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Everything posted by redskins59

  1. Boycotting is hard, but looks like Trump wins this. Which to his supporters means he is getting things done. I say try not to support them financially as much as possible. The tv deal is set. Even if viewership reaches zero, they still receive money for a few more years.
  2. I cannot believe that he has lasted this long.
  3. Fox News trying hard to show that the left is violent I see...
  4. He knows his base. If you listen to Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage etc, do they sound any different from white nationalists? How much do their views differ from Richard Spencer? Not a whole lot. Until we do something about talk radio and Fox News, we are going to see White Nationalism made more and more mainstream.
  5. Doxing is effective as long as you target the correct person. Some of the white supremacists and their families are getting death threats. Of couse they are whining. Something along the lines of leave my family alone. The cleancut types will be reluctant to join these movements if you expose them like that. A lot of them go to college. They are scared.
  6. You scare the heck out of them. The dangerous ones are not the cosplay KKK types. Everybody laughs at them. The dangerous ones are the cleancut types who want to make White Nationalism cool. Think Richard Spencer. You can scare these types easily. On twitter, they are constantly whining about the antifa. They are easy to scare.
  7. From what I am hearing, he escaped. Can anybody verify?
  8. Did you all hear that? Trump said he condemns bigotry "on many sides". He did not condemn white supremacists directly. I haven't heard him use the phrase "white supremacist" yet. Pay attention.
  9. Of course he is gone. VA allows only one term. He has been one of the least popular VA governors of the last decade or so. This may lead to a Repiblican governor.
  10. The tweet did not pointedly denounce white supremacists. We can all see that. So of course Spencer can claim that Trump was denouncing the antifa. I am also willing to bet that Trump was not the author of the tweet.
  11. CNN is saying that it is a 3 vehicle accident.
  12. We need to arm the antifa folks. Right now, if there is an all out war, the left would lose. Somebody needs to organize this ASAP. If it were up to me, I would remove the second amendment. But now is not the time for that ****.
  13. The Kaiser Family Foundation website is pretty good for comparing various Republican proposals: http://kff.org/
  14. It just depends on the field. The majority of h1b probably goes to programmers. Now, the biological sciences don't pay a whole lot (and there are a lot of STEM fields that pay diddly). Someone in the computer science/programming field has the potential to make money rather quickly. There are tons of startups out there. A lot of times they pay you through shares of the company. There is no other field out there with the ability to make you rich as the tech sector does. Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates became rich and famous out of nowhere. Before facebook there was myspace. Anybody heard of the game clash of clans? I hear that everybody who works for the company is a millionaire. It is also true that a lot of newly minted millionaires in the tech sector are first generation immigrants. If anybody has read the book the millionaire next door, it mentions somewhere that first generation immigrants have a disproportionate number of millionaires. Innovation depends big time on immigrants. You need to have the hunger.
  15. That is a good question, lol. The "third world" country I come from is wedged between two nuclear powers. Perhaps they will protect us, and hopefully they don't join in.
  16. What I have read is that more than 70% of workers in farms and such tend to be Mexicans--probably mostly illegal immigrants. However, the thing is, those jobs require a whole lot of labor. Yeah, I don't see Americans doing those jobs. It will lead to massive inflation (those of you who are speculative traders might want to buy chicken futures with a 2 year window in mind, if that exists). Now, one may say that this inflation will be controlled by goods imported from, say, China. But, uh, the problem is Trump is threatening a 30% tariff. So I am seeing massive inflation in the future. The Great Recession led to a rise in populism in this country. What will happen the next time there is another recession? I fear a leader in the mold of Hitler. This guy rose in power right after the Great Depression. Right before the Great Depression, in the early 20's from what I recall, Germany suffered from a massive inflation. That led to popularity of Hitler's party. However, Germany's economy improved and Hitler was seen as a clown. Then the Great Depression hit Germany and rest is history. Free trade has been very good for the country. This protectionist BS is not going to end well. The moment I see another big recession (which may be coming soon), I may have to leave. The target may be immigrants this time around.
  17. It is ultimately good. I will give you my own example. My wife has been a green card holder for close to 5 years. She could have applied for citizenship 2 years ago (wife of a citizen can apply for citizenship after 3 years), but it really was not a priority. Now because of Trump, it is a priority. Expect a surge in people applying for citizenship. And guess what it will lead to? Trump's demise. All of us have to take it in the chin until then unfortunately. Republicans are digging their own graves.
  18. The Government made the argument that the president's executive order is unreviewable. To which, the court says the following: http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2017/02/09/17-35105.pdf The pdf file above is their response, which is 20 some pages, if anybody wants to read it.
  19. That is the exact problem. Americans don't think. Your rebuttal might be "But they were from Saudi Arabia". The majority won't listen. Muslims are a very small population in the United States, but the right wing has managed to scapegoat them big time. Read any far right website like Breitbart. They love blaming Muslims. And they love to say that the mainstream media does not report black on white crime.
  20. @FanboyOf91 I am talking about the poll that came out yesterday: http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-travel-ban-polls-2017-2 It says the order has a 55% approval among voters polled.
  21. I totally agree, but at the same time, Trump now can blame the judges and democrats when we get attacked. The poll that came out yesterday (Quinnipiac is it?) seemed to show that the ban has been his most popular executive order.
  22. What's Trump going to do when(not if) we have a terrorist attack? He's going to blame the judges and Americans will agree with him. I see that Trump will ultimately win, unfortunately. Would have been better if immigrants from those countries were banned for a month.
  23. This is complete chaos. It has to be very confusing for airport workers. You are supposed to follow the judge, but you can bet that the employees are super confused.
  24. Immigration Director Ragsdale got fired, but CNN isn't even talking about it. Their focus is on the AG getting fired. I am thinking that they used the firing of the AG to suppress the media from talking about the firing of the Immigration Director. It may be more important. The AG was being replaced anyway. The media is basically focused on the AG story.
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