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Everything posted by redskins59

  1. She is going to be fired soon. However, this is major confusion for everybody. What the heck is going on? Who do you follow?
  2. It appears to me that the market is about to get tired of Trump. The immigration ban and then the Mexican tariff scare. The futures for tomorrow are down: http://www.cnbc.com/pre-markets/
  3. True. And I don't think they will ever ban Turkey either. But what will Trump do if there is a terrorist attack in the future, and the perpetrators are from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? Will they ban those countries? I have my doubts.
  4. The question is, are they going to ban countries that have the ability to retaliate better? I am thinking Saudi Arabia (oil) and Pakistan(a nuclear power that shares Intelligence with us).
  5. Supposedly from some rogue staff. I can't be sure, but it's interesting:
  6. Well, but at least Pence is a politician. Every job needs experience,including political jobs. Pence would not cause the chaos that Trump created by the immigration ban, where we have some people stuck and have no idea where to go. This was because of Trump's experience. He would at least discuss things with his staff before making a judgment.
  7. I rather have Pence over Trump. Pence would be George W. Bush, maybe more insane. But I rather have a religious conservative than a white nationalist.
  8. That was right after the Great Recession. In a situation like that, you have to think of your family. You can't think of abortion or immigration. People blamed Bush for the economy. So the Republican party paid the price. The economy is good enough now that you can think of "values". Yes, I think that if there is a recession, those same people would dump the Republican party. I am looking at how red W. VA has become. It used to be a blue state. I hope this doesn't happen in states like Wisoncin, but there is a possibility.
  9. We have all these people suggesting how bad the immigration ban is. Rural America won't listen to them at all. They probably only read Breitbart. This is all fake news to them.
  10. I think he has enough of a base, unfortunately. Look how Rural America came to vote for him in droves. Many rural areas that Obama won, Trump managed to win. Now, back then we had a terrible economy, and they had no choice. But the moment the economy improved, you can see how they actually feel.
  11. This is exactly how I feel. The protests you see are occurring in Urban America. You can only need to look at comments section of any Yahoo news stories to understand how his supporters are feeling. They are giddy right now.
  12. I hear that they are going to court on Monday too. Perhaps for this battle hopefully.
  13. But the people with green cards who are stuck in Iran, Yemen, etc still can't come here, right? It is a small victory though.
  14. That explains the rise of populist Trump. I am out too. If I keep focusing on this **** the whole day, I am going to die of a heart attack very soon.
  15. That's primarily a local terrorist group. I'm talking about international terrorists like the 9/11 attackers, who came mainly from Saudi Arabia.
  16. The right wing media has been feeding this BS that Muslims never denounce radical Islam. It's a load of crap, but the right wing fanatics believe it.
  17. I strongly feel that the problem of "Islamic terrorism" has a lot to do with economic disparity between the Middle East and Europe/United States. Turkey is not known to produce a whole lot of terrists. Why? Their economy is better.
  18. I saw it on DU..you may be right. You know what, I will delete it.
  19. There is a huge outcry in Mexico right now. The nationalists are calling for boycotting all American goods. The people in the Middle East are angry. Mexico is angry. Western Europe is also angry (Angela Merkel). Only Putin is giddy with joy.
  20. Pakistan for example is very important when it comes to war against terror. Al Zawahiri (sp?) is still hiding somewhere in Pakistan. So yeah, if Pakistan retaliates in terms of not sharing intelligence info with the United States, it will mean that we will be less safe.
  21. Those countries will retaliate by possibly blocking Americans from entering their country, but it is not enough. All middle eastern countries need to unite and retaliate, including Saudi Arabia. Pakistan should kick out all Americans. Note: Not trying to cheer against America, but Trump needs to be taught a lesson. He is just a dumbass.
  22. Yup, even Green Card holders are stuck. Iranians in this country are one of the most successful groups out there right next to the Indians and the Chinese. I have never heard of an Iranian Islamic terrorist. Remember that one Iranian who gunned down people in Germany. Turned out that he was actually a Nazi sympathizer dreaming of an Aryan homeland. The media did not cover the story once this fact came out. Islamic terrorist probably gives better ratings than a Nazi supremacist.
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