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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. What are their cons of the iGrill? I'm just curious what the actual negatives about it are. There are 2 main reasons I am contemplating it right now. 1. It will fit very cleanly into my grilling situation in that it will be "built in" when installed (other than probes obviously). 2. It means I'll have less clutter/crap. I'm not too concerned about people talking about the BT range on it, because I know my BT range in my backyard and house since I use my portable speaker often with my phone, and I don't plan on being far away where the BT shouldn't work and will lose reception. And I have so much crap already cluttered away in drawers in my kitchen, that if I can have less things it will be a win for me. I hate clutter and the less I have the better lol.
  2. Ah okay I see. I am hearing very mixed reviews about the iGrill, some love it, others have a lot of issues. I'm thinking of getting it just because I like how clean it looks being able to just have it integrated with my grill. It's definitely a bit pricier than the competition though at around $30 more. But I may get it to try it out, along with one of those instant read thermometers like above that is $25 on Amazon.
  3. Okay cool thanks for all the pointers, maybe I can step my grill game up this summer! EDIT: Also you mentioned to skip the iGrill and get a normal meat thermometer with wire that won't burnt. Well the price of the ones mentioned above are actually as expensive if not more expensive than the iGrill. Why would you recommend the ThermoPop stuff over iGrill?
  4. Cool thanks for that. Generally speaking I typically never closed my top when using direct heat from the bottom for things like steaks, salmon, burgers, etc. I'd always just cook with the top open. I really only closed the top when cooking chicken. And when cooking chicken, I definitely use the ability to turn heat down. I actually turned off my center burner when I cooked my chicken and put the chicken directly over the center area so it was only getting indirect heat. I guess if I cooked at 4 minutes per side on those pork chops with the top off, I will just have to cut that time down a bit if I cook it with the top closed. It will just take some experimenting. The grill I got is iGrill compatible which is apparently some type of thermometer system that hooks into an app on your phone, but seems like complete overkill to me lol. I've just never cooked with thermometers before but maybe it's something I will look into.
  5. I've cooked chicken quarters twice and these thick pork chops twice now on my new grill and I'm loving it. No flare ups at all and it just cooks so damn evenly. I put my pork chops on for 4 minutes a side and they came out PERFECT with great sear marks. The chicken I cooked for around 30 minutes total flipping once, and it was SUPER easy to keep the temperature right around where I wanted it at 425. I didn't have to lift the cover every minute to see if there were flareups or anything. I don't know if it's because it's a new grill or just because I opted for a quality grill, but so far everything about it is just easier. Speaking of sear I have a question... So with my pork chops, I heated the grill to like 600 degrees before I put my pork chops on. I kept all burners on high and kept the grill top open. When I flipped it had a great sear on the one side that had been cooking. However the side that I cooked second barely had any sear marks. So my question is, how do you get those nice sear marks on both sides? I get why I didn't have them - because the grate lost heat since I was cooking with the top open. Is there a trick to this or something? Should I be shutting the top when grilling even quick pieces of meat like steaks and pork chops?
  6. Tomb Raider (newer one) - 8/10 - much better than I expected and it made me go out and buy the Rise of Tomb Raider game that I completely missed. The chick that plays Lara is way better than Angelina Jolie ever was and she is a badass. Very gritty movie. Pacific Rim Uprising - 8/10 - more of the same which is a good thing. I would have given it a 9/10 if the acting wasn't painful for much of the movie, but it's just a fun movie and the last half of it is like a non stop battle that is just awesome to watch. Great sound and special effects.
  7. Yeah I am going to get a cover for it. From what I've been reading the Weber covers now a days are crap though - very thin and flimsy. I have an Amazon Basic cover that I bought that is tan/brown because it matches my patio better, but I'd be willing to get a better cover if it means better protection. I haven't actually opened my Amazon Basic one yet though as it was for my old grill, but once I went to clean my old grill I realized it was not salvageable. And I am anxious to try grilling with the new one. I know what you mean about hot spots and flare ups, especially towards the end of my old grill. And I would constantly have to lift the top every minute or two when cooking chicken to make sure nothing caught on fire or was burning too much, so it'll be nice to not have to do that. I got home from HD last night around 9pm and was going to start building it in my garage, but damn it was still hot outside so I said screw that. I may start on it today though. That 4 burner Genesis is a monster! I saw it at HD and was like damn this thing is a tank! It's SIGNIFICANTLY larger than the 5 burner one I am replacing now. But for me that is just overkill for the most part and I couldn't see myself spending that kind of money on it. 90% of the time I'm grilling for my wife and myself for dinner, and I'm sure as my son gets older I'll be cooking more for him on there too. The 3 burner Genesis is a tad smaller in main grill space than the one I am replacing, however I feel like I will use more space on it since I can just flip the warming rack up and hide it, giving me more unobstructed space.
  8. Well I ended up getting the Weber Genesis II E-310 last night at Home Depot after being able to price match it to Walmart and bring the price down $150, which was only $50 more than I almost bought the Spirit II for 2 days ago. So I'm glad I waited and found a better deal on the next model up since I think the extra space as well as the durability/quality of it was worth the extra $50. I compared the two side by side again yesterday and the Genesis is noticeably heavier/thicker than the Spirit.
  9. My friend just sent me this on text message. I wouldn't mind lol.
  10. Yeah I would definitely be getting at least a 3 burner. It looks like if I do get a Weber I will be getting either the 3 burner Spirit or Genesis model. I just need to figure out why exactly the Genesis is $200 more in that size. I know it has more grilling space but I'm also wondering what else it has that is different. So it just seems in general from my research that Weber is basically for durability. Which is good for sure since it's going to be outside all the time. When you replaced those parts, was it under the 10 year warranty period and did they give you the new parts for free?
