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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. I was watching one of the World Cup games when one of the announcers mentioned that the AP was reporting that vuvuzelas were officially banned from Wimbledon. LOL http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/tennis/wimbledon/7834031/Vuvuzelas-banned-from-Wimbledon-by-All-England-Club.html
  2. And that's why my wife is not allowed to operate the remote control. If that were one of us you'd see a thread pop up here titled, "Flatscreen TV question; keeps turning off during game!"
  3. I love arguments that are settled without saying a word.
  4. I love the part when Matt Damon's character plugs his ear and has to leave to room in order to talk on the phone. LOL
  5. I feel I must apologize, I promised a review of Trappistes Rochfort #10 the other night, but it seems that I've come down with a sinus infection and as such my sense of smell and taste are really limited right now, so it's Boston Lager for me until this clears up.
  6. Tonight I taste and review the #10...I'm looking forward to it.
  7. They're about $5.50 each for a 12oz. Not too bad considering you pay $5 for a Guinness at a restaurant. As for being lucky, you bet, the beer garden there is really amazing, and whenever I want to try something new I go there. The store is grocery store sized, and the craft beer fills one side of a whole isle that's about 5 shelves high. Then there is the macro-cases in the middle of the isle and on the other side you have a healthy portion of Sam's selections with some other mid sized company brews (Corona, Dos Equis etc), not to mention a large regional brew selection. They've yet to let me down.
  8. The Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY. They carry all three, and there has only been one time that I can remember that one was sold out on their shelves. It's funny because apparently the #6 is supposed to be the hardest to find, but I get it easily. They even carry a pint bottle of the #10 but it wasn't on the shelf yesterday.
  9. Landed some Trappistes Rochfort #10 today, and I had to revisit the #6 as well, also picked up a four pack of Young's Double Chocolate Stout in the nitro can, not tap but certainly worth the time. BTW, does anyone know of any restaurant chains that serve a real Guinness on tap, and not the nitro-tap. One that practices the Guinness perfect pour would be appreciated. I know The Pub (London themed) does it, but ours is 45 minutes plus away and my wife doesn't like driving in the Lexington traffic, so a pint is out of the question.
  10. From the Owned thread, there was a video about grabbing a dog's muzzle or something. BTW, I searched for this thread when the post was made and couldn't find it, glad someone found it.
  11. My fav is, "I'm gonna call mah daddy!!" I remember watching that episode with my wife and we both lost it laughing at that goof ball.
  12. One of these days someone is gonna have to explain to me what is wrong with the modern Japanese culture. I mean really...what is with that goose thing?
  13. ^^^ok that's just creepy on so many different levels.
  14. "Warning: Do Not Leave Pumps Unattended You Are Responsible For Spills" :whoknows:
  15. Seems that this description alone should be cause to worry about the beer.:pfft: Yep, sometimes when they just don't understand you have to take matters into your own hands.
  16. Just got back from Eddie Montgomery's restaurant where they had Sam Adams Boston Lager on tap...I remember now why it is one of my favorite brews out there, nice mellow malts, smooth all the way around and a fantastic finish just about a perfect beer, and at $5 for a 22oz glass you simply can't go wrong.
  17. It's the part of the government that keeps screwing you out of a refund each year.
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