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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. And 7 of those 17 points was a super short field because of the offense turning the ball over deep in our own territory.
  2. Aside from that bonehead pick in the endzone, Howell played pretty damn well. It sucked that his amazing run ended up being all for nothing due to that pick. Robinson's fumble also was huge. We just seem to make huge mistakes at the worst possible time. EB's play calling on 3rd and short is just god awful. Why the hell does he try to get so cute all the time? It grinds my gears hard. And the officiating was just awful yesterday. In the past I feel it was one of those games that we wouldn't have been able to overcome the piss poor officiating, but with this team, even with the terrible turnovers, we prevailed, which was nice to see. In general yesterday, the officiating was terrible all over the NFL in multiple games. It started with the TNF game too with flags being thrown on every god damn play.
  3. Who's idea was it to make the courts look like that for tournament games? They look really bad and were really rough on the eyes.
  4. I enjoyed BotW quite a bit but did not like TotK and didn't even finish it. TotK is basically BotW 1.5, which I didn't know prior because I just steered clear of trailers and stuff, so that was disappointing. Mario Maker 2 was awesome if you have the online service so you can play everyone's levels. I always get the indie games on Switch because it's usually what I do when I fly away. A couple months ago I got Blasphemous 2 on Switch so I could play it on my flights to/from Aruba, and I didn't finish it, so I'll be playing that and Mario Wonder on my flights to/from Belize at the end of this month. Games like Blasphemous 2 are on all consoles but it's nice to play it on Switch on a flight and there is really no difference between the Switch and other versions since it's not like it's a graphics power hog.
  5. Their first party titles are far from gimmicky. Yeah some of the Wii stuff was for sure, but it also had some great games. Mario Galaxy were fantastic games. I was never a fan of Zelda though. Switch has so many good first party titles. It's by far the console I own the most games for, granted it's not the one I play the most since it's usually just single player games and then I'm done with them. Mario Odyssey is probably the best game on it IMO though.
  6. There was video of him during the broadcast sitting on the bench during the timeout, bleeding in 2 spots on his face. Nothing terrible but clearly he was cut. The announcers even commented on it.
  7. You referring to hardware or software? I'm curious because either way, I disagree lol.
  8. I dunno man. KD was bleeding in 2 spots on his face so he clearly got hit when the dude was ripping the ball out of his hands. The question I have (and I honestly don't know the rules/answer) is that if the ball was stolen before he was hit in the face, is it then not a foul? I am thinking that is why the foul was not called because I'm pretty sure this is how it works with fouls - if you hit the ball first THEN the player, I don't think it's considered a foul.
  9. I stayed up to watch the whole Suns/Spurs game because I had a little parlay going on (which hit) and wow, that was incredible that the Spurs came back, and the end of that game was incredible!
  10. This has been a topic of discussion with my brother and I this season during pretty much all games. On just about every short distance to go, we are almost always in shotgun, and usually the runs end up being loss of yards. This play call was just atrocious.
  11. I just don't agree he had a great game. I look at more than just the stats. I don't care if he had 10 TDs and 1000 yards in his first game ever. If he threw an int deep on his own side of the field that lead to a 1st and goal for the go ahead TD, keeping all of the momentum with the Eagles, then he didn't have a great game in my eyes, especially with an L in the end. And that one 4th and 1 call where he threw it to Terry, was a terrible decision. It was an even worse play call, but he never should have thrown that ball and was lucky that did not lead to a pick 6. So yeah. He had a good game in my eyes. I will agree that he started off having a great game though.
  12. Never said he didn't make incredible throws. I just disagree you can throw that pick at that point and time in the game and consider it being a "great" game. I don't think any QB could be considered to have a great game and throw a pick that is the reason you lose the lead and ultimately never get it back and lose.
  13. I never said he lost the game for us. I said he didn't have a great game. I'd give him like a B or B-.
  14. He did until that pick he threw. You simply cannot make that throw at that time in the game.
  15. Hopefully the jackass is in there and they get him. https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1717646026369056922?s=20
  16. Well yeah, if you want a disc drive, get the disc model. As much as I hate digital only consoles, I don't see the problem with the option to add a disc drive at an additional cost. I do agree about taking the $30 stand out though. That is dirty. But again, I'm guessing that will be included down the line once the current inventory is gone. I haven't heard any rumors or anything just pure speculation on my part. My only gripe with MS is that they got no games and I wish I didn't buy an XSX at launch lol.
  17. No way Doc is better than Mark Jackson. Now we get to hear someone who needs to clear their throat for 2.5 straight hours but never will clear it.
  18. The slim disc version is the same price as the non-slim disc version PS5. It's only the digital one that has a price increase. And they are probably doing that so they can sell off the current inventory of non-slim digital ones at $400. Otherwise, those wouldn't sell at all. I won't be surprised if the digital slim drops to $400 after the old inventory is no longer available.
  19. This isn't really an issue because the disc drive is for the digital version of the PS5 if you want to upgrade to have a drive. If you buying a digital version of the PS5 and don't have an internet connection... well you are pretty ****ing stupid. Yep. It's good.
  20. Beal not making his debut tonight - out with a back injury. I AM SHOCKED!
  21. Did you go through TSA pre in DCA and normal security in Lousville? That's what it sounds like.
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