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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Snyder being gone is all I need to come back. Assuming he is, I’ll be attending games next year for the first time in a while. I’m sure there are a lot more like me out there. I think this starting from scratch like an expansion team thing is a bit overblown, probably put out there by one of the prospective buyers to drive down the price. Although I can’t disagree that there are some fans who will need more than just Snyder being gone to come back. So an immediate splash would certainly be helpful… my suggestion: a rebrand to a better name would probably work wonders.
  2. Bezos for 6 bil. Danny agrees to leave the country and never return, Bezos agrees to shut down the Washington Post.
  3. Unfortunately, you’re probably right. If anyone is offering a first round pick we should take it immediately. Maybe even a 2nd. We should certainly explore it, you never know. It only takes one team that still believes and will overpay. Like we did with Wentz. Too bad we can’t do business with a sucker like Dan Snyder.
  4. Definitely a red flag as to EB‘s actual involvement in the KC offense.
  5. Ah ok. Not sure I actually care about that, but yeah no doubt they’ll be a few people making jokes. They already are. We are an easy target and have been for some time. But the joking will fade away in time. If we keep commanders, the joking will be permanent. It will be Snyder’s legacy haunting us forever. If you’re worried about being the butt of national medias jokes, you should be begging for another name change!
  6. Well I mean you brought it up as having heard it on the Pat McAfee show, which I’m pretty sure is national.
  7. I would prefer to sign Payne. I agree we could make it work to sign both, but I would rather see some of the salary cap space percentage going forward be spread around to other positions. I would like to see them make a big time extension offer to Payne, and if he accepts then see if we can cash in on Chase in the trade market. If DP does not accept, then I would be up for keeping Chase around and offering him the big money extension (assuming he does enough to earn it, which is clearly in doubt at this point).
  8. Well sure that sounds a little crazy in a vacuum but.... 1. The first name unexpectedly was swept away by the unlikely combination of a global pandemic, George Floyd, and an attempted coup by the minority owners. 2. The second name was always a temporary placeholder, only existed because of number one. 3. The third name was the handpicked idiocy of the worst owner in the history of professional sports. 4. In the highly unlikely event that 1-3 were to occur elsewhere, I’d imagine any city/team would be considering a fourth name It’s a set of circumstances that will never happen again, so I don’t think it’s a big deal to set things right with respect to the name. I don’t see it as a only in DC thing, I see it as a Snyder thing. For a lot of us fans, the Snyder-inflicted wounds run deep and cleansing them is more important than worrying about having too many name changes in a short period of time. As soon as the new owner gets here, I will unapologetically be standing with the crowd calling for another name change.
  9. Can’t thank you guys enough who are doing all this research on players most of us have never heard of! An O lineman best described as a caveman sounds like exactly what we need!
  10. Hard to tell if he was cheap, or the good free agents just didn’t want to come here. Maybe both. But yes hopefully the new owner gets on board ASAP, otherwise it might be a pretty boring off-season (other than the Snyder is gone celebration!)
  11. I can understand not shelling out huge dollars for a QB, but these contracts seem like a drop in the bucket moneywise for a guy who’s about to get 7 billion. Perhaps something like this can be done as opposed to a complete spending freeze. we shall see. But if it is a total spending freeze, the good news is we will carry over a ton of salary cap space into the following season. If skipping free agency completely this year is what it takes to get rid of Snyder, then I’ll be perfectly happy to sign nobody.
  12. Same. Calls the plays in there is not what we mean by calling the plays. We mean the guy who is actually deciding which play! Andy Reid is playing word games here. It’s nice that he is supporting his guy, but I don’t think he’s fooling very many people. That being said, I still wouldn’t mind bringing EB in and giving him a chance to ‘decide the play calls’.
  13. I’d love to see us be the team that gives EB a chance to call plays. I’m sure he has learned a lot working with Reed for all these years. If it doesn’t work out, no problem we are cleaning house next year anyway. And if it does work out, and someone hires him as a head coach next year, I believe we get a draft pick (?). I know people don’t think Snyder will spend the extra money to get him, but a couple million is chump change in the context of a $7 billion sale.
  14. I guess I would fall in the don’t care, just win category. At least for now. All I want is Snyder gone, and if that happens they can name it whatever they want. But ask me agains once when he is gone, and I will definitely be with the I hate the name crowd and will support the 100% purging of all things Snyder. Bottom line is the name sucks, but for me getting rid of Snyder takes precedence until the day he is finally no more.
  15. Let’s face it. It’s simply not fair to judge Rivera, or any coach/GM, who has had to work with the dark noxious cloud that is dip**** dan hanging over him at all times. As many have pointed out, Ron has done a good if not great job with mid to late draft picks and developing unknown players into contributors. But it’s the big moves—disasters like Haskins and Wentz—that can completely kill a franchise for years, regardless of how successful they are with the less significant moves. Those two moves alone have set the franchise back to the extent where consistent winning simply isn’t possible at this point. And it’s no coincidence that Snyder‘s fingerprints are all over both of those moves. Throw in the constant off the field ownership-caused distractions he’s had to deal with, and I’d say Rivera has done a good job just in keeping things from completely imploding.
  16. Well if this is true I’d be on board with hiring Bieniemy. Everything I’ve ever read or heard though is that Reid calls the plays.
  17. Love Czabe but yeah, becoming a Packers fan was lame. He does a daily podcast now plus the Milwaukee show.
  18. The results have been good and bad. Mediocre overall. We can do better. But I will say this… They both deserve some benefit of the doubt for having to deal with Snyder.
  19. Sounds like Ron’s GM choice Hurney had it right but was overruled by Dan’s GM choice Mayhew and/or Dan himself. I hope the first order of business for the new owner is to get rid of all the current “GM”s. Both were crappy hires with mediocre track records (in mayhews case ‘mediocre’ is being nice).
  20. Sold!! Straight to the top of my list. Sounds perfect. Go Josh! 1. Harris 2. Bezos 3. any other douche bag billionaire not named Snyder or Boehly 4. Boehly (even the slightest rumor of him being like Snyder is more than enough to scare me away)
  21. Dude I think you just got a little Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe battered fan syndrome? The odds of finding another person, let alone billionaire, who is nearly as much of brainless vindictive rat turd as Snyder are astronomical. Don’t worry, even the very worst perspective owner available will be infinitely better. In every single aspect of being an owner, Snyder is the very worst one can be. He is literally the unicorn of bad owners.
  22. Yes. I will still think Snyder is worse. I’d rather have the team move then deal with another minute of Snyder as owner. I’ll take my chances that DC will get an expansion team before too long, it’s too big of a market not to. And the expansion team wouldn’t have a ****ty name like commanders!
  23. Nope. It is impossible, you cannot do worse than Snyder.
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