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Everything posted by redskins59

  1. But you are experimenting on children. You want to try it even though it may backfire spectacularly, causing an increase in homicide rates? Now, I get that you believe that gun deaths will go down, but where is the proof? It is a really a bad idea to experiment on children, especially when we are dealing with guns.
  2. I highly doubt a psych evaluation will spot pedophiles on a regular basis. I am sorry to say, but I just don't buy that screening will effectively stop all deranged teachers from getting guns. If 1 out of 100k mentally unstable teacher gets a gun, is that good? If there are papers out there (non-biases ones, not the ones from NRA) that show that arming teachers is effective, I would like to see them. Otherwise, I just don't trust these ideas. If this arming teachers strategy does not have studies backing it, why do you want to try it? It is an innovative idea in my mind, but it can backfire spectacularly. Do you really want to try it out? See, then this is my problem with arming teachers. There is no study to back it up. It is an innovative idea, but it doesn't mean that it will work. It can backfire spectacularly. Simlar thing in business. They say 90% of startups fail. Only 10% survive. Just because you have an innovative idea doesn't mean it will work. I would give the arming teachers idea a 90% failure rate. Now, if there are studies showing that it has proved to be effective, I will gladly change my mind. Ultimately, I want my daughter to be safe.
  3. But supposedly, even in this case, there were four deputies outside. Yet they did nothing? https://nypost.com/2018/02/23/four-sheriffs-deputies-hid-during-florida-school-shooting/ I would like to see studies showing that arming teacher works. I am open to whatever works, however, if there are no studies out there regarding this, I am highly skeptical.
  4. When I mean homicide, I am talking more about a 1 person killing one or two individuals. You are probably right that mass shooting is a homicide. How effective is screening going to be? Sure, a little bit, but I always hear about pedophile teachers getting arrested. They can't even spot those people. The point is that if you are mentally deranged, it is probably not too difficult to hide it, screening or no screening. The bigger issue to me is that giving teachers firearms may reduce mass shooting, but other types of gun deaths will go up. Japan basically has very strict gun laws, and their gun deaths is close to nil. Look at Scandinavian countries as well. Has anybody else anywhere in the world tried giving teachers guns while having lax gun laws like we do here? What you are proposing (giving teachers guns) has not been tested yet. Is there a chance that giving teachers guns will mean more deaths, but not of the mass casualty kind? I would do something that is tried and tested, which is strict gun laws. Giving teachers guns may work, but it is just a huge hypothetical. Mass shooting doesn't happen only in schools. What about movie theaters, or concert? Even if we are to arm teachers, what about those other venues? It will only protect schools. Because might is not enough. Are you 100% certain that it will reduce the number? What are the chances that the number of gun deaths go up instead? There is no way to predict either way. So the tried method is strict gun control. I can already see a scenario play out where some random teacher starts shooting his students for no good reason.
  5. It's pretty much well known that the more guns there are available, the higher the gun deaths. You give teachers guns, expect gun deaths to shoot up. Mass shooting is not the biggest way that people die due to gun-related injuries. No. 1 from what I recall is homicide. No. 2 is suicide. Heck, accidental gun deaths are probably even higher than mass shooting related deaths. The gunman in this case, Nicholas Cruz, pulled the fire alarm. There was probably a lot of chaos. How are you going to target Cruz in such a case? CNN is reporting that there were four police officers who decided to not even go inside. But even if a teacher manages to kill Nicholas Cruz, how many students end up dying before he gets killed? Only zero is acceptable. I have a daughter who is close to 3. She will be going to school soon. This is very concerning to me. I would say that changing age requirement to 21 helps when it comes to high schools, but what about colleges? If you join a college at 18, you are going to leave at 22 or 23. So it seems to me that the age requirement needs to be 25 (accounting for Master's degree).
  6. Credit Suisse, which owns XIV is down 6% in the after-hours. They own $500 million worth of XIV, which is predicted to hit zero tomorrow. We'll see if that is true. What are the chances of a market contagion? Probably not a whole lot, but they just lost a lot of money.