  11. So can I ask this question here, even though it's not in regards to what I actually grilled? I am just wondering - what makes Weber grills so much better than other grills? I've only ever owned one grille. It was a $500ish Lowes brand one that I got for $88 due to a slick deal years back. I've used it extensively over the past 5+ years and it's completely bit the dust. I went to clean it and the burners are like split open, the bottom of the inside part has corroded away, so I can't just replace parts. So I'm in the market for a new grill. The one I had was a 5 burner one and I measured the area and it's 576 sq inches. I assumed that I would need an equivalent burner number to get the same area and saw the Weber grills were over the $1k price range for that size. But then I started reading specs and see that the 4 burner Weber Genesis is way larger than what I own now, and the 3 burner Spirit one is like 425 sq inches. The 3 burner Genesis is 513 sq inches. The 4 burner Genesis is $899. The 3 burner Genesis is $699. The 3 burner Spirit is $499. Then I see these other grills that are 5 burner and start at $199 up to like $299 and they have great reviews generally speaking. So my question is - what is it that is so much better about Weber than the other ones? Everyone says to pony up and just get a Weber but I really don't understand why it's better. I know they have a 10 year warranty on all parts, but is that what makes them so much better? If you do need replacement parts, is it a piece of cake to actually get them? Or is it a process? I also realize that most of the time I cook for my wife and I so I don't really NEED a huge ass grill. Usually when I would cook I didn't even turn on all the burners so I wasn't using all of them. But when I do have a party or something, it's nice to have that space for sure. So I'm also debating what size I wanted to get at this point too. I also am only really cooking chicken or pork on the grille, with the occasional burgers, hot dogs, and sausages. I rarely cook steak or fish on there or anything fancy at all.
  12. Haha seeing this post for the first time AFTER the game and him going 1/10, I don't know if people would be happy or disappointed.
  13. Since the review rule in the NBA seems to be all over the place, can someone explain to me why they couldn't go back and give the Cavs a timeout with like 1 or 2 seconds left? Lebron clearly calls a timeout but it goes uncalled by the officials. It seems like something that is black and white with video, yet they didn't go back and give it to them. (Talking about game 1 JR Smith blunder obviously)
  14. I haven't found the Globetrotters fun to watch since I was like 7 years old.
  15. Not taking anything away from the Warriors, because they are stacked with some great players, but damn if this brand of basketball is not the most boring **** to watch. Circus 3pt shots with time expiring and fast breaks that result in pull up 3s just aren't fun for me to watch. And I understand how damn hard it is to do all of that, I get that. It's just not entertaining. And the officiating is a joke in the NBA.
  16. I just like basketball and would like to see Lebron pull this out. Lebron's greatness isn't going to be around forever so you gotta take it in while you can. And after the NBA and NHL finals are over, there's nothing else until NFL gets under way. I was actually talking to my friend earlier about how it's so weird I don't give a **** about anything Redskins right now due to the Capitals playing hockey into June. The Caps are making the NFL offseason a lot shorter.
  17. Kevin Love needs to get a refund from his barber. Whoever cut his hair jacked up the fade lol.
  18. Warriors fans chanting MVP when JR Smith is at the line had me rolling lol.
  19. So stupid they can't review that foul call that was clearly a clean strip, but they can review a charge call in the paint and reverse it...
  20. Wow they can review fouls in this case? Van Gundy agrees that's really dumb. EDIT: Wow and they reversed it to a block? That's got to be one of the dumbest rules I've ever seen in the NBA. A fast bang bang play they go back and look at it in slow motion and change the call?
  21. Whenever I try to lean up I typically try to go from 210-215lbs down to around 200-202lbs. I pretty much do a low carb diet. It's very easy for me to eat strict and eat the same things every day of the week Monday through Friday, but the weekends can get a bit trickier. My wife and I love to eat out so we still try to eat out at least once on the weekends when doing this type of diet. Thankfully with all of the Cava's popping up around, we usually hit that up and get a salad with specific toppings and it's a hearty meal with under 20g of carbs. I typically try to go for less than like 30g of carbs (net carbs) a day when doing this type of diet, sometimes with a cheat day on the weekend. I just got back from the Bahamas a week ago and since then have been slacking but next week I plan to get back on it. I'm lingering right around 202lbs right now however I may not be super strict because I definitely lost a bit of strength last week while on vacation and this week my schedule's been all messed up.
  22. You need a red filter on your camera. Your pics will come out much better. I've only done SCUBA twice but want to get certified. Once in Mexico and again last fall in the Keys off of Marathon. I snorkel a ton though. In all honesty, the Keys is one of the best places I've ever snorkeled. I've seen the largest sea life there. I've seen 6-7 foot sharks, goliath groupers, 4+ feet baracudas, 6+ feet stingrays, and the coral there is awesome too. John Penekamp is where I've been multiple times and it's always good. Looe Key is also good. Outside of the country, the best place I've done is Grand Cayman. Again, saw some nice sea life there and decent sized. Stingray city was cool too but that's obviously not a dive site. But the water there is just so damn clear the visibility is really good. There is great shore snorkeling too so I didn't have to get out in a boat. I've also been to Aruba a bunch of times. The snorkeling there isn't that great but I am not sure how the diving is there. The coral is pretty bleached at most snorkel spots and I've never seen anything really big there.
  23. The problem with @funnydanny is that he's not funny in the least. He makes sports radio painful to listen to. I like Grant Paulsen, but I can't really listen to him with Danny.
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