.
  5. Yeah that one guy who has to stay on him isn't going to help out on a double team in the paint with Bertans out there. He's going to stick with Bertans most of the time and if he doesn't, Bertans will be open for a 3.
  6. Yeah God of War was incredible. There are only a couple games a generation that give that feeling the first time playing through a game and that is one of them.
  7. Whether Bertans is making shots or not, his presence on the court draws attention and helps open up the middle of the court.
  8. I'm pretty close to finishing RE8 and I recommend it. It's grown on me and while it still gets an F on the scare factor, it's still just a fun game with a great atmosphere.
  9. Anime games are popular on Switch because they are available on the Switch. Anime games are popular on Playstation because they are available on Playstation. Anime games aren't popular on Xbox because they aren't available on the Xbox. Anime is popular. There is your "variety of reasons". P.S. - I can't stand anything anime.
  10. I mean you said this... And it's just flat out wrong. But yeah this is going nowhere. So how bout that HZD2 video?
  11. Nah. JRPG's do pretty well on Playstation platform as well. Has nothing to do with it being a Nintendo platform. Kids and adults own all consoles. You know why they put those games on the Switch and not the Xbox? Because the console base is a ****load more than the Xbox platform and it's not worth their time to put em out on Xbox. Plus as I said, the whole culture thing where Japanese people/devs just don't want to have to do much with Xbox platform.
  12. It's cause I can't read. Thought you said your point WAS they don't have exclusives but I saw you said wasn't. While I don't care about games like Fire Emblem or Xenoblade Chronicles, those are HUGE draws to the Switch. And they sell very well. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean many people don't. I hate anything anime in general but I realize it's huge throughout the world. In fact, JRPGs in general is a huge problem with Xbox and is one of the major complaints about it. Japanese developers in general not making stuff for the Xbox is a major problem with the console (according to many) and partially why it sells poorly compared to Sony and Nintendo. It basically alienates half of their potential customers. There's a reason Xbox sells like **** in Asia.
  13. I'm not really sure what you are talking about. You're seriously trying to say Mario and Zelda aren't great exclusives? The thing about the Switch is it's a great compliment to either XB or PS. You aren't going to get much variety between XB and PS consoles generally speaking. You get a ton of overlap. Having a Switch + XSX or PS5 gives you much more variety than having PS5 + XSX. XSX is pretty much a waste of money to me so far. I've literally only played Gears 5 and started Doom Eternal on there. I don't see myself playing much in the future either because there's literally 0 exclusives coming out for it at this point. Oh also, here is HZD2 gameplay. Wasn't a fan of part 1 but damn this looks fantastic.
  14. Yeah. Games like Breath of the Wild could use some more horsepower for sure, but it's also a launch title. But games like Mario Odyssey are incredible graphically. I think that game is "prettier" than a newer Call of Duty game. Sure, from a technical point of view it's not pushing more pixels or as good lighting, etc, but he art style and all that stuff is awesome.
  15. It depends what is "upgraded". There is zero point in having 4K on it. Like at all. Having a nicer screen and battery life would be useful, but the current battery in the current iteration lasts 6 hours and the screen is fine too. As for the comment about games not having a huge audience on Xbox and PS consoles, I disagree big time. People buy Nintendo consoles for the Nintendo exclusives because you can't get them elsewhere. A Mario game on PS5 or XSX with graphics for it would probably be the #1 selling game on both consoles. Switch for me got WWWAAAYYYY more play time than X1X and PS4 combined the last years of those consoles live spans. There was just better and more fun games on Switch. It's been kind of a lull right now though and I haven't played mine in a while, but Mario Golf comes out next month and I'll be getting that.
  16. Those Switch rumors have been happening monthly for like 3 years now. I'll believe it when I see it on shelves or directly from Nintendo.
  17. I'm going to Charlottesville this weekend for 2 nights. Going to some wineries and plan on eating at nice restaurants. It's going to be strange if we're the only people wearing masks, or if we even will if no one else is. We're all vaccinated but we all have kids so that is the only reason I'm wearing one still.
  18. It basically sounded like Ovi isn't under the Caps control right now. He's a FA so he's basically "on his own" and sure, Seattle can take him, but he's also free to then go sign a deal elsewhere after they spent the pick on him. And Seattle knows that can (and will) happen so they won't bother wasting a pick on him.
  19. Free throw shooting is atrocious. Westbrook is basically a no show again. Bertans is wasted space out there and a liability on defense. We pretty much have no shot. And it's understandable. 76ers are clearly the better team and more talented.
  20. The two different scenarios are completely different and knowing where it came from will help us be able to prevent it from happening again in the future.
  21. Finally got to some creepy stuff in RE8 last night. Definitely felt more "Resident Evil" than anything else in the game. It's just this creepy house that you go in and craziness ensues, and the boss is creepy as **** too.
  22. It gets more "Resident Evil" fairly quickly in RE8 once you move right past where you start out in the village. But even so, I do agree about the enemies and stuff. Ummm ... by "they call him" you clearly don't mean Kratos.
  23. RE7 is a must in VR if you have PSVR. So damn good and scary. Will keep your butt cheeks clenched for hours.
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