  7. @techboy I generally agree that for a guy like me, passive investing is the way to go. It is also a fact that the majority of active investors underperform indexes. Heck, I would never put my money in a hedge fund due to the fees involved. However, that does not mean that everybody fails. Yes, some of the people who do well have been lucky. It does not mean that they have all been lucky. There are people out there who know what they are doing. Machine learning has become much more powerful these days due to something called deep learning. Thousands of papers come out about artificial intelligence every year. So someone with knowldge in this field can have a good chance. How many people know machine learning algorithms? And anyways, some of them have the ability to write their own models. When I talk about mathematically good, I am talking almost genius-like. The founder of Renaissance Technologies I believe has Phd in mathematics. Prior to starting Renaissance Technologies, he was I believe a renowned professor. Another example is Robert Mercer. He was also using some kind of statistical model, and he is a billionaire. I think the quants (mathematical geniuses, physicists, computer scientists) can make money by trading. I know I can't. I am saying that there are people out there who have developed models or algorithms that can generate excess returns.
  8. One of the hedge funds that Renaissance Technologies has generates 40% returns annually. They have been doing it for so long that it cannot be luck. One of the founders of the company(James Simone?) is supposed to be some sort of mathematical genius. Making money by trading is possible if you have a mathematical brain. There is a reason quants are so sought in the financial world. Of course, commission has a lot to do with it. These days, even Ameritrade commission is pretty low. 75 cents per contract for options? Trading stocks is 10 bucks I believe. I don't remember, but it isn't too high. Mathematicians and Algo traders can make money from home. I won't be able to do it, bit there are high IQ mathematicians out there.
  9. Basically, trading stocks is timing it because you are trying to figure out the direction of the stock in the short term. On the other hand, investing is when you are holding long term. There are hedge funds out there who have made money for years by trading. So you can't say that nobody knows how to time it right. We the normal folks don't know how to do it, no question about it though. We might get lucky, but that's it. One big name that has made tremendous amount of $$ is Renaissance Technologies. There are many successful traders out there.
  10. Do you need to wait a year for a fiance visa? Someone I know got it within a few weeks from what I recall.
  11. Well, my dad has been here 20 years, and he hasn't naturalized either. He is renewing his green card right now. Some countries do not allow dual citizenship, and the thing is, if you lose your citizenship, you risk losing your assets as well. Some counties put a limit on the amount of money you can take to a foreign country, unless it is for educational purposes. Green card is not a whole lot different in terms of benefits, etc. Sure, you cannot apply for jobs that require citizenship. As far as merit-bases immigration policy that Trump is proposing, I can already see college educated Whites complaining about it. Would it not be like H1b on steroids? I already see liberal Whites complaining re: H1b, if you go to NY comments section pertaining to this. To top it off, they probavly won't get rid of H1b either. So ultimately, merit-based immigration will not help everybody.
  12. I highly doubt most people would check for proof from a handyman. Those are essentially small jobs. It's not going to change your house drastically. And for big-time jobs, it will be the big-name contractors you will hire. What you will no doubt notice is that the people who will do your work will be immigrant types.
  13. A lot of illegal immigrants are working for contractors who will have all the required proofs. The boss will be a White dude, whereas the ones who will do the work appear to be the types who don't speak English. My roofer was recommended to me by my home insurance company. The boss was White, and he hired people who were more than likely illegal. I also had to replace my Aluminum siding. So, two different contractors were used, as the roofer would not do the siding. Again, the boss was a white guy, and the people working under him were Latinos. And actually, one of the workers only recently flew from some country in South America. They did an efficient job though. They finished the work in 4 or 5 hours. I gave them a good review on Angie's list, as they said they would give me a discount. Also, does anybody ask for proof when it comes to handyman types? I know I don't.
