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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. Don't be too sure that you couldn't do it. Historically I have had absolutely zero green thumb. I killed most things I tried to grow. I think the biggest difference this time is that I actually am very interested in it and I'm doing everything I can to research, learn and get it right. A bit of foresight and preparation goes a long way and I never really did that when I've tried to grow things in the past. It's also self-reinforcing. Once you get a seed and nurse it as it grows into a full plant you're much more invested in it and you have a real connection to it, whereas if you just grab a flower at a store and bring it home, there isn't really that same attachment. This is all just IMO of course. In VA you can get it from anyone who has it or grows, as long as you don't pay for it (and it's an ounce or under). If you're ever up in NOVA let me know and I'll give you some of what I've grown by that point. Whoah, I didn't realize that DC dispensaries would sell to out of state medical card carriers. I've actually been thinking about getting one in VA for a couple of conditions but it didn't seem worth it since the selection here is super limited. But now that opens up a whole new realm so I'll revisit it.
  2. When did I say if Brady loses it was his D's fault? Our defense played well and Brady played poorly against them. That has nothing to do with Tampa's defense and I never said it did. I just said that Brady doesn't play defense so it's pointless to say that Heinicke "beat Brady" as if it means something when talking about the two QBs. Then you claimed that we lost most of our games because of our defense, but that's objectively nonsense because while our defense has definitely played poorly at times, they did hold KC, GB and Denver to their season average points scored or lower, but our offense never showed up, scoring an average of 11 points in those games. That's not going to get it done against many teams, especially ones like KC and GB who have high powered offenses.
  3. There's no way you're being serious, right? You're pulling my leg. I get it.
  4. It was our defense that caused our offense to score an average of 11 points over the previous three games, including one against the worst defense in the NFL?
  5. Why are some people seemingly addicted to saying Heinicke "beat" Brady? Tom Brady doesn't play defense. Heinicke didn't "beat Brady". He had a better day vs Tampa's defense than Brady had against ours. There have been plenty of QBs who had good games against the defense of a team that had an elite QB. That doesn't mean he's better than the other team's QB. Sheesh you guys.
  6. Yeah Pickett has looked a bit more rough around the edges in the second half so far. Edit: holy crap, nevermind. That was a ballsy throw on 4th and 1.
  7. It's quite possible that the Lions will take a QB, but I think it's also possible that they'll go in a different direction. Goff certainly hasn't been good, but that entire team is a dumpster fire from top to bottom. Goff isn't the main reason they're losing. They also have a ton of money tied up in him; it won't be until after 2022 that they can cut ties with him without taking a big dead cap hit. If there were a Luck or Lawrence level QB in this class, or even one that was head and shoulders above the rest, i think they'd definitely do it. But as it is, that's not the case. I'm guessing they're probably somewhat resigned to being a bad team for a few years while they rebuild. QB is the most important position, but reaching big time for one with the 1st overall pick might not be the best idea. And IMO any of these QBs taken #1 overall is a huge reach. As far as this class, I've mostly been watching Pickett so far. He's looked pretty good. Very solid. Nothing crazy or spectabular but he's a good decision maker, is accurate, and gets the ball to the right guy most of the time. He actually does remind me a lot of Mac Jones in several ways, though he's a much better scrambler.
  8. Thanks! Yeah should be about another 4 weeks I'm guessing before they're ready to be chopped. Hoping for a decent size harvest but it's my first grow so I'll mostly just be happy if the quality is good. The smell is nice: a bit earthy and a bit floral but pretty subdued. I was curious about it and it seems NL does tend to be a very low odor strain. It was actually more pungent during veg than it is in flower. I just got some Creme de la Chem and Samsquanch OG from Mephisto Genetics and apparently either of those could make an entire 5,000 square foot house smell so I'll need to make sure I get a brand new carbon filter for my fan for the next grow. How are your ladies doing?
  9. Thanks, but I think @Fresh8686has much better pics than mine.
  10. You act like I'm telling him he can't be a doctor when he grows up or something. It's not "harming" me, but it's just pointless to keep talking about it over and over. It's not part of a real QB discussion because it's not going to happen. I'd prefer talking about actual realistic scenarios instead of ones straight out of la-la land. Maybe we should have a separate thread called "The Unrealistic QB Dream Scenario Thread" and people can talk about getting Wilson or what would happen if the Chiefs offered to trade Mahomes to us.
