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Everything posted by tshile

  1. It’s the logical step when you build your whole identity around being anti-government and anti-science and anti-intellectual/academic its the same mentality of a 3 year old with defiance disorder And for many it’s tied right in with their white identity crisis and then thinking their country is being stollen from them
  2. Also. And I know you get this a lot but times like this when the news is dominated by other things I honestly get a sizable portion of updates from @visionary so thanks. Again
  3. bin laden created a terror network and negotiated safe havens around the are with the governments. He had access an enormous amount of money. He recruited key members that were responsible for architecting many of their most impactful attacks (I don’t think the guy that did 9/11 was recruited by him, if I recall correctly) in terms of attacking the global posture and ability of a global terror network he did matter. Towards the end I don’t really know, he obviously became very old and hidden in Pakistan. But going back to the early 90’s he was the key figure in creating the global terror threat we have today.
  4. So I’m following this because it interest me but…. im a bit infuriated by the reaction. these governments and agencies, including our own, are acting like this is a surprise. if Canada gave a **** about 20k Afghans they should have pulled them months ago. And same for us and the embassy people for that matter. I realize there’s always hope, but you don’t deny the clear and obvious outcome because of some small hope. and I was someone asking why people didn’t care more that Afghanistan had 70%+ turnout early on when voting started and the taliban posted flyers saying they would kill anyone who voted and bomb polling places. Cause, that was like a blip on our radar and I thought it was a hugely impressive showing of cultural courage by these people. but even I knew this was the outcome. It’s why I changed my tune and demanded we leave or fully commit years ago - because any other choice just ended this way, it was just a matter of how long would you wait? (And even fully committing would be a huge challenge, but I was willing to accept it because those were the only two options that had any other potential outcome) If Canada did this 3 months ago I’d give them props. now? **** off. Day late and a dollar short. (I’m picking on Canada because it was the more recent tweet but I feel this way about all the entities involved including ours, and the Biden administration for which I voted)
  5. The first time my wife and I attended the ES tailgate it was Jon that was the first person to recognize we were new, and very lost and confused, and greeted us. I can’t say we formed a personal relationship because we had our own tailgate and only sporadically swung by the ES one… but I can confirm what everyone else is saying. I don’t believe I ever had a thought about him other than - what a nice dude that’s fun to be around RIP. Far too few people like him in the world, sucks we lost one.
  6. They haven’t sent out anything yet. They’re having an emergency meeting. Right now But they’re the: masks dont work masks harm people the government lies This is overreach etc type people. not all of them. But enough of them are. It’s an embarrassment. They won’t get voted out because 60% of my county thinks just like them. Here’s an example: the Virginia health department rep went to the mic to explain that all current scientific understanding says the virus spreads via droplets, masks reduce the spread of droplets and distance can keep you from being exposed to droplets, and that’s why masks and distancing works and for that the crowd booed her.
  7. My school board called an emergency meeting today. it’s quite clear most of these people on our school board are idiots.
  8. General rule of thumb: people that only seem to argue their point by yelling about it, usually aren’t very smart.
  9. I seriously doubt the office of the president will find any value in federally legalizing marijuana when you can just tell the dea to not go after it. Doesn’t matter which party. Obama, Trump, and Biden, and whoever follows, will all punt that back to the states because why would you risk anything else? if congress sends a bill - they’ll sign it. But they’re not going to waste their political capital on it.
  10. No the rand Paul thing its not just insider trading. He manipulate congressional testimony
  11. Fauquier startrd yesterday. Which is super early for us. I believe it’s to help deal with the disaster that was last year
  12. Northam just announced a mask mandate for k-12 i mean I wish you would have done it before my kid went back to school but…. THANK YOU NORTHAM
  13. That’s gotta be illegal right??
  14. Um. Maybe. it’s certainly not encrypted in transit. and it’s landing in a public space where you have no ability to control who gets it snooping faxes is super easy The fact that many people use a service to accept faxes, and it gets emailed anyways, and as the sender you cannot control that… also many places have fax route over voip so…. It’s in the digital world. or their fax machine dumps it to a sever share/email instead of on the floor there are secure ways to transfer documents so I don’t know how a fax could be considered more secure compared to any secure way. I mean I guess maybe you could argue it’s better than sending it unencrypted over email and then the sender and recipient not removing it from either mailbox, so it’s at risk to a compromise 18 months later… but saying it could be better than this terribly unsecure way is not really saying it’s secure…… certainly not more secure than any of the actual secure options
  15. Generally speaking my wife was always welcomed at es get togethers. I don’t see how this is different (in fact when I told my wife 100 of you might be coming over she wanted to know if you all were bringing your wife’s or if she needed to disappear for the day) ((I’m not telling her you picked a bar in falls church until the last minute cause why not?))
  16. Stop printing. What the hell are you people printing anyways? Why do you waste so much money on copier leases and supplies? It’s 2021 why are you still printing?!?
  17. Faucci said today - not at this time (unless your immunocompromised) i quit following the lifespan of immunities in April when I got vaccinated (cause I got covid in October and basically every time the immunities lifespan ran out the cdc added another 2-3 months to it, so I followed it closely) last I checked it was 6 months. But that was from natural exposure not vaccine. im sure when they decide they have enough info to make a decision it’ll be broadcast everywhere and you won’t miss it.
  18. But on that subject and as others have mentioned the idea of adjusting ones insurance premiums (or even dropping them) based on their choices is pretty standard for both health and car insurance. And life insurance. so idk what the argument would be against it when unvaccinated people are making up the overwhelming portion of people needing hospitalization, critical care, and expensive and limited supply things like ventilators. your choice is expensive to the insurers. what’ll be great is when they start telling companies they’re dropping them because their vaccination rate among their employees is unacceptable. if you believe covid is here to stay, there’s a lot of interesting scenarios to contemplate…. Lots of them. wait till someone sues their neighbor or something cause they refused a vaccine and killed a kid or something. Especially if they lied about their vaccination status. ****s gonna get fun
  19. The cdc says we should wear masks because we don’t know enough about the variants? I don’t recall reading that justification in anything they’ve released but maybe I missed it (it happens) Is there a link for that?
  20. We (Pfizer and moderna people, generally) still do not need boosters at this time. but it has always been discussed that it was likely we would need boosters eventually (and faucci said the same thing today, which isn’t a surprise cause most my info comes from the cdc…)
  21. Well this is what the hardest hit areas back when this first started. They were starting to announced ventilators and icu beds would allocated based on chance of survival so they’re willing to prioritize based on that. I could see the medical community saying that’s different than vaccinated va unvaccinated. I could also see them saying it’s not different … This is already an idea being circulated. I’m not aware of any provider making any public announcements on it yet though and I wouldn’t be surprised if what happens is one day one makes that announcement, and within 3 days everyone else makes the same announcement… ie: no one wants to be first
  22. Oh and to avoid this again in six months when the cdc says we all need to get a booster: it’s been pretty well assumed that we’ll all need boosters eventually. Who, at what point, etc hasn’t been ironed out. but even as of today boosters are not recommended. Except supposedly the fda will approve it for immunocompromised people. in fact a while ago they were kicking around the idea that you definitely shouldn’t get a booster within 6 months as it may be bad for you (no idea where that went from there)
  23. And here’s the grand “yelling at @goskins10” I guess cause it was the end of our discussion (outside of explaining that I was just being matter-of-fact with my posts) 🙄😂 and in this thread he’s cut off conversation with Petermp for making up what he says 😂
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