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Chump Bailey

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Everything posted by Chump Bailey

  1. Just my gut opinion: I like Conor a lot and am rooting for him but if he does not KO Floyd in rounds 1-3 the fight will tilt heavily in Floyd's favor. Conor's speed and power are legit and if his legs hold out he does have a chance.
  2. Sessions was a terrible selection I agree but the country and government's asinine view about marijuana has been a huge problem for a very long time. The DEA refused to reschedule it, which is utterly ridiculous. The DEA should be completely disbanded.
  3. Works great - thanks again nice gift to your Redskins brothers!
  4. Thanks! No worries about keeping it on the down low
  5. Anyone could help a fellow Redskins fan out for tonight's game? It would be much appreciated!
  6. http://stream24k.com/sports/last-wil-card-game.html Thanks Penguin! Much appreciated brother...
  7. Bone Tomahawk: Kurt Russell plays a sheriff who leads a group of men trying to rescue his deputy and female doctor that were kidnapped by a group of cannibal savages. Highly recommend - good characters - well acted. It's very violent, graphic be forewarned... Prevented from posting image for some reason...
  8. Seriously ask myself that daily. But, my parents are here and I have a sister in Orlando so it's good I'm around for that reason if nothing else. I left a good job in Alexandria Va in 2007 - been downhill ever since. Hard lessons... Have a great New Year and be safe!
  9. I feel ya Semper - it's awful right now. I was born in Charleston btw
  10. I'm in SWF now and originally from Northern Virginia - still not used to it down here.
  11. SS, Are you a believer in the city vs highway miles for a car? Thanks!
  12. I'll likely check it out - have all the others. Hicks returning sounds good. I've always been a fan of Michael Biehn...
  13. In favor of cleaning the mass air flow sensor? I've heard mixed answers...
  14. We're going to get rolled, lit and smoked these next 3 games I'm afraid. 49er's Colts Rams
  15. Yeah, that was a decent movie I thought too. Crashed at the box office for some reason.
  16. Anyone like Blue Moon? This is currently my favorite beer.
  17. I need to look into those Jumbo... I'm partial to the Preston-Child Special Agent Pendergast series;They're excellent reads IMO. I suppose this list will be obvious and universally appreciated for the posters in this thread, for me: The Hobbit Man of Steel 300: Rise of An Empire Star Trek Iron Man 3 Red 2 War World Z The Great Gatsby (Not a movie I thought I would enjoy, but did after taking a few music and film appreciation courses from George Mason and NVCC)
  18. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Loose-change-american-coup_.jpg/220px-Loose-change-american-coup_.jpg 911 documentary Loose Change. Interesting, but not very credible IMO.
  19. Thanks. Awful way to leave this world - getting attacked and killed by any shark, but especially a Great White.
  20. I have not seen that yet and will check it out. The Reef is hard to beat though for realism IMO.
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