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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Great to see Snyder seemingly putting the final nails in his own coffin! Hopefully a criminal conviction will help push the narrative in favor of purging all things Snyder from the team... The name and the uniforms to start with.
  2. Thanks for the peek into enemy camp. This post was especially satisfying to read.... Washington will no longer be saddled with moronic ownership. This stinks for us. They get a fresh start and we are stuck with our drunken, senile, incompetent leader and his nepotistic gang of teet suckers.
  3. Voice of Reason: great insight, thanks! Bummer this won’t happen quickly, but I can be plenty patient as long as it’s definitely happening. At what point, would you say, is there no going back on this for Snyder? Is it right up until a deal is closed? In other words when can the celebration truly begin??
  4. If the NFL approves a partial sale, with Dan still in charge, I suspect there will be a revolt 10 times greater than what we are seeing now. Personally I don’t think I could bear the mental anguish if that happened.
  5. Respect for everyone’s opinion, but I’m with the people who say commanders has to go. I mean, obviously all that matters is Snyder being gone, but the name commanders will always remind me of the hell he put us through. I would fully support another rebrand, and would gladly buy some new jerseys and stuff with red wolves or whatever else. But I’m never buying commanders gear. If we stick with commanders I guess I’ll have to wear my Darryl green Redskins jersey forever. I’m sure this doesn’t make sense to some, but I have never claimed to be rational when it comes to my feelings for Snyder.
  6. JFC dude, for the sake of us lurkers who just want to read about Snyder’s demise, could you please just drop it.
  7. Seeing Tonya makes me sick to my stomach. Cringe by association I guess. I’m guessing Dan doesn’t have the guts to show up to a home game? Just when you think Jason Wright couldn’t look any more incompetent, he does. Whatever they are paying him, it’s a worse contract then WJ3. I don’t care if they use the name or not. But I hate hearing Redskins uttered from a Snyder mouth, considering they are the ones who ruined ‘the Redskins’. Good thing the Packers stink this year, otherwise it would’ve been more like 90/10 packer fans. If I go to a game, which I won’t, they’ll have to throw me in jail before I give up my sell the team sign just to have something positive in my post, I guess I’ll give some credit to Del Rio for the defense starting to play better. Happy victory Monday everybody!?
  8. This totally. On field or coaching details are simply meaningless until we get that dip **** out. I look forward to the day football discussions matter again.
  9. Thank you posters reading this thread is pure joy! Don’t let up!! I won’t go to a game until he’s gone but sign me up for the pitchfork brigade protest.
  10. Oh yeah baby!! I knew this thread would be LIT UP tonight! That threat to investigate other owners for dirt is the dagger. They ain’t taking that ****. No ****ing way. Powerful billionaires don’t take kindly to threats from a pip squeak like snidely. They will respond and it’s gonna be his ass! Mwhahahahahahahaha MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA **** YOU SNYDER !!!!
  11. Agreed. That wouldn’t do any good at all. He’d still be running things from behind the scenes, just as he has been doing recently during his supposed suspension. As far as I’m concerned, any owner that does not vote to get rid of him at this point, is most likely guilty of some of the same things Snyder has been doing.
  12. Let’s not forget how Snyder bragged to the Maryland gaming commission about how we “got our quarterback“. No we got HIS quarterback. And as usual, his quarterback is a huge setback for the franchise. there is a reason why, after all these years, he has still yet to hire a legitimate GM.
  13. After Haskins, McNabb, and the whole list which I do not need to rehash, I can’t believe anybody is surprised to hear that Snyder was behind the Wentz trade.
  14. Well it probably will. This matchup has been mocked all week around the NFL. Although a lot of fans of the team who have given up, like myself, may be tuning in to see if this is finally the end of the reign of terror.
  15. The owners have to vote him out now don’t they? If they don’t, they will clearly look like they are guilty of whatever dirt he is threatening them with. His baggage will become there’s. I know I’m a fool to get my hopes up again, but Snyder saying these things, whether we suspected them or not, sounds like the last act of a desperate man. Please god let this be true, I just want to have a football team again.
  16. Jason Wright has been given the benefit of the doubt much more so than most by a lot of fans. We all know the reasons why, but the fact is he has shown himself to be in way over his head on numerous occasions already. I can’t tell you whether the problem is Wrights incompetence, the stench of Snyder trickling down, or both. But does it really matter? Incompetence and arrogance will always be the “culture“ as long as snidely owns the team. Apologies in advance to any of you who are offended by that obvious truth.
  17. Dan is the nonsense. Removing Dan is the ONLY way the ‘nonsense’ goes away. Also why should we, as fans, care if Snyder drags the NFL through the mud?
  18. Correct. I am an average Joe fan and I was briefly back on board when he brought Gibbs back. Thought that maybe possibly there was still a chance that Snyder could change, become a better owner. I learned my lesson have been boycotting ever since. No jerseys, no home game tickets. To those who think it will be any different this time, with Rivera, I say good luck (you’re going to need it)!
  19. Agree. It’s vindictive Snyder all the way. They are only adding him now as part of the cleanup of another complete fail. The misspelling of the names does show staggering incompetence on the part of Jason Wright—which is exactly what I would expect from a Snyder handpicked hire. I know everybody had good things to say about Jason when he was hired, and kudos to them for thinking positively, but reality has set in and he looks to be nothing more than another Snyder stooge.
  20. What about Mayhew? I would argue that Ron appeared to hire his guy Hurney as GM, but that Mayhew was Dan‘s idea. Hurney was initially named GM only to have the title taken away (“clarified”) two days later and given to Mayhew who was no more qualified than Hurney. Dan was trying to bring in minorities to further his culture change narrative (really to save his own hide). And throw in that it’s an ex-Redskins star, which we know is a classic Snyder move.
  21. I have to admit I have no idea who they are. Good thing our team president is on top of it and has time to engage in Twitter battles with other teams fans. I guess one with the guy pissing on the Cowboys star worked out so well he figured he was on to something.
  22. I’m one and happy as hell to be wrong! I didn’t think he would get traded, but I was definitely worried that this was another cousins/Trent. And I still say this organization has given us plenty of reasons to doubt that they would complete what should be an obvious signing. it’s probably a good thing Snyder was hiding in France, because he would’ve found a way to butt in and screw it up.
  23. Rivera says in his statement that the culture has been fixed. I think Loverros point is that obviously it hasn’t. And I agree with that. I got the impression that Rivera was told to make this statement. You can argue that improvements have been made to the culture, but to say the box has been checked off is ridiculous. And if Rivera actually did put the statement out on his own, then why should we have to keep him out of it when he has inserted himself into it? I still like Ron as a coach, but I found his statement somewhat insulting. It’s all because of Snyder, so if folks want to give him a pass, that’s fine too. It’s sad watching another good football man’s reputation being infected by the stench of Snyder.
  24. Amen. I don’t care about his politics, only if he can coach. And his track record says he can. I have a feeling people would not be complaining about it if his politics agreed with theirs.
  25. I don’t want to see any memorials for Sean as long as Snyder is behind them. The best thing we can do for Sean‘s legacy, is to keep Dan Snyder away from it. Calling the owner a piece of garbage, but also defending him on certain issues is more than reasonable. I was once of that mindset myself. It doesn’t make you a ‘Snyder supporter’ per se, just more of one than anyone else on here. I agree that some of the attacks on Snyder are over the top, but since getting him out has to be the number one priority if we ever want to win, I prefer the attacks whether warranted or not.
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