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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. The toxic stench of Snyder continues to hover over everything like radiation after a nuclear meltdown. The entire coaching staff needs to go. As does every single member of that idiotic ‘coach centric’ front office concoction. Then there is the players. I’m just sick about the time, energy, and dollars spent to attend this game, just to have them give ZERO effort in an embarrassing meltdown. I was already regretting my season tickets purchase, but now I’m wondering if I’ll even attend another game. Will probably sell the rest hopefully at not too big of a loss. Yes, the stadium experience has improved a quite a bit, but it still sucks. And what’s up with the giant beers? How is that the only option? Especially considering the “drink responsibly“ announcements. I love beer, but wtf why cant I just get a normal sized 12 Oz can of beer?? What I need is to see them start over and build this thing the right way. And that means hiring a GM first. And I mean a real, well regarded GM not another drunk or stooge with no power. If I don’t see that happening by this off-season, I just don’t see anyway I’ll be able to hang on as a fan. I know it’s going to take years to recover from the damage Snyder has done, and I really wanted to give the new owners all of the time they deserve, but I guess I’m just too beaten up as a fan to be patient. 💩💩💩
  2. They are not good, but I don’t think they are historically bad either. I think the situation will improve as the season goes on. But let’s face it… The O-line was in dire need of improvement this off-season, and it was barely addressed at all. It was no secret, everybody knew it and talked about it all along. Good linemen were available to us both in free agency and in the draft. But all we did was dumpster dive for a few scraps. It’s a case of poor roster building plain and simple, and there’s nothing the coaches can do about it now but try to make the best of it. This likely would not have happened with a competent GM running the show, something I look forward to hopefully finally getting next year for the first time in a long, long time.
  3. Looking forward to returning to games after my long term boycott of Snyder. We purchased season tickets as soon as the news seemed pretty much final to try to beat the rush. Will be leaving very early for opening day as I am expecting a traffic disaster. On the way the ravens preseason game, we barely moved for over 45 minutes between the beltway and Sean Taylor Drive. Nobody from the team, the county, the police, or anybody was there to direct traffic. If this is the kind of cluster **** I can expect, will definitely regret buying the tickets. We eventually turned back in frustration and missed the game. Giving the new owners the benefit of the doubt that they will get this straightened out. It didn’t have to be nearly as bad as it was, but they were doing nothing about it. Probably should’ve given them a year or two to clean up the Snyder mess before deciding to go to games again.
  4. Although I would have loved to watch it, I’m really glad Hard Knocks is not coming to DC. These players and coaches deserve some freedom from the constant off the field distractions that they have experienced constantly for years. The team getting some “buzz” is not going to do a single thing to help them win. You’re not going to get much buzz from it anyway, unless they win. The Lions didn’t get the love from being on the TV show, they got it because they came out and won games. Our franchise in its current state is more likely to embarrass itself anyway if put in the national spotlight. This year should be about cleaning out the Snyder stench and returning to being a normal competently run franchise. For those worried about the buzz, it will come when earned (or not) based on wins and losses. Buzz without respect is just noise, we already have that.
  5. Next year would be better for hard knocks. I’d really rather see all things Snyder and the accompanying disfunction banished before we are put in the spotlight. We need another year to tidy up/clean house. And after all he’s been through, Ron deserves to coach without having more distractions put on his plate. I agree we need to rebuild the popularity of the franchise, but that’s going to take awhile and require years of winning. One season on a TV show is not enough to change the perception much if at all, and won’t help one bit on the field. What we need now is less off the field fluff and more focus on winning games.
  6. Agree with this if true, but it’s a big stretch for me to say ‘picked his HC’, when this may have just been a quick due diligence inquiry. And we don’t know if Harris already has his GM picked out, or whether he is also making some calls on that front. Regardless it was very unprofessional of Payton to blab about it.
  7. Never watched the show, but I hope they put us on there. I’m sure they’d start with a retrospective on the Snyder disaster, and I’d love for fans around the league to know a little bit more about how we have suffered. And as others have pointed out, we could certainly use the publicity. Right now we are so boring fans would rather see the Bears?!?!
  8. A lot of people myself included fessing up to being in on Fitz and Wentz, yet remain undeterred, and are now all in on Howell. It is the eternal optimism of every fan base this time of year. But I have to agree with the posts falling on the side of pessimistic realism. Sure us fans, and much of the local press, are enamored with Howell, but the rest of the country has us ranked in the bottom third of the league, if not dead last, at QB. Same for the O line where our ranking in the bottom third is pretty much unanimous. At the skill positions, we all like to think we’re pretty good there, but if you look around the league, we are middle of the pack. Last year, I was optimistic like many of you that Wentz could at least give us a mediocre QB play. Meanwhile, the rest of the country was mocking us and telling us that he is a complete train wreck. They were right. So I’m not going to be so quick to dismiss the national narrative this time. Our offense is simply not very good, and EB does not have a magic pill that’s going to replace the lack of talent. In the draft, we didn’t bother to address the situation until the very end of the third round. Not to mention how the NFL is hosing us right now by slow walking the approval of Harris. Hoping for the best, but I will be very surprised if they win more than 7 or 8 games. All good though, getting rid of Snyder is all I’m looking for for this year! Next year, I’ll probably be ready to jump back on the optimism train.
