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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Right but the framework is the same. The exchange suffered from two things - the big one was not having the architecture designed (or scaled appropriately) to handle the volume. It then had a second issue of generally not being designed to handle not being able to handle the volume... IE: when the usage went above what it was able to support, the exchanges started behaving in a non-predictable behavoir. This is why we have people who wound up having to register twice, only to find out neither one went through even though it said it did. I know someone this happened to... they wound up with no insurance for a few months, that's not a fun thing to find out because you normally don't find out until you need to use it... It's why we wound up not being able to reliably determine what was going on for a while. It's why it was/is a huge mess. The problem wasn't it just being down due to load, it was spitting out (according to the people receiving the results...) complete garbage and nonsense because of bugs within the framework of the exchange that were only realized once the load problem was introduced. (which, is far too late...) They spent a lot of money fixing that... Designing the system to be robust, and reliable even when there are problems, and to interface with 3rd parties that would change from state to state, is not a tall order. It just requires having the appropriate people making the decisions and doing the work. They farmed it out to a 3rd party gov't contractor, likely because someone had some connections (because gov't contracting is completely corrupt and inefficient at this point) and we, the tax payers, are footing the bill. I'm sure when the exchange(s) launched on day one and were a complete and utter disaster, the Obama admin went to additional developers (which we know they did, because they said they did at the time) with the blank check mentality - get it fixed, whatever it costs. Wonder what "whatever it costs" wound up costing... I have a few guesses...
  2. in terms of the technical aspect, there's no reason one exchange couldn't have been developed and then rolled out with different branding for each state. i cannot believe how many states independently developed their own exchange, including finding their own software developers, designers, doing their own research (if they even did any), etc. what gigantic waste of money this thing has been. even though i initially supported it, it's becoming hard to think of actual savings from this bill because of the sheer amount of money that's been spent simply on the exchanges. We're looking at what, probably over 1 billion on the federal exchange? plus the state exchange costs? plus the money spent constantly fighting/supporting it in court? i'm simply guessing here, but it's probably going to take decades for any savings (whatever they wind up being each year...) to break even.
  3. 0 points in overtime was kind of telling for the cavs. 0 points... (no i don't count the lay-in labron had with .5 seconds left when GS gave up because they were winning by ~10 with .5 seconds left...)
  4. she did a great job singing, but i can't stand when someone drags the anthem out that slowly
  5. Oh my god, I definitely did that a whole bunch. Just on small back roads. Move police barriers and such. It was good fun But this is way over the top. hah.. no but thank you for that
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/02/pennsylvania-man-fake-dui-checkpoint_n_7494486.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000021 wat why would you do that...
  7. well, it was a noble effort btfoom. i'll give you that
  8. so you don't have season tickets, but come post in the season ticket renewals thread regularly taking shots at STH's and/or the idea of owning season tickets, and when someone finally calls you out on it your response is to call them defensive? interesting...
  9. some of them think consuming football the way someone else has decided they should consume it is better than being able to consume it the way they want. enjoy the over production. some of us enjoy being at the game.
  10. after spending many years in the uppers, and the last 3 (going on 4) in the lowers, there's definitely parts of the uppers i miss. i'll stay in the lowers for as long as i can, mainly because of the ease of getting in and out. if money became an issue i'll happily go back to the uppers. no, i've been asking others. i upgraded on the 22nd and it still hasn't come back. i think you get one shot at the system now
  11. Nice move The lower level has its own charm like the upper level. It's different, pros and cons, I'm sure you'll learn to love it. The overhang will not in any way mess with your ability to view the field or game. It'll just give you protection from the rain (and sun, when at the right angle) so long as the rain is coming relatively straight down That's awesome to hear because there are quite a few of us that have assumed those sections right at midfield were being artificially manipulated to prevent the rest of us commoners from getting into them. So that's good news
  12. Yup. Everyone bunches up trying to get on 495. I go the other way and hit 50 to 295. When it merges with 495 you're on the other bridge, so you don't even meet up with that traffic until you get past the bridge and 495 goes back together, by then you're so far ahead of people it's ridiculous. I'm on 66 when the 980 post-game show traffic reports start talking about things backing up I would take the parkway but we did that twice and wound up at the airport because my navigators are terrible and they gave up. Though I'd like to revisit trying that route in the future.... Oh yeah, I know. I was in row 9 over there for a year. You're not in the cave, but the effects from the cave can and are felt. The echo and constant murmur of the people talking in the cave can drown out the loud speaker announcements. The stuffy air effect can be felt, especially in September. It all depends on which 200 section you're in and which row. Just because you're not in the cave doesn't mean its presence doesn't affect you It also depends on you... it didn't bother me at all, but it bothered my wife and my buddy who went to all 8 games in those seats that year. It was part of the decision to move to the home side even though it put me directly opposite of where our tailgate parks and completely ruined our ability to get out of there fast. Not trying to crap on his selection, I think the 200 level is the best and I had no problem in front of the cave. But it is an opinion I've heard from many, including people that sat in my seats.
