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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. I believe that qualifies as circumventing the profanity filters, please don't get this thread shut down.
  2. Nice write up double. Couple questions: 1) what about the mouthfeel; full bodied, dry, thick, syrup, thin, carbonation. 2) What level of hoppiness would you say it had on a scale of 1-10 Arrogant being 9-10 and Trappistes #8 being 2 or 3?
  3. Nice write up double, sounds like I'd like the first part but that finish...mmm...that's the kinda stuff I try to avoid I really can't go for the bitter beer face stuff, I like the smooth rich brews that don't hurt me when I drink them. Thanks for the warning.
  4. I'll be looking into this one, but wow that bottle is big for a 10+% brew. Drinking that thing would be the equivalent of 4 average beers. http://www.findstonebeer.com/
  5. I regret putting off trying it for so long. I kept reading reviews and style descriptions about how strong it was because it aged a lot during the shipment to Russia etc, and I kept thinking it was going to have that rip your face off hoppy bitterness, so one day I was walking by and thought...OK fine I'll give it a shot and wow was I thrilled to be so surprised. It is certainly not a brew I'd sit down with every night, but I don't believe its quality can be doubted.
  6. Same here, I've only been drinking beer since last summer, prior to that I only had sips of domestics as a teen. I always thought that beer was supposed to taste bitter and nasty, but then I decided to give it a try after I graduated. Lo and behold I found that I really like these modern craft brews, and some of the historic brews like the Trappistes. The domestic macros still taste nasty and I'm not sure why anyone drinks them. :whoknows: For me some of my favs are: Trappistes #6 Sam Adams Imperial Stout; this is what defines the word stout for me. Young's Double Chocolate Stout Jefferson Reserve Stout by Kentucky Brewing Company For an evening dinner my favs are: Sam Adams Winter Lager Sam Adams Boston Lager Guinness Stout
  7. IMO the #6 is a smoother brew with less carbonation, definitely an A/A+ brew and one of my favorites there are only two or three that even come close to it for me. But, it is the hardest one of the three to get, I think their website says that the #6 is about 1% of their brews. Yep 1%. http://users.telenet.be/gerritvdb/rochefort/English/RochefortIndex.htm
  8. Nice review of the #8, and very much what I found with mine too (I think the review is a couple pages back). Have you tried the #6? Personally for me the #6 is the better of the two, I can't comment on the #10 yet but it will soon be mine.
  9. I think my all time fav has to be the mob of furries chasing the guy down the street...that was hilarious!
  10. Some NSFW language in some of those, might want to put that in your post. "Follow me."
  11. Yeah lady yell at it that'll help. You know what we call cats like that in Kentucky? Target practice.
  12. Yeah, I know I thought about not writing anything up but I've been pretty consistent with reviewing any new brews I try and I figured it was time that I give Corona a test run, I can see this on a hot summer day at a cook out or something where I don't want to really think about what I'm drinking maybe at a tailgate or something. I am glad I went with the Corona Extra because I simply cannot imagine how watery a Corona Light would be, I might as well drink Desani.
  13. Not exactly adventuresome tonight. Corona Extra D+ This is my first Corona experience. Appearance: light clear gold, poured thin, fairly light head dissipates quickly. Smell: Spicy barely hops. Taste: light spice, fairly pleasant, not nearly as hoppy as I was expecting based on the smell. Not a whole lot going on with this brew, fairly one dimensional with some light bitterness at the finish. Some very mild after-taste but nothing abusive or annoying. Mouthfeel: thin, medium carbonation, leaves the mouth dry. Drinkability: I now know why this is a session beer for so many, its light and drinkable with little to no alcohol taste or burn. Still not sure why people put a lime in it though.
  14. So glad Benny Hinn has been nearly entirely discredited.
  15. ^^^ oh well that sign is certainly not helpful. lol
  16. Insanity defined: repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different result.
  17. Ok this is funny, no head's up, just enjoy....oh you might want to swallow first.
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