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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. Wow that makes Star Trek look really ghey.
  2. If you look really closely you can read what the back of his jacket says, took me a few times to catch it. "I am a volcano scientist if you see me running try and keep up."
  3. While admittedly a real Guinness draught is superior to a nitro can or bottle, it must be remembered that Guinness is in line with the Irish Dry Stout; from our friends over at beeradvocate.com http://beeradvocate.com/beer/style/162
  4. Ouch that's a huge difference! A dry Irish ale and a rip your face off hoppy train wreck blech! Not to rub it in or anything but I was unpacking from my DC trip and found a Guinness nitro can that my cousin had slipped into the trunk of my car.
  5. Dangit man wash your feet!!! That didn't happen over night! ACK!!
  6. Ok, how did you turn this vid into your sig. I've been looking for a good way to do this but I haven't found exactly the right one yet.
  7. One can only hope that she was the witch ringleader on the squad. That had to have stung though.
  8. This response had my side splitting. "Random Ex-Boxer gained 1337 exp. Level up! 41" Ding!
  9. ^^Bah I call fake on that one, No way that's really Darth Vader; you can clearly tell that's not a real light saber but instead one of the collapsible toys you can buy at Wal-Mart. jeesh.
  10. I can't help but notice that its a Siemen's as well.
  11. Nope...thought never crossed my mind.....
  12. No I haven't tried the #10 yet, but if it in keeping with these two Trappistes then I doubt you'll be able to go wrong with it.
  13. They say it is notoriously hard to find, as the #6 represents only 1% of the Trappistes brewing, but my local store seems to have it whenever I'm in there.
  14. B+ or an A. Trappistes Rochefort #8 Appearance: Cloudy caramel color, lots of fine sediment, ivory colored head of moderate density, head built quickly and dissipated slowly. Not a lot of apparent effervescence, sediment hangs in the brew instead of falling to the bottom of the glass. Very cloudy, I can't tell if its the brew that is blocking the light or the sediment I'm thinking maybe both. Aroma: Not a lot of strong smells, but the first wiff had some nice sweet hints, after swirling you can get the malts, but still not really strong like an Imperial Stout. Taste: Complex; some spices that are not hops but it has a nice balance of malts, with some hoppy bitterness on the back of the tongue. Hints of sweetness like light vanilla or banana. No apparent alcohol taste. Aftertaste is mostly malts with some woodiness. Mouthfeel: Medium body a nice balance between an Irish Ale and an Imperial Stout. More effervescent than I was expecting, some light sweet fruitiness that hangs as well. Overall Impressions: It was good, but quite honestly I'd rather have the #6. I was kinda disappointed because of how much I really liked the #6, this is still a very fine brew, you can taste the complexities in the brew which really shows how much work goes into the brew, but give me the #6.
  15. No doubt, your imagination immediately starts answering the question "why are they there?" just before your mind realizes that you totally DO NOT want to know!
  16. Tonight I'm putting down the Trappistes Rochefort #8, its been in the fridge for about 2 weeks and tonight is the night. I've been looking forward to this brew for a long time now. Notes will follow.
  17. Dang Unsonny, you have proved once again why you are the master at this game some of those are simply epic. Although I'm still trying to figure out why that dog has a flower up its butt.
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