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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. If he was a good father he would already have taken his daughter to see Taylor Swift in concert:
  2. Is that a type of small dog? Sam Altman? What the **** has he accomplished? I’d go with Former Twitter/X advertisers as the clear winner. Cue the outrage from the right that Elon is not the only person under consideration.
  3. Elon again playing 5-D chess. People who want to exit the app are taken to the Home Screen. People looking to go back to the Home Screen exit the app.
  4. **** that guy. He is Irish MAGA-equivalent. Imagine if you were a black professional and people assumed Flavor Flav was the role model for “your people.”. Who is the equivalent for white Americans? Steven Seagall?
  5. Genuinely don’t know who that is, but I don’t watch much NBA. The Hans Niemann cheating controversy pushed a pretty obscure endeavor onto the front page of every newspaper in the world. Would have been an intriguing choice.
  6. He was born in England. But being born in a pigsty doesn’t make you a pig. While undoubtedly very talented, he reinforced English stereotypes of drunken, uneducated Irish which did many of us no favors when living among the English.
  7. Based on the history SI is more focused on the person(ality) than the sports. Recent awardees include Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. Djkovic is intelligible due to his personality.
  8. It was partly said as dark humor but I don’t think there is a clear consensus. Social security and other pensions are significantly lower as benefits passed onto a spouse are much lower than a couple would receive. And while cancer treatment is very expensive, a much older population has many many years longer in which to incur treatment for other ailments including other forms of cancer which are very costly. Here’s a very old article from the WaPo by Malcolm Gladwell, but there are others: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1990/02/27/not-smoking-could-be-hazardous-to-pension-system/0c2151ba-c38a-400d-aab5-bd45a5ba80ec/ And the BBC political comedy series even had a sketch on the topic:
  9. Will also massively increase the cost of state pensions/social security. Smokers are the greatest financial patriots. They pay very high taxes on their habit and then they die before benefiting from pensions and costly elderly healthcare coverage.
  10. My point was that in spite of many scientific organizations with no history of secrecy, there is nothing in the public domain that could be considered testable or verifiable data.
  11. Non-DoD organizations have little incentive for secrecy, especially the international community. Not long ago, the astronomy community was very open in sharing data about an unknown interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua
  12. You’re a total liar. She’s my girlfriend. And LOL at the Pope, Reid and Schumer being name dropped as though they would add credibility. Better to have the National Inquirer on the case - the best investigative reporting on the planet
  13. As usual, extraordinary claims by Grusch or anyone else require extraordinary evidence. And the claims (hearsay involving someone’s third cousin) are lacking specifics you could evaluate. If they actually have material a lab could diagnose the material in less than an hour. It doesn’t require a $21M lab to analyze the component elements in a material. And with all the radar and astronomy (that can detect asteroids less that 5 feet in diameter) etc we still have no solid data.
  14. “Please respect my privacy at this time”
  15. I suspect that Ron Rivera is running that account. Because he’s not spending time coaching the team.
  16. Alternative headline ”Entrepreneur with severe eating disorder looks like he has been embalmed”
  17. Some forums with a hard core following monetize the regulars by offering an ad-free experience for a modest annual subscription. I think ads alone can be quite tough to pay the bills.
  18. You’re questioning Sean Hannity’s accuracy?
  19. Lower taxes, good schools, low crime, variety of good jobs. Just your typical socialist hellhole.
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