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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. Yeah, the fact that you can't figure it out is what proves you have issues. Frankly, I don't believe you haven't watched the video, and if you truly didn't watch the video and yet still posted the video about a person getting murdered then...yeah...you have serious issues.. BTW, Doyler plz remove the link in the quote from your post #13574...or plz mods delete it.
  2. Well at least you didn't waste any good beer. :pfft:
  3. I can't wait for Sam's Winter Lager. This year I'll not make the same mistake I made last year. I'm buying a couple of cases of Winter Lager before they stop brewing it for the season. Gotta have some to store for the summer.
  4. A- Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Appearance: a nice rustic gold, light pour very slight head that dissipates quickly but the carbonation forces a continual layer. Very clear, but not as light colored as I as expecting. The bottle mentions a yeast layer and other reviews mention a bit of cloudiness, but I noticed none of these things. Smell: swirled in the glass, noticeable florals, and well pronounced hops, a bit of sweetness with a very light malt. This is a very good smelling brew that stings the nostrils slightly, a well balanced aroma with little to no astringency. Taste: mild bitterness from beginning to end, but nothing offensive. You can taste the hops flowery taste, but the bitterness is about the only consistent taste. The taste is not overly complex, but still enough to keep your tongue working throughout each mouthful. Mouthfeel: light bodied dry brew that leaves your mouth very clean and dry. The carbonation is apparent, but it's not so heavy that you end up with puffy cheeks when rolling the brew on your tongue. The feel is quite refreshing, with no alcohol burn. Drinkability: Very drinkable, not a heavy brew, refreshing. I could imagine drinking this around a campfire or while watching a football game.
  5. Mine was, "Go down! Go down! Go down! GO DOWN!! Wha?....ugh....":doh:
  6. I think that people simply don't know what they are missing if they have never had a dark beer; the rich malts, chocolates, coffees, fruits, caramels gotta love them all with the medium and full bodied feel.
  7. Ok, Dos Equis Amber No need for a real review here, just get a Sam Adam's Boston Lager take away some of the polish and a bit of the bitterness and you have a Dos Equis Amber. That's it. Seriously though it's a good beer for your dinner if you can't get a Boston Lager.
  8. Built myself a 6er last night: Sam Adam's Imperial Stout (a repeat but I like it) Fuller's London Porter Dos Equis XX Amber Lager Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (for a change) BBC Bourbon Barrel Stout (not the Jefferson's Reserve Stout) With the exception of the Imperial these are all first timers and reviews will follow.
  9. Newcastle is a good brew about on par with Sam Adam's Boston Lager...get them on tap if you can (avoids the clear bottles). Guinness draught dry, light bodied feel without the ripping hops of the Extra Stout. Smithwicks is a good dark(er) ale with a smooth flavor easily handled by those new to dark brews. If you're going to get into dark brews you have to start playing with the stouts, if you do you will have entered a whole new world of flavors you never thought possible in a brew...say good bye to the yellow water. I suggest a reading through this thread, and a tour of beeradvocate.com.
  10. Ok...the F-bomb is right on the first frame of that video in full view.
  11. Something different? Hmmm... Are you looking for a beer you can stand around with your buddies and chat with, a beer to go with a meal, or something you can really get into? Buddy beer: something fairly light and easy to drink, notice I did not say lite beer. Blue Moon Guinness Draught (defininetly NOT Extra Stout) get the nitro can you get more than the bottle. And truly you cannot go wrong with a Samuel Adam's Boston Lager Meal beer: I prefer something smooth and malty Smithwicks Sam's Boston Lager, or Winter Lager (if you can find it they don't brew it again for awhile) BBC Jefferson's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout...yumm yumm Sit down and enjoy brews: these are my grade A brews. Young's Double Chocolate Stout Trappistes Rochfort #6...this will be hard to find and it will be $10 per bottle if you can find it....but like a pirate's treasure it is worth the search. Samuel Adams Imperial Stout
  12. I lived in Pasco County, Florida for three years, and I can assure you that this is not atypical.
  13. That has a profanity filter by-pass in it, you'll want to fix or remove.
  14. -9JcOZlMlLY this is just so cruel that it's funny......
  15. Oh wow Tosh might have to devote an entire episode. I love how he's all very native, then his anglo wife walks in and totally blows the whole thing.
  16. It's God's version of a "pinky swear". Is there really any redemption after that? BTW I love the autotune version.
  17. LOL...oh man I wish there was a youtube video of that guy. BTW, it means that God promised to never destroy the Earth with a flood, but after watching that video even God is saying, "Sheesh dude get a grip!"
  18. That guy must be a real joy to live with. shopper: "What gives you the right?" owner: "Uhhh, the fact that I own the place, that's what."
  19. Yeah, I was actually surprised at how much the head built on the 10. I'm thinking about picking up the 8 and 10 again and this time aging them about a year, the tasting notes for them say that at about a year the carbonation drops off making them much smoother.
  20. Ok, I've now tried all three and my favorite is definitely the #6, the #10 is good and I would rate it on par with the #8, but for me I'm going back to the #6 and I'm really glad I picked a #6 up when I grabbed the #10. Appearance 4.5: dark caramel coloring, moderate particulate floating, head builds quickly with a medium to light density even with a fairly soft pour. The head is ivory white and fades to a thin layer fairly quickly. The brew is cloudy and only allows light to penetrate on the edges, something I would expect from a stout more than a Belgian Ale. The brew looks to have at least a moderate level of carbonation. Little to no lacing on my glass. Smell 4: light spices, some fruity sweetness, maybe mild bananas or raisins Taste 4.5: very fruity but not heavy, floral hops with a light bitterness. Not a real present malt flavor. Flows on the tongue smoothly then begins to tingle with the carbonation. The floral hops is really the dominant flavor, but it finishes with a flash of mild fruits that were evident in the aroma. A tinge of hoppy bitterness at the finish. Well balanced favoring the floral hops but not over powering. Mouthfeel 4: medium carbonation, medium body, smooth in the mouth and on the tongue, tingly with the carbonation. Drinkability 4.5: Not a session beer by any stretch, but certainly drinkable as an even sit down brew, I don't think I'd have this with a meal. I can definitely feel the alcohol warming, and I certainly wouldn't get behind the wheel right now.
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