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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Yeah man I totally agree with the point you’ve been making about the fifth round, and that he was once projected as a first rounder. Certainly a lot of people have reservations because of it. That’s not it for me though. It’s more just that I’ve been let down too many times by his team to get my hopes up. I’d be going into it with just as much caution if he were a first round pick.
  2. Hey I’m excited about him as well, just trying to be realistic. Whether he’s picked in the first round or fifth, the odds are against any quarterback becoming a franchise QB one
  3. Sounds like us fans are getting what we want! I know we probably need to pump the brakes on our enthusiasm for Howell after one start, but I think I’m on board with all of you who are saying roll with him as QB1. It just makes sense… sure, chances are he will not pan out, but even then it will leave us in a great spot for the following year with the new owner firmly in place and a stacked roster. For once we will be in a position to attract top-of-the-line talent as needed at GM, coach, quarterback.
  4. Oh no this guy Boehly sounds like a meddler. 🤮🤮🤮 He goes straight to the bottom of my list. Still though, even if we do get another meddler, they can’t possibly be as bad at it as snydely. edit: quoted the wrong comment…
  5. You say that like it’s a bad thing. For me, anyone not named Snyder will do, but after that the less meddling the better! Hire a great GM and stay the hell out of the way.
  6. Agreed. Considering the casino and national harbor are already there perhaps it could be justified to build another branch of the metro system to service that area. Call it the burgundy line? Dumfries and Dulles, unless you live there, are traffic nightmares to get to.
  7. Allen. Doesn’t sound like we have much chance of keeping Payne anyway, other than a franchise tag. If he signs elsewhere, do we get a comp pick?? If so, I’m fine with letting him go and throw that money at the top O-lineman free agents available.
  8. Snyder, being the vindictive prick that he is, will probably want to sell to the buyer who he thinks is most likely to do a horrible job. This is a good thing, because my guess is whoever Snyder picks to be the worst possible owner, will be the best possible owner. in soccer I believe your franchise can be relegated to a lower league if they do not perform. So whichever team he buys will be probably competing in the neighborhood beer league before long. Nothing can make me happier than seeing Dan gone, but watching him then squander his 7 billion would certainly be fun!
  9. The list of excuses are all somewhat valid, but they are befitting of a project player, not a highly paid high first round pick. Yes he’s coming off an injury, but his play was plenty poor last year before the injury. At age 23, with three years NFL experience… I guess you can call him “kid“ but I would say grown man. In a world where we are crowning Sam Howell as QB1 after one game, I don’t think it’s premature at all to call Chase a disappointment. I realize he could still turn it around, which is why he still has trade value. But for me, he’s been trending down since day one so it doesn’t seem like the worst idea to cut our losses if we can. If you want to give him more time, that’s fine I get it, we might not have a choice anyway if we can’t get a solid offer—but the realities of NFL contracts and such say that decisions need to be made sooner than later. So don’t wait too long!
  10. Still hasn’t proven he can play, but at least showed he is healthy. I still think if we try to trade him this off-season there are teams that will give us good value based on potential. otherwise we can just wait until everybody knows he’s a bust and get little to nothing for him (Maybe bust is the wrong word… ‘Disappointment’ based on his potential coming in). There are always teams that will pay for the big name to keep their fans happy. Sure, he could end up blossoming into a star for another team. But if we can get good value back for him now, it won’t hurt nearly as much to see it, and I seriously doubt that will happen anyway.
  11. Did he though? Same was said by some about Shanahan and we later found out differently. We’ve already uncovered Snyder‘s fingerprints on the Wentz trade, and It would appear Haskins was pushed on him in year one. What else will we find out after Rivera is gone?
  12. Thank you for saying this. Seems extremely petty to me to complain about the amount when somebody makes a charitable donation. As much as I hate Snyder, it can’t be denied that the team gives plenty to all kinds of different charities. To keep score of this particular one is ridiculous.
  13. Fair enough. I wouldn’t want to either, but that’s probably what it would take. Not sure we can make such a big move with the ownership situation anyway. Enjoy Jacoby Brissett next year.
  14. This is the ticket. Bears are looking for a defensive stud. Send them Chase Young and two first round picks, plus whatever else you need to throw in, for the number two overall. For those who can’t stomach trading Chase, pick one of the other DL. I would imagine Chicago would be interested in any of them. Deal from strength to address your weakness.
  15. Well of course! As much as your screen name always makes me laugh, at the same time I’ve always felt like blaming Bruce for stuff in some way lets Snyder off the hook. Bruce may be a scumbag and an idiot in his own right, but it’s always been Snyder pulling the strings.
  16. Ha ha what’s the hurry?? It’s gonna be a long time if ever before I can hate the person who rescues us from Snyder.
  17. If Snyder buys a soccer team, I will immediately become a soccer fan, supporting that team’s main rival
  18. ‘Since Gruden’ is only three years ago, and we already know he meddled in the Wentz trade. What else will we find out about once the current coaching staff is gone? I don’t think anything has changed with his meddling, other than maybe he isn’t as obvious about it as he used to be.
  19. Yeah that’s where he lost me too. But then the next line… Have Jason help hire the new GM. Yikes!
  20. Well he has to say that, whether it’s true or not. Otherwise he will look weak. Potential signings will continue to stay away if they think Snyder is still meddling. And we know he meddled on this one, we just don’t know to what extent. Maybe we’ll find out one day when Rivera is gone?
  21. Gibbs was at least mildly disappointing. Yes he did a good job for the most part, but expectations were for greatness. Unimaginative offense, ridiculous clock management blunders, and the famous “second half adjustments” just weren’t there the second time around.
  22. None of these coaches ever had a chance. Every one of them was faced with completely incompetent player acquisition and roster management by Snyder and his puppets Vinny and Bruce. Not to mention all the other organizational toxicity. But if I have to pick one I’ll go with Zorn, despite him also having the lowest expectations. The rest of these guys were at least decent coaches and could have succeeded with a good GM in place. Zorn on the other hand could not coach at all.
  23. Still not celebrating until it’s final but this good news that Snyder is getting much more than he expected on the sale. Will make it even less likely he backs out. I don’t care at all that such a scumbag is getting this windfall, I just want our team back.
  24. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35298372/watchdogs-question-finances-washington-commanders-charity Big shocker even his charities are dirty. Just a reminder we should all be laser focused on getting rid of this despicable asshole. Stuff like coaching and who plays quarterback can wait, because none of it matters until then.
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