  13. Yeah aisle vs mid-row is kind of a personal preference. Mid row means you're not bothered by people getting up and down - not only in your row but in the rows in front of you. Being on the aisle means you get out of there very quickly when the game is over. Which, if you're in the lower level near where you park, means you can be on a major roadway headed home before most people are out of the stadium. Best seats I ever had in terms of leaving were the last row in a 100 level section right next to the entrance to the stadium across from where we parked. No joke I'd be out 202 headed towards 50 before they'd throw the radio broadcast to Al Galdi for post game... that was in 2012, during the playoff run. It was incredible. I live about an hour and 10 minutes from the stadium with no traffic. I was getting home from games in an hour and 10 minutes.... was awesome.
  14. Nice move SonnyAndSam Generally speaking, I think the 200 level is the best seating in the stadium. You're above the 100 level so you can sit, but you're still right there with the action. Think about it like this: the owners box is essentially in the same location (vertically) as the upper rows of the 200 section on the visitor's side, just below the 300 level. The owners box is supposed to be the best view... so.. you're pretty much opposite of the best view in the house, or at least what is supposed to be. The only problem with the visitor's 200 level is the cave... the extra seats with obstructed/partial views. It's a stuffy/hot environment due to the lack of air flow. It's also quite loud and echos a lot. It also tends to attract a lot of fans of the visiting team, and some obnoxious people. This also adds to conession and bathrooms lik SaS said above. How bad that is depends on the game, what section you're in, and who has the seats behind you. It also depends on your tolerance for things like that. I had no problem with my seats when they were over there, around the same location as yours. Some people I brought found it annoying. But in terms of seeing the game, those seats area among the best in the stadium as far as I'm concerned. Upgrading to the 200 level was the best move I've ever made.
  15. Mine went away as soon as I upgraded. I know the first year or two, 24 hours after you upgraded you could hop back in. I don't remember for how long. I cannot remember if you could get back in last year or not. I definitely haven't been able to yet...
  16. so i guess once you go through the upgrade process you're locked out? no more upgrading multiple times? my link still hasn't shown up oh well. I can understand why they did that, but you could easily log in at your upgrade time and find seats that are OK, only to log in 3 days later and find seats someone just gave up that are much better. probably messed with the system though...
  17. I guess it's just coincidence that the rest of the stadium doesn't stand the entire game, but the 100's on the sidelines do and they have the dream seats in front of them and the people in the dream seats say they can't see unless they stand, then the people in the 100's say they can't see unless they stand.
  18. I got my post card today telling me when my upgrade window is...
  19. I wasn't able to check around the stadium much. I had a very specific plan with an order of sections to check for the type of seats I wanted. The first section had them so I jumped. I've been swamped at work and didn't want them taken. Now that i've quit for the day... I can't get back into the upgrade system now, link is gone. I seem to recall that it takes 24 hours before you can get back in... it might take more because it's a weekend (a holiday weekend at that.) But if it lets me back in I'll do some browsing around and show you guys what's open.
  20. hell yeah, just got moved to 205 row 4. exactly what i wanted. there are 5 more seats available in that area btw. the new system is a little different.... it works fine, but you have to go into each section to see available seats. I seem to remember a bigger view where you could see available seats ina ll the sections...
  21. HOF44 pointed this out to me last year since we sat in the same section.... but it seemed like when we talked to people in the LL corner, everyone was there because they received tickets from the organization they worked for, or because they knew someone at ESPN or whoever was broadcasting the game, or because their kid won something at a PG County school... i would absolutely love to get a *real* list of *real* season ticket holders. weed out the orgs and resellers and dummy accounts... it would probably be depressing. my window opens in 18 minutes. i feel like i used to feel registering for classes...
  22. i'm glad that the email system works well for you guys. i'm not sure why i never receive a reply. might be when i contact them, what i'm contacting them about, or maybe gmail is blocking for spam? I honestly don't know, but I've always had to call to get an actual answer from someone. but it's good to hear others don't have that issue. between them reserving some seats (the best seats?) to give away to organizations/agencies, holding some to persuade STH'ers to renew/upgrade, holding some for those that bought club for a few years to get prime lower level seating, or touch down club, or holding ton to % of those that don't renew because every year that certain % winds up renewing come august... i'm sure a lot of "unsold" seats do not show up for us in the upgrade system... i do recall, at one people, people on ES talking about simply waiting until the end of preseason to renew to avoid paying for preseason games. from what I remember they got their seats back, so they definitely hold on to them. it would be interesting to see how it actually works over there... i'm sure it's really scummy and we're getting treated poorly because... well, because they can.
  23. I wouldn't email the ticket office. I don't know that I've ever received a response from that, and I seriously doubt you're going to get one in their busiest time of the year. If you have a problem/question you should pick up the phone and call. You'll wait on the line for a while (10-25 minutes maybe?) but you'll get to talk to someone. whether they know what they're talking about... i had my account passed down and i don't think my account status was not reset. i haven't seen anyone post an earlier upgrade date? though i'm not sure if they can fix your problem at this point. did your account number change when the tickets were transferred? i also know there are quite a few people who have received the "the records were lost in the move" line. i've always thought that was just nonsense, but maybe they lost some records and yours was one of them?
  24. Not crazy. I sat up there for years. Loved it up there. It gives you a different appreciation for the game.
  25. my late grandfather was i used to think so too, but at the meeting with bruce/larry there were quite a few older gentlemen that have older accounts it was actually ridiculous to hear someone say "I started going in the 1958..." they do still exist lol
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