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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. It’s funny, but if “anybody” can’t block at all then “anybody” probably can’t get open and catch the ball at all either. You could easily do this cartoon the other way around.
  2. I don’t disagree with that in general, but I think it’s a mistake to be so ultra rigid about what rounds certain positions should be taken. If 2–3 is the sweet spot, then grabbing someone who is a special talent at the position a round earlier shouldn’t be taken off the table. OT + rd 2 TE or TE + rd 2 OL—I think it would work pretty well either way. But Bowers is the guy who gives us the star power that a lot of fans are craving.
  3. Pink with a unicorn mascot?? Oh yes, my daughter would love that! And that’s at least one more new fan that could be attracted than we will ever get with the current Snyder-cursed crapola. I guess my point is that literally anything would be better. Anything.
  4. Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. Eight out of the 10 he listed are third round pix or earlier! I realize you can get a sleeper tight end in the later rounds, but that’s certainly not something you can count on. Seems like we’ve taken several late round TEs recently, with nothing to show for it. Would be nice to have some stability at the position, with someone who can both catch and block. Bowers? Hell yeah bring him on. A lot of our ES scouts were talking up a LaPorta last year, and I wish we would’ve taken him instead of either one of our top two picks.
  5. Eagirls might rest their starters in week 18 and hopefully hand NYG a win same here. Can’t go edge again! Sign a good veteran in free agency, and go with young players on the other side..
  6. More of the same… Sam sacked six times 10 penalties 9 running plays at 2.5 per carry Terry gets five targets Dyami and Dotson drops Time out mismanagement 3 40+ TD passes allowed Mia 10 for 11 on 3rd down Rons folded arms Tress with a nice looking punt! Mia 45 Wash 17
  7. Yes, I’m all for it if by “the process“ you mean putting together a proper organizational structure with a real GM in charge, and when appropriate accumulating draft capital for future years. If you mean exactly like the Sixers, then, no. A football blow up and rebuild is going to be much different than in the NBA. To be honest, I’m kind of tired of hearing the term “process“ anyway. The 76ers can keep it. But the idea of, in a lost season, taking a step back to improve the future outlook? Yeah, definitely good with that.
  8. Seems like this weekend would’ve been the time, so I guess Ron is staying through the end of the season. And I’m fine with that, at least where coaching is concerned. I just don’t want him involved in front office decisions. Even if that means… Dare I say… The owner is running things until a permanent GM is hired. I don’t want Ron, or the Marty’s, anywhere near next year‘s draft board.
  9. Will never be able to thank you guys enough for doing all this research! I don’t think any of us will be unhappy with one of the stud LT’s in the first round. But definitely feels like a need pick. With Bowers, and of course Harrison if we were able, seems like we’d be getting the best of both worlds… BPA and fills a need. We can still fix the line with numbers—use multiple later picks and add a free agent or two.
  10. prediction: we move up to 5th in the power rankings. (aka next years draft order) final score: Cow****s 24 Wash 5
  11. I agree with you, but I don’t think we can just accept the word of a random unnamed junkies texter, who supposedly is in the know. If the rumors are in fact true, they would need to keep it quiet to avoid having it look like tampering. Sending a guy like that to quiet the noise would make a lot of sense. Like you, I just want a GM. But if Belichick is available, we certainly shouldn’t dismiss it. We want to be seen as a place a guy like that would consider coming to.
  12. Admittedly you are correct, if we were 5-0 with that uniform, I’d be calling for wearing it every week! 😂 I don’t actually hate it. In fact, I don’t really care about the uniform colors as much as most. Maybe it’s superstition, but I’m just all about removing as many things Snyder as possible.
  13. All of the Tanya Snyder uniforms are tainted and must go. The Dan Snyder name is also tainted and must go. Until these things happen, the Snyder curse will continue to hang over this franchise.
  14. Yeah, I’d like to give him credit for a “culture change“, but I just don’t see it. It’s been all talk. The culture (losing) on the field is virtually unchanged from when he took over. No magic words from Ron were ever going to change that, only winning fixes it. You could argue an improved culture on the front office/business side I suppose, but that has everything to do with Snyder being gone, and nothing to do with Ron showing up. Ron’s charge was to fix the losing culture on the field, and the results are it hasn’t happened
  15. So you’re comparing Josh Allen to Hall of Famer Brett Favre, but you’d still rather have Sam? Are you telling me if they offered Allen for Sam straight up you’d say no??? This thread is hilarious.
  16. Also you have more domes today, and much better playing surfaces overall. But the biggest thing is probably the rule changes that don’t allow defenders to play nearly as physically.
  17. Like many of you I totally agree with this. The first round pick, and one of the day 2’s should be OL, plus adding a free agent. Looking forward to learning about the top OL available from our phenomenal ES amateur scouting department! With a vastly improve O-line, we may discover that we are just fine at WR and RB. I’m also on board with grabbing a TE in the second to eventually take over for Logan T
  18. Somebody is going to hire him, and we are looking for a coach next year. I agree it’s a Snyder move, but an early Snyder move. More recent Snyder, a guy like Belichick wouldn’t consider working for him. Of course anything that smells like a Snyder move is going to make us all queasy. But at the same time, it’s good to know that the rumor mill would tie a Hall of Fame caliber coach to our team. In recent years, I don’t think anybody would have thought we would be on a guy like Belichick‘s list.
  19. It’s going to be important to have a good scouting department and a good analytics department going forward. I’d be for more of a 50/50 balance, as opposed to one trumping the other. Not sure that the background of the GM matters, just that he is able to use the information from both effectively. I guess that’s kind of what you’re saying. with the demise of the Yankees, a lot of it has to do with so many other teams now are willing to spend as much as they do. The Yankees have been wise to move toward more of a balance with analytics and building from within. Understandable that it’s hard for Yankees fans/media to be patient with it, but they are probably doing the right thing. The days of buying their way to titles are likely over.
  20. I don’t think he will be available, but I would definitely take him as HC, and I think their window is still plenty open. Their defense has been decimated by injuries this year, and Allen is having his worst year at QB. I know the fans are freaking out because they’ve had a couple tough losses, but for the last several years McDermott has been considered one of the best coaches in the league. Kansas City didn’t shy away from Andy Reid just because he had “squandered“ the Eagles window with McNabb.
  21. In other words, we need a GM instead of letting the coach who “watched the film“ on wentz make the moves.
  22. I like that plan a lot. Draft young weapons to grow with him. Use your FA dollars to fix LB and add a DE. Address OL in the draft and FA
  23. Agreed! Even if I believed there was no chance of beating Dallas, I would never say it 🤮🤮🤮 but the fact is they lost to Arizona, so hell yeah we can win on Thanksgiving.
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