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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Technically, we traded up for him. After Ditka foolishly gave us his entire draft, we had moved from number five back to number 12. We then traded back up from 12 to 7 I think to get champ.
  2. Yeah thanks for bringing that up. That comment had rubbed me wrong because it assumed the friends/family would be a bad element. Just as likely that the people around him are a net positive which based on his success so far is actually more likely the case. Sorry to sound lecturey
  3. To find the NFL version of Elias, look to the most steady and successful organization which right now is the ravens. So for me Hortiz sounds like the best hire. Regardless, I can’t wait to FINALLY have a top notch GM!
  4. I agree please no Belicheat! I don’t care if he’s a Hall of Famer, he’s over the hill. Hire the next young hot shot GM like the Orioles did with Elias, and then sit back and watch him build us a winner!
  5. Yes he’s sitting though of course the ravens are good enough to win the game anyway.
  6. Definitely. But I do like the fourth-quarter comeback wins stat as a measure of clutch play. Also somewhat team dependent I know, but really all QB stats are at least a little bit team dependent.
  7. Yep I do get that. We are on the same page. I agree the Bears will not select Harrison number one overall. My angle is that they may be more likely than many think to pass up on Caleb and trade down with us so that we can have Caleb and they still get Harrison. That’s what I want to happen as well. I’m not sure I agree though that it’s a lock that the QBs go 1–2–3. Arizona or some other team could covet Harrison more than one of the QBs, so the Bears would be taking a risk trading any further down than to number two if they want to make sure they get him.
  8. Conversely, had the Lions won Dallas would still have ended up with plenty to play for against us and still would’ve been a double digit favorite. So even though hindsight is 50/50, seems like the true answer is it never mattered at all! So I’m comfortable having gone with my default position of rooting against Dallas.
  9. Saw my buddy last night who is a huge Bears fan, fresh off watching the game with a bar full of Bears fans. A LOT of #1 pick talk as you can imagine. The overwhelming consensus is they like Fields and want to continue build around him. They all REALLY want Harrison jr. He liked my idea of swapping number two for number one, but otherwise is all about just taking Harrison at number one. Random sampling of the drunk bear fans on New Year’s Eve so take it for what it’s worth, which is very little. 😁
  10. I may be crazy, but I was right! Excellent reverse jinx on your part!
  11. Yep. Harrison and the three QBs, and then there is a tier drop. Nice to see Kyler Murray is playing. I don’t think it’s that crazy to think they could beat the Eagles. Go Cards!
  12. Yeah, most likely. But it’s not definite, we’ll have to see how it plays out before we know which side was correct. I was surprised to see people were so worried that Dallas benching a few key players would lead to us winning that game, considering we will also have players sitting out. But there’s some merit to the argument.… Winning against Dallas would be a much bigger disaster than losing the tiebreaker with New England.
  13. Well, no, it was several people. Obviously an extreme example, but in line with the overall tenor of the thread. No worries though, I’ll drop it. My comment was admittedly snarky, so my apologies if it bothered you. Have a nice day.
  14. Hey man, just reporting what I read. Go back and look. No drama. Your angry reaction actually makes my point, but OK I’ll tone it down to he is overrated on this thread.
  15. The Bears game is winnable, and the Seachickens is a division game in the final week, so anything can happen.
  16. I know it’s taboo not to worship Sam on this thread, but can we at least now admit he’s no Josh Allen?? Asking for a friend.
  17. It’s time. The idea of building a championship caliber team around Sam Howell is just such a long shot. If you do everything right, then maybe in two years you have a good enough roster around him, just in time for him to need to get paid or worse yet walk away. Time for a first round QB, with five years of a friendly contract to build around him, and the upside to give us a ten year run of being a contender if we get lucky and hit. I know a lot of you are going to hate this idea, but I would offer the Bears their second round pick back, and next year’s first, to move up for Williams. If people can’t stomach that, then just draft Daniels.
  18. Puka Nacua and Cooper Kupp burn us for 2 TDs each. Terry finally gets one. LAR 31 Wash 16
  19. That seems like what we’ve been doing for the last 30 years. Thinking we are “close” with Sam seems like a sure way to be there again. He is only a ‘cheap‘ QB for two more years, then what? Nah man I’m done with that. I am ready to take a shot at true greatness with a stud QB. Maybe, just maybe, it’s finally our turn to get lucky with one. And if not, sure, we start over again in a few years, but seems to me like we’re heading down that path anyway. My take is Sam could be very good but not great. Yes, it’s possible to win a title with a QB like that, but it’s highly unlikely. We are miles away from having the type of roster around him that it would take. Sam’s ceiling… Cousins/Alex Smith—solid but not top tier. QB 10-15, maybe gets inside the top 10 in his prime. Sam’s floor… Mayfield/Cutler—playmaker, but erratic. QB 20-25, maybe middle of the pack showing in his prime. If the goal is to be a good team that contends for playoffs most years, then by all means continue to build around Sam. Would certainly be an improvement over what we’ve had. But if the goal is to be a great team, that contends for titles, you take the QB. I’ve always been a guy who says build from the line out, but those days are over. I’ve changed my thinking. QB is everything now, and getting a great one is the only way to go if you are looking to make a 10 year run of greatness.
  20. I’m with this. Keep them both this year (cheap!) and you get two shots at it—50/50 the rookie QB hits, PLUS whatever chance you think there is of Howell becoming elite. One rookie tackle otoh is not going to fix the line. It’s a good start, but as we (should have) learned from the Chase pick, QB is not the only position that can bust on a top 5 pick, so there’s a decent chance said tackle fixes nothing. Best case he hits and we add some other parts and suddenly have a respectable line, but the upside of taking QB and hitting is a decade of winning.
  21. So, John Allen took the money, hasn’t lived up to it, but now is complaining about not winning? Ugh. I get being frustrated, but I thought he was above trashing his teammates/coaches like that. I guess even the players are infected by the stench of Snyder. Maybe we do need to completely blow it up.
  22. Sign Higgins and draft an OT. My preference though would be to sign a tackle in free agency and draft Harrison.
  23. Such negativity in here. Come on guys, think positive… we will be picking third! Marvin Harrison should already be looking at real estate in the area.
  24. It’s time to put him out of our misery. In the very least, the Marty’s and the rest of the incompetent front office should have their belongings put in a box and left outside the door.
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