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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. lol someone needs to work on his neck muscles. Score Card: Definition: 5 Mass: 4 Balance:-10
  2. I'm Lovin' It! :paranoid: :doh: You know, if marketers would take half a second and run their "brilliant" ideas past a group of jr. high school boys, they'd truly save themselves a lot of embarrassment; either that or just they could post them here for us...same difference.
  3. If it's a shop I can't spot it. Here's the full slideshow. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/23/the-13-weirdest-places-pe_n_574934.html#s90087
  4. Ok, where is the "taken out of context" thread?
  5. dang that bullfighting gif needs a warning....seriously that's nasty...put a warning on that thing.
  6. Gee...why's your tat all jacked up? Bah..the tattoo artist sucked....
  7. I was dying at about 1:58 when he just kept repeatedly went bang...bang...bang...bang... that killed me!
  8. That video has language in it that by-passes the profanity filter.
  9. In his defense that song ROCKED!!! Although the "Whirling Dervish" part was probably a bit over the top.
  10. No kidding right, it's like that is the most natural thing in the world to her.
  11. OMGness that wedding DJ!! You have got to be kidding me, who actually does that?!
  12. Sorry that eharmony rejected your application China. Not sure but that might be a profanity filter issue. nope, nevermind.
  13. Awesome...not one but TWO guitar heroes!!
  14. LOL, I didn't even notice her...wow, there is a lot going on in that pic.
  15. Ok, the dude in the soccer pic looks like he's laughing at the girl who fell...classy. And what is going on in the knife throw pic? I'm usually pretty good at finding the humor in stuff, maybe I'm slacking lately. :whoknows:
  16. Desani. I only drink at night when I know I won't be driving at all. But, my go to evening brew is a Sam Adams Boston Lager, and in the wintertime it is the Sam Adams Winter Lager.
  17. You're right GoSkins, there is nothing wrong with drinking Corona, just don't mistake it for beer, Desani maybe but not beer.
  18. That's my question as well, why Mexican beer as opposed to a nice imported or domestic craft beer? There are so many great beers out there why would you settle for what is in essence a macrobrew? I wouldn't start out with the best beer ever, but I'd certainly start with something that has some quality.
  19. Indeed, if you want a thin, stinky beer with little to no complexity and or flavor then by all means get some Corona.:pfft:
  20. The kid is good, but what was funny about the girls in the background? I guess I missed it.
  21. ouch.........that hurt watching it big time.
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