  14. Recently, I had to fix my roof. The main guy who we talked to was a White dude--pretty clearly an American. Then the people who actually came to fix the house (there must have been 5 people there) were Latinos who barely spoke any English. Am I supposed to ask for their license? If I recall, I already signed the contract before those guys came to fix my house. The contractor we hired was recommended to us by our insurance. Good reviews online. 4+ stars.
  15. I know this for a fact. My mom is sponsoring her brother for a green card. The process has gone for 10 whopping years. If this is what Trump means by chain migration, the process is not very easy at all. I have a feeling Trump (or his supporters) doesn't even know what chain migration means. My response would be they are too expensive. And anyways, unless the plan is to discriminate, how do you know who is legal or illegal? Am I supposed to ask for citizenship proof if a person looks brown or has an accent?
  16. They also got rid of the individual mandate. What's going to happen to health insurance? When healthy people don't sign up for Obamacare, the sick ones will have to pay more. It may double or triple. What a bad bill.
  17. Like I said, it's just a feeling. Even if it's not inflation, there are things not right with the economy. You can just feel it. For example, bitcoins. If bitcoin isn't in a bubble, I am going to be highly, highly shocked.On this message board, you have a thread about Ethereum. 2800% appreciation in a single year? Seems like the Tulip mania to me. Everbody and his daddy is now into bitcoins. Watch as people get burned. It was 2007 or 2008, when crude oil hit more than $100 a barrel. CNBC was claiming that it would keep going up. Of course it tanked and hasn't risen to that level since. If people have more money in the pocket, they will spend it. Americans aren't savers. The tax bill may be bad in the long term for an average person, but in the short term, most people will benefit. If rich people get most of the benefit, where do you think that money will go? I say speculative plays. When you are making a lot of money, you get blinded. Even if it goes down, many people will not sell. They will watch as it tanks. Bubble, inflation, whatever. The economy is off. Speculation seems rampant. The VIX has been eerily stable.
  18. I have a feeling that inflation is about to sky rocket. Which would mean that the tax cut won't mean a whole lot. The stock market has been on a tear this year. It will come down pretty soon. Trump is taking credit for the economy. Is he going to blame Obama if we have a recession? I bet we will. We haven't had a recession for close to a decade now? It is just unbelievable. The Republican party knows how to create bubbles.
  19. Check out this article. Pretty crazy. An Indian white nationalist? The whole article is very interesting. https://splinternews.com/how-did-a-white-supremacist-get-a-job-as-an-equal-emplo-1821061611
  20. Al Franken needs to resign. The Roy Moore camp is using the "..but Al Franken" argument. One is a pedophile, while the other is not, but they are trying to equate the two. Maybe it means more women vote for democrats. Here in VA, college-educated White women voted democrats by a bigger margin in our November election. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/local/virginia-politics/governor-exit-polls/?utm_term=.5adffe2a9729 What you see is that 58% of college-educated White women voted for Northam. They made up 20% of voters according to the exit poll. Compare to Clinton vs Trump when Clinton won 50% of the college educated White women vote. One party may have a pedophile in the senate. Think about it for a second. Be on the right side of history. Just resign. And I actually hope, though it's just sad, that Roy Moore wins. It will energize democrats big time.
  21. Ohio supreme court justice brags about sleeping with 50 women. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/12d69df9-cb25-379b-87b8-74c071bd2103/ss_ohio-supreme-court-justice.html
  22. If there is another accuser, he needs to resign immediately.
  23. What if that photo is staged? Let's have an investigation first and figure out what happened. Someone took that picture. What does that person have to say? Maybe he should take a polygraph. Even if he is innocent, he still should have apologized, and I am glad that he did.
  24. I have to wonder why the left never labels these billionairres as white supremacists. Our leaders need to do it. Notice how much the right attacks Soros?
  25. The best strategy is to ignore him. The more attention he gets, the more popular he becomes. I was looking at the website Hatreon yesterday, which is the alt right alternative to Patreon. The neonazi Andrew Anglin is making a whopping 7000 a month. So it is pretty obvious that espousing white supremacy can be very profitable. We should maybe try to find out who the donors are. These sites allow anonymity unfortunately.
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