  9. Howard Gutman is correct. The vetting of the deal should easily be done by now. The NFL is clearly dragging its feet here. I don’t think they’re doing it just to screw our team over for this year, but that’s the result. I believe the NFL (other owners) is worried about the negative press that will come from the MJW report. They want as much time as possible to go by, hoping that it will defuse the incoming criticism. Maybe there is another reason, but regardless I’m convinced that the NFL is stalling. Please don’t hit me with the canned reply of “deals this big take a long time“ I’m not buying that anymore.
  10. Same. Hate to say it, but the NFL seems to be in no hurry at all. I think they are intentionally dragging their feet. My guess is they are hoping that if enough time goes by people won’t be as anxious to see the MJW report. The problem for them is that the report, in addition to burying Snyder, is also going to bring unwanted negative publicity to the NFL itself. In the very least, it will shine light on how the other owners attempted to cover up Snyder‘s wrongdoings by burying the Wilkinson report and empowering him to buy out the minority investors. Sucks, but as long as he is nowhere near the team, and unable to meddle, I can live with having to wait longer if that’s what it takes. It’s going to be next year before new ownership has any impact on the on-field product anyway.
  11. Of course, winning is the most important thing for all fans, but as long as the new owner is doing the right things, and not embarrassing us, it won’t bother me not to win right away. If those things are happening, I know we will win in time. Meanwhile losing, but with dignity, will be a major step up from the embarrassing **** show we have experienced. The one thing that maybe could push me away would be if they decide to keep Snyder‘s ****ty name—it would make me question the ownership groups decision making, while making it a lot harder to love the team. That’s just me though, I’m not sure how many other fans are as repulsed by Snyders branding as I am. I suppose most would live with it just fine if the team is consistently winning. Who knows, maybe I would too, I’d love to find out!
  12. I’m one. Haven’t paid for a home ticket or jersey in 15 years, but purchased season tix for this year. And you’re welcome! The boycott eventually worked and we actually succeeded in starving him out. It’s great that you and others continued to support the team, but I’ve known for quite some time that the only hope of sustainable winning (or at least losing with dignity) meant Snydely had to go.
  13. The picture of Ovi holding the cup gives you a pass in my mind!
  14. My wife walked in shortly after our pick, took one look at me and said, “Uh oh…that’s the same look you had on your face when they took Haskins.” There is plenty to like about Forbes, but even at corner it’s tough to have a player on your defense who is too small to tackle in the NFL. The leaking of our draft pick preference is unforgivable. Otherwise, New England would have stayed where they were and taken Gonzalez, and we would’ve had OT Broderick Jones, a much better value pick. Ron and co. look like incompetent fools on this. Since we are apparently drafting off Fred Smoot’s board, I would expect the second round pick to be Darnell Washington, which would be great! I am really looking forward to new ownership. Hopefully next year we will have an actual qualified competent GM running the show for the first time since the 90’s
  15. Oh crap he might be coming to meddle in the draft. Someone needs to lock the doors to the war room immediately!
  16. MVPA. Most valuable player available is probably a better way of looking at it. Positional value has to be factored in—consider what would the player be worth if you had to trade them.
  17. I never cared one way or the other about liking him, but thought he deserved the benefit of the doubt for having to work under Snyder. But that’s long gone, he has demonstrated his own incompetence over and over again. Nobody should be surprised, given who hired him.
  18. BPA is a noble pursuit that all drafters aspire to. But in a salary capped league, it is usually not practical. You need to pencil in those early round picks as cheap starters to manage the cap. BPA works better for late round picks. As for the Eagles, I like their strategy too, but let’s face it… If they didn’t land Hurts, nobody would be talking about it. Taking a QB early, even though they had seemingly committed to another one is by far the most important thing they’ve done in the draft. This is why I think you have to at least look at a guy like a Hooker, despite the warts.
  19. I think his age could actually speed up his development. He’s going to be more mature both physically and mentally. I do agree with your other points though. But still he is a franchise QB potentially, and that makes him valuable. Maybe not at 16, but I would absolutely grab him if he falls to us in the second.
  20. The Russell Wilson trade is turning out to be a huge boon for them, both in free agency, and with all the draft picks. Not sure what it says about Ron and co’s GM skills that they were ready to make the same offer to Seattle
  21. This is great news for the Seahawks, who appear to now have Richardson falling into their laps. Their fan base is understandably split on him, but with four picks in the first two rounds, they could definitely afford to take the chance and I’m sure they would.
  22. yup. Just as I suspected. The bank has an obligation to do its due diligence on any bid, no matter how ridiculous. Even from a criminal scammer like Davis. This asshole, and whoever’s backing him, is all that’s left between us, and finally getting rid of Snyder. Davis getting the team would be a dealbreaker for me, I refuse to support another scumbag owner.
  23. Ugh. We finally get Bezos out of the way, and now we got some crooked scumbag Dookie holding things up? And he wants to give Snydely an extra billion dollars to cover for his own sleaziness? GTFOOH. We are sooo close to finally replacing Snyder with competent ownership. This guy Davis needs to piss off pronto.
  24. They may send word that it’s OK to consider that kind of offer, but I seriously doubt that they would direct them to seek it out.
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