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Everything posted by Zguy28

  1. If you define something as X you are making a truth claim. Then you by necessity believe anybody who doesn't believe it is X is wrong. When I internet search racism, here is the first hit from Oxford Dictionary. This appears to be incorrect according to you. Is it? rac·ism [ˈrāˌsizəm] NOUN prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. One example of this is prejudging a black man to more likely to be a criminal than a white man.
  2. I wonder if it could be Hardiman? He got a 95-0 confirmation to his current bench. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/one-judge-on-trump-e2-80-99s-short-list-comes-recommended-by-the-president-e2-80-99s-sister/ar-AAzJDa4
  3. The tweet doesn't say she would adhere to that line of thought, only that if someone did, that is the logical path it would lead down. If anything, at least it shows she's not afraid to say what she thinks. And I think it does show she thinks carefully. You may not agree with her conclusion, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. I read the first few pages of the paper, and she seems to be making the case that it is harder for an Originist Congress person to support super precedents that may be unconstitutional than it is for a judge. This is because a Congress person is voting based on politics, not law theory or right and wrong. If a judge over turns SS for instance, there will be chaos, not order, so they may rule against their originalist belief to maintain social order. A politician however, they are beholden to the electorate, and their re-election will determine which way they go. Thus legislators may have a harder time maintaining that position. I don't have time to read it all though, so I could be wrong.
  4. I have to say, I thought it was every bit as good as the first movie. Michelle Pfeiffer looks beautiful for her age. It was funny too.
  5. That's how a lot of conservatives felt under Obama. It ebbs and flows. Western society also believed we were close to utopia in 1900, then WWI hit.
  6. Got my tickets for Ant-Man and the Wasp for tonight. I loved the first one.
  7. There are too many Democrats to let that happen, even in the minority. No way they could get 3/4 majority in favor. That's a Palpatine level feat. https://www.lexisnexis.com/constitution/amendments_howitsdone.asp
  8. I think he will nominate someone that will gain him the most personally. That may not be an obvious choice and could backfire. Especially with a lady like her who is associated with a groups whose people believe in a personal form of (non-government based) socialism. The People of Praise may not align personally with progressive dogmas on sexuality and marriage, but it doesn't seem to lack on compassion for others, including the poor and suffering. Now, if I could get a GOP congressman who has those qualities. Alas...
  9. Besides your prejudiced conservative stereotyping, is there evidence to support your implying its not a concern to her?
  10. Apparently that's just based on Mary's (mother of Jesus) quote in Luke, which originally used handmaid. It just means humble servant and I think in the context of this group it seems to mean servant-leader. Being a servant-leader is not a bad thing. I wish our President was one. As much as I disagreed with the previous two admins, at least Bush and Obama tried to be that according to their belief.
  11. What secretive group? I had not heard this. EDIT: found the info on "People of Praise." I'm a Reformed Baptist, so not real big on Roman Catholicism, but fearing that is like the people in 1960 fearing the Pope would control Jack Kennedy IMHO. https://heavy.com/news/2018/07/amy-coney-barrett-family-parents-father/
  12. Something like that. "If we can't kill them, let's strip away their citizenship and dump them over the wall. Just as good."
  13. "the perfect storm" Woman, young, Roman Catholic mother of seven, Scalia's former clerk. Kavanaugh is more moderate it seems. Knowing Trump, he will go with most offensive to Dems, then when it doesn't go well, falls back to Kavanaugh (his real choice?) and blames Dems at a rally and on Twitter. Art of the deal. Hard for him to lose.
  14. And then there were three... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-narrows-supreme-court-short-list-top-3-contenders-emerge-n888981
  15. That's a really alarming turn. A slippery slope to abuse in order to get rid of undesirables since they can't just purge them.
  16. Anybody have experience using Alternate ID and ADFS for Microsoft 365?
  17. Thank you Larry for the calming voice of reason. Sorry if my response a few minutes ago was toxic. I try hard to restrain myself from blasting, but sometimes I feel about abortion the way another poster feels about racial injustice and it gets the better of my good sense. Back on topic.
  18. I absolutely despise President Trump and all those things you list. My son is disabled! I only know of one thing he has done that I support and it had to do with naming a park in honor of MLK. You shouldn't be lecturing anybody on morals, when you've supported ripping babies from mother's wombs for 40+ years. #keepfamiliestogether applies to abortion too. At least be consistent.
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