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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Yep. If it’s a done deal you would think he would know. If not I can’t imagine he would say that. I don’t blame him anyway, he’s made some mistakes for sure but Snyder has really made him look bad as well.
  2. I heard that he would have to be here for two years before we’d be eligible for the pick(s). edit: Al Galdi podcast is where I heard this
  3. Hope not, but you’re right it’s possible. This is why I prefer Harris, we know he’s not that way. If Bezos comes in and decides not to hire a GM I think my head is going to explode. I get the people looking at Bezos and thinking he will bring more to the table off the field. All good points. But for me, I’m much more worried about winning games than any of that stuff. And bringing in a top-of-the-line GM is the way to make that happen. If Bezos comes out and says he will do that, then great I’m all in. But for now there’s no way we can be sure.
  4. I was thinking maybe you had a couple of decent points there, but then I got to the end and OMG. You would seriously rather keep Snyder over Bezos?? WTF 🤮🤮🤮
  5. Same here! Truth is either one of these guys (or anyone for that matter) will be a million times better than Snyder. I will be happy as hell regardless. This discussion about which one is just killing time until the day we get to celebrate the end of the dip ****!
  6. Sure, but what you say about Bezos is also true about Harris. We all know business success doesn’t always lead to sports ownership success, but Harris has both on his résumé. Nothing at all against Bezos, I’d love to have him, but Harris seems like the safer pick. And after the Snyder nightmare, safety is what I’m looking for. If Beezos is the fan favorite, so be it... But could somebody please tell him to put in a bid already!!
  7. Fair enough. But building a winning organization is the only agenda I care about, and Harris seems to be working off the correct roadmap for that. Bezos I don’t know, but you’re right there is upside that him being beyond the normal billionaire can bring. But it’s also possible his wider agenda does nothing to help the football team or even holds it back. But anyway either one of these guys and I will be dancing in the streets!
  8. Worth the wait. Everything we’re hearing about Harris is exactly what we would be hoping to hear about a new owner. With Bezos… Not necessarily. We hear about toxic workplace issues with him, and certainly he appears to be somewhat of an egomaniac. Don’t get me wrong, anything but Snyder all day long. But Bezos isn’t the only billionaire out there, and this guy Harris sounds a lot better to me.
  9. I heard Kyle Shanahan and McVay were decent. That has to be some kind of satire, just to stir the pot. There’s no way somebody would really say no to Mahomes!!
  10. Those CB’s sound great, but I’d really like to see them go offense with the #1. If the top OL are indeed gone, TE Mayer sounds like a true stud. I know TE is deep, but I believe we already have a couple of late round prospects at the position. And I love that he’s a good blocker too which is needed. Sign me up for Mayer!
  11. Sure would be nice! But I’m not getting greedy. I would’ve gladly signed up for a lost season to get rid of lil dip****. Hell, Ida signed up for multiple lost seasons to get rid of him.
  12. Is that because you don’t think he will demand a trade, or because you just wouldn’t want us to try to trade for him?
  13. This guy Harris sounds absolutely perfect. Exactly what we need. I hope he gets it.
  14. Is ‘meh’ contrarian? I’d say middle of the road. I am personally on board with the move, but I do see plenty of valid reasons being posted for the meh attitude. You seem to be saying if your not fully supporting the popular opinion you are a troll. I can’t agree with that. Refute the points if you don’t agree, but just calling people trolls and haters doesn’t add much.
  15. This is a good idea. Snyder still having a piece might keep him around and engaged. We could definitely use his help with the draft and free agency!
  16. I dunno. He really did have absolutely nothing to work with in Chicago. Great runner with a questionable passing game is exactly what they were saying about Jalen hurts two years ago. Josh Allen also had that rep after his rookie year I believe.
  17. Thanks man! Those who call themselves battered fan syndrome and/or have battered fan syndrome are very nervous right now. I guess I’ll go back to the OC thread now, and pretend I really care much about that when Snyder leaving or not is being decided.
  18. Ugh. This is some depressing stuff here. All that hangs in the balance is whether or not I will have a team to cheer for for the rest of my life. After all this, for him to decide not to sell, and the NFL lets him get away with it... It would just be too much to bear. I would be done with the NFL completely, and probably spend my Sundays seeing a therapist for depression.
  19. Definitely. Whereas with Roman, I don’t think he would’ve been nearly as big an attraction for FAs. And I do think we will sign free agents despite what some are saying about a spending freeze. No, we won’t make the big spend on a QB. But with other positions, such as OL, there is likely some flexibility to improve the team. Paying a little extra for EB would tend to indicate that there is not a complete spending freeze
  20. Not a trade, but another instance where Andy is letting someone go and we seem to be the only taker. That’s all. Not really a big deal since I guess if it doesn’t work out we’re just going to clean house next year anyway. But we’ll be wishing we had Roman this year if that’s the case.
  21. Of course it is! New owner, new era. I seriously doubt Andy Reid would have advised him to consider coming here if it weren’t for Snyder leaving. Very excited to see what EB can do. Also a little bit leery though, we have been fleeced before by Andy Reid.
  22. That would surprise me. Aren’t they one of the few teams with even worse ‘weapons’ than what he has in Green Bay?
  23. Dying off?? Well crap I’m 53, I thought I had plenty of time (despite my heavy drinking)
  24. Well said. Straddle the fence is exactly what they tried to do. And it made the situation even more awkward than it already was. Maybe they felt they didn’t have a choice, because the old school fans were kind of all they had left and couldn’t afford to just let them go. So they tried to please everybody, and ended up pleasing nobody. Problem is, what the old-school fans really want is to win again. And winning again requires getting rid of Snyder, which wasn’t really an option at the time. I can’t speak for others, but for me if we become a respected winning franchise again I’m pretty sure I won’t give a crap about any of the name or rebranding stuff.
  25. It probably can’t. Not 100% anyway. We’ve all aged 25 years since those days. But if we can start winning, earn some respect, and get our dignity back as a franchise, that will go a long way. A couple of playoff wins and we might actually start feeling a taste of the old passion. Will seem like heaven compared to what we’ve been through. What we had a generation ago sadly is gone, but hopefully in time it can be replicated for the younger crowd. #****snyder
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