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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. I don't see the point of a soft Brexit - you still have to follow the EU's laws and regulations, but now you don't get to vote on them ?
  2. Tunnels are really expensive. There's no way building a tunnel all the way from NY to DC is going to be cost effective
  3. Why the worry? Did you have any alcohol, tobacco, or firearms on you?
  4. I know this is a bit late, but I never knew Ned Flanders played for the Lakers
  5. Just saw it. Without revealing too much, my basic review is a "meh". Alot of recycled plot devices/themes from previous installments, without really adding anything unique to the series. I would have rather waited for the $4 instant video rental, than shelling out the $14 in the theaters.
  6. Did the Socialist party actually win any constituencies or is that just dirt on my screen?
  7. Hasn't posted since January, but apparently he's still lurking as it said he visited a few hours ago
  8. Confused me as well, although Northern Ireland did vote to remain 55%, I don't know if that would push enough people towards unification. As per the Good Friday Agreement, the UK should allow for a referedum to be called in Northern Ireland which would honor a simple majority deciding to leave. Ironically it should be easier for N Ireland to leave than Scotland. Apparently a substantial majority in N Ireland wants to remain in the UK, otherwise you would have Sinn Fein among others calling for this referedum long ago. I can't find any poll numbers either before or after Brexit though. Personally if I was in Scotland or N Ireland and supported remaining in the EU while considering voting for leaving the UK, I would wait until the dust settles wrt France and the Netherlands. If there was a Frexit or a Netherexit (ok that last one is silly), the whole EU might implode making a reunification for the sole purpose of remaining in the EU moot.
  9. I thought the First Order was just a rebranding of the Empire. Which kind of makes sense if you lose a war. Kind of like how Germany used to be known as Prussia, or the breakup of the Soviet Union
  10. Which is why I liked Finn more than any other character. He was the only character that wasn't just a rehash character from previous movies. My pet theory is he was fanservice to Kyle Kataran (or possibly Crix Nadine, who was also an imperial defector but had a really minor role in the movies) Rogue One's characters on the other hand, mostly stunk. Except for Churri (sp?) and his wingman whose name I can't remember, who didn't even get that much screen time but were far more interesting than the "main" characters.
  11. I don't think it matters one way or another. Nothing is going to prevent the US and UK from trading with one another after the Brexit. A stronger dollar vs the pound is just going to mean the UKs exports will be cheaper for US customers, while US exports will be more expensive for those in the UK. Of course this is going to hurt companies who export to the UK, but don't really consume UK goods (for example, Apple). However, it helps companies and individuals who do alot of importing from the UK, but little of any exporting to the UK. Offhand, I can't think of any companies like this, but according to US census, these do exist to the tune of $57 billion per year (vs $56 billion for exports) https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/highlights/top/top1512yr.html, so its probably a wash As for the UK's "voice" in the EU, can you give an example where it has advanced US interests in the EU? I can give at least one non-example, with the that GMOs, which the UK seems about as opposed as most other EU countries
  12. The referedum was never binding. Even if it was, the court is now basically saying, that Parliament can't be bound by anyone (even itself), so it would be moot.
  13. Finished Luke Cage this weekend. Great acting. I thought the plot was a bit flimsy. Cottonmonth didn't do it for me as a villain. He was just your everday two bit ganster, granted a successful one. Another problem is that Cage's opponents were zero match for him, because of his superpowers. Except Daredevil is the best of the Netflix Marvel series because of its villains, although Cage may have slightly better supporting roles. Honestly I don't want to see Daredevil or Punisher "team up" Luke Cage / Jessica Jones. He would have nothing to do. Part of the reason why I didn't like Batman vs. Superman, not to the mention Flash/Arrow crossovers
  14. This would be like Ovechkin joining the Penguins
  15. Maybe he can immigrate to the US and join our team :-)
  16. The Euro is good for German exporters. Maybe not so good (long term) for Germany/EU bankers :-) http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/ben-bernanke/posts/2015/04/03-germany-trade-surplus-problem
  17. I came across a pretty rational case for Brexit here There is also 'Brexit - the movie' although that is a bit more sensationalistic. Haven't found anything comparable for the 'Remain' side.
  18. Best, funniest and quickest explanation of the UK:
  19. Who get representation in the legislature, which actually serves a role beyond simply 'advisory' (well, except D.C.). And who can vote for the President
  20. For those in the US who think those who voted for Brexit are foolis: how would you like a "North American Union", headquartered in say, Ontario, run by unelected bureaucrats that can effectively make US law?
  21. I swear by brining chicken. I've tried it a couple times where I've not brined, and the brined is vastly superior. Whenever I eat chicken at someone elses place, who 95% of them don't brine, it tastes bland and woody and I secrely think to myself my chicken kicks their butt six ways from Sunday.
  22. I thought Boba Fett survived the Sarlacac pit...
  23. Benico Del Toro: I said he'll force choke you, force choke you for real ... Give me the ****ing droids, you ****sucker, what the ****?
  24. Only thing I thought that was lame about Jessica Jones is
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