  11. A little over 6 weeks in and starting to get the first bit of frost.
  12. Yeah I use it occasionally to follow people I find interesting (scientists, writers, some comedians, etc) but beyond that I usually tend to stay away. It truly is a cesspool nowadays. It absolutely is one of the primary weapons for spreading misinformation nowadays and they're not doing much at all to stop it because it could interfere with their bottom line. IMO they should either clean that **** up completely or be labeled a public health hazard and treated as such.
  13. Got my Pfizer booster yesterday. Couple of mild symptoms but nothing too bad.
  14. Watson has a no-trade clause in his contract so he isn't coming here unless he actually wants to come here. IIRC there was a short list of teams he would accept that was leaked last year and we definitely weren't on it. Most players don't want to come here. Watson isn't coming here. We really should stop with this pipe dream and focus on reality.
  15. It's not so much a "disagree or agree" thing. Most mocks have him as a fringe 1st rounder or closer to the middle sometimes. I'm not expressing an opinion on him, just talking about what's out there now. At this point Burrow was widely being mocked near the top of the draft already. I get that you really like Pickett (I like him too) but I think you might be letting that get in the way of what's currently out there.
  16. Burrow was absolutely in the conversation as a top 5 pick at this point. Pickett isn't even universally seen as a 1st rounder. To go top 5 he'd have to leapfrog Corall, Willis and possibly Howell as well as convince people he's a blue chip prospect and I don't see any reason to believe that's going to happen.
  17. I'd be absolutely shocked if Pickett ends up being a top 5 pick. I think Corral and Willis will almost certainly go before him and neither of them are surefire top 5 picks. Most mocks have Pickett as a fringe 1st rounder. That's how most viewed Mac Jones as well at this point and he managed to increase his stock to being a mid 1st rounder. I can see Pickett potentially following that same trajectory and ending up going in the mid 1st, though he'll still have to beat out Howell for that 3rd spot IMO.
  18. It's always possible that Pickett could end up being taken high in the 1st but I doubt it. I think he's more likely to be a mid 1st like Mac.
  19. I think Willis is the only guy in this class with a NFL elite level cannon. Most of the other guys have good but not elite arms. From my top 5: Corral : NFL + Howell : NFL + Pickett : NFL average Willis : NFL excellent, possibly NFL elite Ridder : NFL +
  20. There's about a .0001% chance that Russell Wilson will be a FA before the age of 40. He's under contract until 2024 and if he decides he'd like to go elsewhere after this contract, at the very least the Seahawks would franchise and trade him...probably for two 1st round picks. Even if something absolutely bizarre happened and Wilson became a FA after 2023 then Ron would be going into the 5th year of his 5 year contract. He's not going to wait until then to try and find his franchise QB. I get the draw of getting Rodgers or Wilson, but it's not going to happen. IMO we should really move on to more realistic scenarios.
  21. I really do like Pickett and I'd probably say he and Howell are both pretty much even for me. I don't think the hand size thing is a disqualifier, but it does worry me a bit. 8 1/4 inch hands is absolutely tiny for an NFL QB. He'd likely have the smallest hands of any starting QB in the league. And it obviously is something that's an issue to him now, otherwise he wouldn't need to reportedly wear 2 sets of gloves on his throwing hand. The ball in the NFL is bigger than in college too, so I'm curious how much of an effect that could have on him. Ridder is partially an upside pick. He's got a ton of talent but needs to get more consistent with his accuracy. I do like Strong but I also feel the same way about him...just can't really seem to figure him out. He'll make an amazing play and then follow it up with a head scratcher. Willis is a pure upside pick but I still am not convinced that we'd be a good landing spot for him for multiple reasons.
  22. Again, it's a tiny number. It's corner cases. Its easy to make something high bandwidth low latency when you have a very small number of users testing it. And the physics is the physics. It's simple line of sight. In order to keep up the bandwidth you'd have to have enough satellites in orbit to have x number over the continental US at all times in order to provide y amount of bandwidth. For the amount of bandwidth he's promising it would be an absurdly large number. His solar roof tiles are now widespread commercial successes? Is that why he was sued over it? So you hop in your car and tell it where to go and don't do anything? Of course not. But that's what he's been promising for over a decade. Again, he either doesn't understand what it takes to make a truly autonomous vehicle or he's just been lying. He's a smart guy so I'm guessing it's the latter.
  23. I don't really "hate" him. As I mentioned I do really like the way he thinks about problems and engineering. But at the same time I dislike it when people essentially sell vaporware. I get the showman aspect of it and that's part of being an entrepreneur, but the way he goes about some of it irks me. So I have a bit of a love/hate relationship when it comes to Musk in general.
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