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Everything posted by CRobi21

  1. Classic postseason Kershlol
  2. I've been over CY for quite some time now. He was the #2 overall pick! I couldn't give a **** about his pressures, hurries and win rates when guys like Khalil Mack had a 5 SACK game last week. That's a what I thought we were getting. A complete game wrecker on defense. Hope he continues these "almost" plays so it drives up his trade value.
  3. Anyone see Wade Phillips notice our OL tipping plays last night?
  4. On the field decisions and results aside, has any draft pick in the Riv-era had a consistent impact? There's been flashes here and there, but no sustained contributers. Just all around awful stretch of drafting. Chalk it up to remnants of the Snyder era. Josh needs to nail his first round of front office hires and get some good talent evaluators in here.
  5. Jesus Christ the Taylor swift obsession by the NFL (and anyone else) is very confusing/annoying/all the Ings.
  6. Just recently started replaying them. First one is great. The atmosphere of an abandoned NYC they built is incredible. I remember back when it first came out being bummed by the RPG aspect of the game. Enemies being bullet sponges when you're a low level with weak weapons and equipment was very annoying. But it made grinding side missions and unlocking better gear more enjoyable. Great storyline and campaign. Touched the multiplayer a few times with friends, but that felt unpolished. I'm in the middle of D2 right now, but as mentioned above it's not as enjoyable as the first.
  7. I like that #5 TE/HB for Colorado St. Runs very well after the catch
  8. That was scary. Seemed to settle in after the first inning until giving up that homer. Command still a big issue for him
  9. https://x.com/hbgsenators/status/1701739687356801471?s=46 Pinckney checks in with first AA hit
  10. Called an ankle injury https://x.com/tompelissero/status/1701393712335499547?s=46
  11. Rodgers left foot got caught in the ground while his body fell forward. Could be like a hyperextension or achilles
  12. Where's heights? I'd take all my male relatives to a gay bar to tell them I love them, while rubbing lotion on my friends back nude in the locker room before traveling up to extreme heights....
  13. Saw it mentioned somewhere, but the injury to Stone Garrett seemed to completely suck the wind right out of the team. Was a well liked/respected teammate. Team hasn't been the same since he went down.
  14. Is Brian Kelly the Doc Rivers of the CFB world?
  15. Anyone at the game? Grab me on of those giveaway mugs!
  16. Need to be combing the cut lists for LBs... There's bound to be an upgrade over what we have somewhere out there.
  17. Stupid new Twitter won't embed still. Nightengale and TalkNats saying Rizzo is staying put in DC. Expected to be announced soon. https://x.com/talknats/status/1695112617507921925?s=46
  18. https://x.com/barrysvrluga/status/1694134561217647019?s=46 Svrluga hinting that the Chisox may be making a run at Rizzo. They just fired their GM today. Rizzo is from Chicago. Rosenthal broke the news about Davey's extension and that Rizzo's was close behind. But there's been some delay since then. Maybe reaching. But still
  19. I was wondering if Vaquero was gonna get a call. Have been reading good things from him at FCL.
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